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- This Isn't the First Attempt To Shift Cost to Employees
- What's Good for the VHA Is Not So Good for Medicare
- Move Over, ACOs. There’s a New Value-based Model in Town
- Will Palm-Size Computers Make Electronic Prescribing Happen?
- Meet capitation at least halfway
- A Tale of Two Doctors
- Creativity Required Equally In Short Run and Long Run
- Payor, Provider, Patient: Healthcare by Consensus
- FDA gears potential government shutdown
- Consumer Groups: WellChoice Funds Improperly Used
- Extenders' pay gains exceed physicians'
- CMS wrestles coverage issues car-t therapies
- Robert Goldberg's blog
- Clinton’s ‘Medicare for More’ Not Such an Easy Cure
- Payers, consumers benefit as patents expire
- Single-Payer Proposition Gets Close Second Look
- What the Devil Is Information Therapy?
- Premium growth to reach 7.1% by 2015
- Congress finally approves funding fight zika virus
- Silent PPOs Spur Doctor Push-Back
- Report seven day readmissions may be better indicator quality care 30 days post discharge
- Should Consumers Be Present On an HMO's Board of Directors?
- September 2013
- Seven design features that could improve P4P
- Past Issues of Managed Care magazine
- Research Articles from Managed Care
- Impulse Device Improves Long-Term Survival in Heart Failure Patients
- PCSK9 inhibitors on the way
- Managed Care Pharmacy
- Health Care Efficiency: Measuring the Cost Associated With Quality
- Digital Equipment Issues Detailed ‘Marching Orders' for its HMOs
- Study: Valium No Better Than Placebo for Lower Back Pain in the ED
- Insurers will find icatibant lifesaving but expensive treatment
- Briefly Noted
- More PBMs used for dispensing, utilization review
- NCQA Revises 6 HEDIS Measures
- One Insurer, One Think-Tank Issue Studies of High-Deductible Plans
- Social Determinants of Health: Stretching Health Care’s Job Description
- CBO Weighs Effect of Growing Deficit on Fed Programs
- How managed care affects hospitalization
- Angela Braly former CEO wellpoint
- Harvard researchers investigate adverse tiering
- Closing Dates for 2015
- Why Falsify Records When Anonymity Can Be Had in a Tested, Familiar Way?
- Texas Physician Quits as HHS Commissioner
- To get or to skip care? Coverage makes the difference
- Medicare's Transition To Managed Care
- Despite downturn, pharmacy jobs abound
- Drug pricing practices unethical retired jama editor says
- A Conversation with Jeff Goldsmith, PhD: Reform Opens the Door For Consumer-Oriented Market
- Effect of Removing Financial Barriers on Use of Long-acting Reversible Contraceptives
- Cyberbullying common devastating
- Specialty anti-inflammatories see huge increase in utilization
- Treating Psoriasis as a T-Cell Mediated Disease
- TennCare's Chief Says Fraud Threatens To Sink Program
- Medicare Failed To Recover Up To $125 Million In Overpayments, Records Show
- Legislation Shortens Members’ Waiting Time
- Heart Failure Treatment Gaps Costs Lives, Hikes Expenses
- Residents' Hours Decline, But Safety Doesn't Improve
- Payers Can Successfully Navigate Mergers and Acquisitions
- Self-Funded HMOs on the Rise
- Magazine’s Founder Hangs Up His Spurs
- Research Articles from Managed Care
- Positive Results Reported for Triple Combination Therapy in COPD Patients
- Use of multitier benefit designs increases
- Tracking Disparities in Care
- Primary care pay falls again
- Premier health plan exit ohio exchange
- Pioneer Not-for-Profit Plans Struggle to Remain Leaders
- 5 Big Plans Promise PHR Portability
- Trading Your Independence For a Guaranteed Salary
- FDA approves rituxan hycela subcutaneous injection certain blood cancers
- Proposal Would Limit Profit of Some California Plans
- The History and Future of Personalized Medicine
- As a killer, cancer catching up to heart disease
- Iphone and Apple Watch apps new tools medical research trade
- ‘Freeze the pay on specialists’
- Not-for-Profit Advocate Calls for Managerial Rigor
- Prime Therapeutics’ Clients See Only 2.5% Drug Spend Increase in 2016
- Virtual vs actual networks
- The March of the Boomers: Daily Armies of New Seniors Swell the Medicare Ranks
- Popular content
- PBMs, Medicare Advantage, Fraud Just Three Topics to Keep Track Of
- Drug Giants Turn to Leading Professors to Justify Hefty Price Tags
- Pharmacy Benefit Starts To Reflect Push for Consumer-Directed Care
- November 2001
- Treating Uterine Fibroids Using MR-Guided Ultrasound
- Real-World Evidence Not Quite Believable Enough
- DM Vendors Start To Address Costs Created by Comorbidities
- Study Shows Comparability of Biosimilar ABP 980 and Trastuzumab in Certain Breast Cancer Cases
- Tainted Scope Infections Exceed Earlier Estimates
- Simple compound could provide first new therapy myeloid leukemia 40 years
- Going on the Offensive Against Defensive Medicine
- Researchers analyze epidemiology fractures diabetes
- 5 Big Plans Promise PHR Portability
- Programs for high-need patients. What makes the good ones good?
- Military brings order to formulary system
- A Conversation with Larry Levitt: Finding The Trends In Health Care Chaos
- Can Self-Management Programs Ease Chronic Conditions?
- Stark II Wants Contribution Plan Installed Before Payment Period Begins
- Expensive New Biologic Helps Children Fight Hypophosphatasia
- We’ll Deal With Change in 2011
- Common antidepressants plus opioid reduces pain relief
- JCAHO's Oryx Initiative Links Outcomes with Accreditation
- Trouble for Hospitals & Health Plans In States That Nix Medicaid Expansion
- The latest blow to managed care?
- 10 most costly conditions in men and women
- Anthem cites sdoh offerings boost medicare advantage gains
- Study despite opioid concerns seniors often exit hospitals prescriptions
- A Conversation with Lee N. Newcomer, M.D.: Out of the Frying Pan Onto the Cutting Edge
- Healing Power of Color As Cheap as Coat of Paint
- Positive Phase 3 Results Reported for Sunitinib (Sutent) in Patients at Risk of Recurrent Renal Carcinoma
- Alzheimer's drug targeting soluble amyloid falls short trial
- Decline in cervical cancer death rate ends
- Survey: Only 20% of Americans Favor Obamacare Repeal Without Replacement Plan
- Association Health Plans High on Bush's '03 Agenda
- Injected Device Shown Effective in Reducing Fecal Incontinence
- Health Care Consumers Really Are Sensitive to Prices
- Incentives Are Good (Except When They’re Bad)
- FDA advisors recommend approval probuphine treat opioid addiction
- House Call Revival, Digital-Style
- A Conversation With Paul Wallace, MD: Reaping the Benefits of a Connected System
- Pioneer ACOs: Some Unhitch Wagons While Others Roll Over Rocky Terrain
- Give them what they want
- Stark II: Division of Profits Comes Under Closer Scrutiny
- Many PCPs Now Use Electronic Health Records
- When Is a Brand a Generic? In a Contract With a PBM
- Plans Use Narrow Networks in Exchanges; Public, Politicians Predictably Perturbed
- To Dent Soaring Drug Costs, States Turn to ‘Price-Gouging’ Laws
- Increasing lupus cases coincide with Benlysta approval
- The bigger they (MCOs) are, the better they'll do
- Hemophilia drug emicizumab succeeds phase 3 study
- DM trends you should know about industry evolving nice boost uncle sam
- Biosimilars Might Not Measure Up To Health Plan Expectations
- Two Accrediting Organizations Prepare To Issue DM Standards
- A Seer of Trump’s Coming Parses Repeal and Replace
- Study: Half of Elderly Colorectal Cancer Patients Receive Valueless Treatment
- Go West, young pharmacist
- Payers and Pharma Bridging Direct-to-Consumer Divide
- end it will be episode payment
- February 2003
- A New Model For Managing Care
- Medical, prescription drug cost rates to drop in 2005
- FDA Rejects Andexanet Alfa (AndexXa) for Reversal of Anticoagulation
- Little better all time it cant get more worse
- What Makes Harvard Pilgrim So Good?
- Research Articles from Managed Care
- Introducing the CHR, More Like a PHR Than an EMR
- African-Americans Die Younger Due to Heart Disease, Stroke
- Bundled Payments: Value in Bite Sizes
- Improved Adherence Highlights Specialty Pharmacy’s Potential
- Will Your State's Privacy Law Be Superseded by HIPAA?
- A conversation with James Sabin, MD: When Values Clash
- Cyber criminals targeting FTP servers compromise protected health information FBI warns
- Leading Through Contradictions
- Risk Pays Off Under HCFA's New Medicare Scheme
- Biggest Health Care Purchasers Bullish on Care Management
- How much return does that PhD provide?
- Mobile App Helps Members Find Docs
- States Trim What They Can to Restrain Medicaid Costs
- AMCP To Test New Guidelines For Formularies
- Vol. 6, No. 8 August 1997
- Many State Medicaid Agencies Use Financial Incentives To Boost Quality
- Provider Shortage Puts HMOs In Bind
- California Kaiser Physicians Face Longer Work Week
- Pfizer weighs strategic alternatives consumer healthcare business
- Just What the Devil Is Population-Based Care?
- Follow the Shrinking Managed Care Savings
- Harvard Pilgrim’s Patrick Cahill Tries To Make Sense of It All
- Archelle Georgiou MD's blog
- Episode-of-Care Payment Creates Clinical Advantages
- An Editor's Problem: How To Stay Humble
- Know These Five Things Before You're Capitated
- Selling The Electronic Patient Chart: A Conversation With Mark Leavitt, M.D., Ph.D.
- New guidelines blood thinning therapy
- Many More Medicaid Members — If the States Choose to Cooperate
- Rosy future for hepatitis C patients — and for payers (over the long haul)
- Value based contracting between insurers and drug companies faces tough hurdles
- Internet center stage technology conference
- May I Please See Some Identification?
- Letters to the Editor
- Administrative tasks related to managed care cost physician practices $31 billion per year
- When pressure's on, raises get better
- ACA’s MLR Rule Tough on Brokers
- MCO Works Hard to Integrate Specialty Pharma Operations
- Stark II Wants Contribution Plan Installed Before Payment Period Begins
- Plans & employers step up controls on specialty pharmacy
- Medicaid Wellness Programs Face Challenges
- Substantial Increase Seen in PPO Quality Reporting
- 2-dose varicella vaccination highly successful
- The Coming HIPAA Crisis
- AMA's Union Approval Raises Troubling Issues
- Have a Date With Surgery? PROMs Help Patients Decide
- Antiviral Cleared for All Six HCV Strains in Children
- Insurers to Face Financial Challenges
- Headlines On Deadline…
- Intraocular Lens Implants Can't Help But Catch the Eye
- Drug-induced diseases focus of pharmacy manual
- Former Governor Attacks Overhaul of Ky. Coverage
- Physician, HEDIS Thyself
- Price Hikes May Ease Pressure–Temporarily
- Medicaid DM To Get Boost From CMS
- Health Care Becoming a Commodity, Leading Corporate Executives Suggest
- Index of /archiveMC/9711
- Incentive Formularies Have Minimal Effect
- How We Got It Anyway: The Clinton Health Plan Never Died
- Don't Put Off Dealing With the ‘Millennium Bug'
- 2002
- Worker's Comp — Can Managed Care Fix It?
- A Conversation With David A. Fleming, MD: Medical Practices Struggle With Change
- When an implanted device is recalled, do you have a system to deal with it?
- Headlines on Deadline…
- Physician pay used boost quality
- Though Still a Priority, Reform May Take Back Seat as Privacy Issues Heat Up
- Past Issues of Managed Care magazine
- Drug-Eluting Stents To Transform Cardiovascular Medicine
- Health System Selects SNFs To Improve Overall Care
- Provider Association Litigation: Better Choice for Dispute Resolution?
- Physicians reconsider taking pharmacy risk
- Lower Dose of Clot-Busting Drug Reduces Brain Bleeding
- What Works Best for Patients? PCORI Hopes to Provide Answers
- Cannabis Medicinal
- Large PBMs Transform Old Business Models
- Orphan Drug Act Treatments Deserve Full Insurance Coverage
- What the Primary Care Physician Shortage Means for Health Plans
- Weighing future value based care you need scale
- Some Worry Quality Suffers In Move To Tier Physicians
- Cruzs plan to salvage health care replacement grabs
- “Nanobody” Medication Vobarilizumab Shows Promise in RA Patients
- PBMs: Criticized But Still Needed
- Addition of quinolones to hospital formularies changes pneumonia treatment
- Pay for Performance: Losing Mojo But Getting Props
- Improving Quality Starts With Changing the Culture
- Artificial Disc Now Available, But Is It Better Than Other Therapies?
- Who says zika vaccine trials may come too late
- A Conversation With Helen Darling: Large Employers’ Reform Agenda
- DM Standards Off and Crawling
- Company plans challenge FDAs rejection acromegaly drug
- UK: Health Care Policy Mayhem…and a Very Public Scandal
- Hospitals So Far Escape Blame in Health Care Debate
- NCQA Report Not Just About HEDIS Any More, Doctor
- New Guidelines on Lyme Disease
- Popular content
- Striving for Optimum Transitions of Care
- Pay for Performance Proceeds at Proper Pace
- U.S. Docs Outspend Ontario Physicians
- States Increasingly Mandate Special Autism Services
- Injectable Drug Program Saves Plan $28.5 Million
- Nurse practitioners can't do what primary care docs can do
- Florida’s MCO Medicaid Path May Be Taken by Other States
- 2017
- Perverse Incentives Abound, But Maybe We Can Control Them
- Cancer screening initiatives
- Prison accused of killing inmates slowly
- Want to Change Patients’ Behavior? Look to the Internet
- Many States Weigh Drug Benefit Cuts For Medicaid
- Kaiser Official Defends Decision To Launch HSAs
- Lowering Copayments Can Improve Quality of Chronic Disease Care
- Overdiagnosing Thyroid Cancer: What's in a name?
- Compensation Complaints: HMO Executives See Smaller Salary Increases
- Lung cancer drug bavituximab flops phase 3 study
- IOM: Workforce Diversity Lacking In Health Care
- Index of /archiveMC/9808
- Lung Cancer Drug Osimertinib (Tagrisso) Meets Primary Endpoint in Phase 3 Trial
- Medicare Gets Serious About Payment Cuts
- Study finds wearable sensors can tell when you're getting sick
- Hospital Board Members Trained on Blues’ Dime
- Value-based Health Care: One Patient's Experience and What Really Matters
- Physicians and Plans Can Get Along
- ‘The Best Is Yet To Come' Managed Care for Affluent Elderly?
- Deathwatch for AHCPR Ends As Funding Mandate Changes
- A Conversation With Dee W. Edington, PhD: Changing Culture To Support Wellness
- A P&T Snapshot of the Nation’s Progress Against Cancer
- N.H. Governor Proposes Bill To Curb Rising HMO Complaints
- Hospital Costs Soar For 10 Procedures
- Where Society Failed, Can Health Plans Succeed?
- medical informatics
- Index of /archiveMC/9711
- Has the Time Come for NCQA To Get Tough With HMOs?
- HealthIMPACT Midwest
- Mail Order Pharmacy Saves Money, Says PCMA, but at What Cost?
- Multibiomarker Test for Rheumatoid Arthritis Signals New Approach to Diagnosis
- The Nuka Way
- Ten Practical Pointers For Tracking HEDIS Data
- HIT Decisions Lie on the Horizon, But Savings Remain Elusive
- A pocket guide to conservative think tanks
- Amarin fish Oil drug shows dramatic results skeptics remain
- Clinical and Economic Effects of Coronary Restenosis After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in a Managed Care Population
- Research Articles from Managed Care
- EDs Getting Ready To Step Into Value-based Payment Waters
- ‘Will Prudent Layperson Please Report to the ER'
- Technology Curtails Health Care Fraud
- A Conversation With Peter Lee: Quality Concerns Ensure Consumers Will Gain Clout
- Not so fast judge says about cvs's purchase aetna
- Headlines on Deadline…
- California: Where the premium dollar goes
- One cancer survivor's struggle chemo brain
- P4P: Transitional at Best
- CMO pay raises averaged 9.9% in 2004–2005
- Evaporation of Retiree Benefits May Be Health Plan Opportunity
- Byte by Byte, Harvard Pilgrim Choked on Unhealthy IT Systems
- Alvimopan Hastens Recovery From Abdominal Surgery
- Guideline Clearinghouse Is Dead. Long Live the Guideline Clearinghouse?
- Scientists Treat Parkinson’s Disease With Brain Cell Transplants
- Peace of Mind Comes With a Price: The Battle Over Full-Body Scans
- Many Federal CER Projects Will Benefit Managed Care
- Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy: Cost Effective Pharmacologic Treatments
- Federally Negotiated Drug Prices Anticipated for Medicare Part D
- Kaiser’s EMR Push Pays Off
- Centene big medicaid managed care wants get even bigger
- Eyes on Medicare Program’s House Calls for Comorbid Patients
- Flight to Internet Implies HMOs Were ‘Last Big Thing'
- Medical Home Works For Group Health
- Index of /archives/0003
- Index of /archiveMC/9808
- Psychogenesis and Health Reform 2.0
- Index of /archives/0004
- Anti Cholesteremic
- Steven Peskin MD's blog
- July 1996
- Meaningful Use: Tasty Carrot or Big, Brutal Stick?
- Trust Should Be Thrust of Managed Care System
- Where housing can make big difference it's data analytics
- Study: Brentuximab May Be Curative in Some Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Patients
- Picking Up the Ball That Congress Dropped
- Examining costs of chronic conditions in a Medicaid population
- Physician Credentialing Upheld
- As PacifiCare Retrenches, Is Sale Next?
- Health Plans and Medicare Step Up To Eliminate Costly Variation
- Hospitals Bristle as MedPAC Warns of Controversial Billing Initiative
- Let their fingers do the walking through the health care system
- Primary Care in U.S. Vs. 9 Other Countries
- Two out of Three HMO Members Live in Large Metropolitan Areas
- How Patient-Centered Medical Homes May Change U.S. Medicine
- Medicare Expansion Steps Into the Political Limelight
- How Health Plans Can Catalyze The Precision Medicine Revolution
- A Conversation with Suzanne F. Delbanco, PhD: Employers Enlist Health Plans In Campaign for Payment Reform
- Should Doctors Guarantee Results? Or, Whose Disease Is It, Anyway?
- FDA Ponders How To Regulate Next-Generation Sequencing
- Index of /archives/0003
- What's New Is Old For Home-Health Agencies in U.S.
- A Conversation with Jeanne Scott: We Can't Avoid Tough Decisions Forever
- Anti-infection Push Seems Not to Work
- Lost in translation
- Popular content
- Colorectal Screening Called Inadequate
- Measuring Efficiency of Physician Practices Using Data Envelopment Analysis
- Employers Publish Guide on Prevention's Worth
- Double-digit increases continue for health benefits
- What's An E-Mail Consultation Worth?
- Predicting Alzheimer's combining blood test genetic screening
- May 2000
- Contraceptive Coverage: Fertile Ground for Controversy
- Headlines On Deadline …
- Study shatters big myth about primary care compensation
- Index of /archiveMC/9808
- Will Consumers Exercise Their New Power Wisely?
- Massachusetts Physicians Protest Trend to Profit-Driven Health Care
- Aiming at a Moving Target In Rheumatoid Arthritis
- FDA approves abuse deterrent extended release oxycodone naltrexone troxyca er pain management
- RSV Virology: Understanding RSV Seasonality and the Importance of Local Data
- Specialty societies tell members think twice about those tests
- Leapfrog Group Actions Will Be Felt Throughout the Health Care System
- John's jack linehan epstein becker green copay accumulators
- Patient Deaths Prompt FDA to Halt Trials of Cancer Drug Pacritinib
- February 2008
- What Do You Do About ER Costs?
- Many Federal CER Projects Will Benefit Managed Care
- More consumers have choice of health plans, but is it enough to make HMOs responsive?
- Health Service Vendors Should Work Together as a Team
- Trisomy 21 DNA Test (MaterniT21) for Detecting Down Syndrome in the First Trimester
- Mental Health Parity: A Year Later, Are We There?
- ‘Hospital of Future' Rises in Birmingham
- Welcome to the Brave, New (Electronic) World, Doctor
- Can a Moose Inspire Leadership?
- utilization management
- December 2011
- Improvement seen insurers claims response times
- What Do Physicians Want From Health Plans?
- Vol. 8, No. 6 June 1999
- Prior Authorization for Safety, Not Just for Economy
- A Conversation with the Dartmouth Atlas Project’s Elliott Fisher, MD, MPH
- Surprise! Little difference between HMO, indemnity lengths of stay
- It’s Better To Light a Candle…
- High-deductible health plans favored by individual purchasers
- Beating Obesity Begins By Expanding Tort Reform
- To Cure Risk Aversion, Employers Eye Risk Adjustment
- Recently introduced generics helped PBM control its costs
- Give Us Defined Contribution, Say Workers in Survey
- Get ready democratic debates tonight and tomorrow night
- Too Many Books: How To Tell the Best Cooks?
- When Success Sours: PBMs Under Scrutiny
- When It Comes to New Drugs, If Providers and Payers Snooze, They Lose
- An Emergency Physician’s Complaint: ‘Your Patients Are Costing Me Money!’
- Some Elderly Not Helped by Guidelines
- Bipartisan Bill Gains Momentum, Worries Industry
- 12 DM Trends You Should Know About
- Clinical decision support software can warn potential stroke
- TennCare Gets Higher Marks for Care Than for Administration and Funding
- FDA wants more closely monitor stem cell treatment industry
- How pharma companies manipulate orphan drug rule create monopolies
- Internet on Center Stage At Technology Conference
- Accrediting Agencies Turn Attention To Consumer-Directed Health Plans
- Drug Shortages in EDs Have Increased More Than 400%
- Prediabetes: Pre- Does Not Mean Preordained
- Index of /archives/0005
- Researchers develop new drug delivery strategy pain relief
- Beware of the Drug Shortage Domino Effect
- Direct Contracting: Why It Hasn't Grown
- Death disease management finally
- Biologics Debate Heats Up Between FDA, NCCN
- In New York State, Employers Launch Quality Consortium
- Hammurabi's Managed Health Care — Circa 1700 B.C.
- Prompt-Payment Laws Don't Get to Heart of Matter
- Is Your Practice Overstaffed?
- Advancing Drug Trend Management in the Medical Benefit
- Alzheimer’s Affects Women Differently
- Budget Impact Analysis to Estimate the Cost Dynamics of Treating Refractory Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease With Radiofrequency Energy: a Payer Perspective
- Employer-backed insurance gets nonpartisan nod
- Cancer pill not taken costs insurers long run
- Persuade the HMO That a Contract Change You Propose Is Also In the Plan's Interest
- Making a Case for a Single-Payer System
- Taking the Lead for Accountability
- Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis Patients Can Look to Second Oral Agent
- Oncologists Plead For Fairer Drug Payments
- NCQA Takes Initial Steps To Examine Quality of PPOs
- Profitable Or Pointless? Maximize Your Conference Take-Away
- Node viewcount
- 6 HMOs make 1999 Sachs Honor Roll
- Goals 2000: For HMOs: Administrative Retooling For MDs: Managerial Competency
- Public spending on health care to accelerate
- Payer and Provider Collaborations that Improve Quality Outcomes in Oncology
- 80 percent of hospitalized kids prescribed off-label drugs
- Promising Results Reported for Pharmaceutical-Grade Biotin in Multiple Sclerosis Patients
- Study shows promise precision screening familial hypercholesterolemia
- Drug tier coverage differs by plan type
- Research Articles from Managed Care
- Disrupt yourself or be disrupted insurers role changing business model
- Health Reform and the Use of Financial Incentives in Wellness Programs
- New Drug Entresto for Heart Failure Drums Up a Lot of Enthusiasm
- PCS Can Be Had, Maybe for Less Than a Year Ago
- New phase 3 data shingles vaccine shingrix presented cdc advisory meeting
- The Weight Debate
- A Conversation with Jeanne Scott: We Can't Avoid Tough Decisions Forever
- Wendell Potter: Not-for-Profit Health Insurers Will Come to Dominate the Market
- Is managed care losing its coercive power?
- Compliance Planning's Better Than Fraud, Abuse Insurance
- September 2012
- Getting More for Our Health Care Dollar
- Why drug prices will continue to roil the waters-and why Scott Gottlieb, MD, will be in the center of the action
- Doing the MACRA-ena: Will the celebrations continue in 2016?
- The new president of the American Pharmaceutical Association foresees greater cooperation between pharmacists, physicians, and health plans.
- Focus on the Patent Cliff To Maximize Generic Savings
- Medical Device Market To Hit $133 Billion by 2016
- Anthem's Bid Latest in Blues Consolidation
- HIV: A Fragile Population Enters Managed Care
- PBMs Pumping Brakes on Autoimmune Drug Expenditures
- First treatment adult chronic rhinosinusitis nasal polyps
- Creativity Required Equally In Short Run and Long Run
- Predicting MCOs' Future By Learning From the Past
- Premium Hikes Slow As Plans Seek Members
- PPOs: Time for a reality check
- Improved Adherence Highlights Specialty Pharmacy’s Potential
- HIPAA Affects Docs' Response To Subpoenas for Medical Data
- Drug Pricing Regulation Pushed From Many Sides
- Beware of the Drug Shortage Domino Effect
- Index of /archiveMC/9808
- Marino withdraws consideration us drug czar
- Medco, Consumers Union Face the Music and Dance
- Physician Board Certification Isn’t What It Used to Be
- Liver cancer drug lenvima succeeds phase 3 trial
- High-Deductible Health Plans See Less Emergency Room Use
- Catheter-Delivered Aortic Valve Avoids Major Invasive Surgery
- Computer-aided Multispectral Digital Analysis (MelaFind) for Assessing Atypical Skin Lesions
- Data Access Technology Puts Physicians Under Microscope
- Keeping Unemployed Covered In Managed Care’s Interest
- Health plans pay less when PBM owns mail-order pharmacy
- 5 Product Engineering Methods To Use in Health Care Management
- Is Selective Use of Palivizumab Appropriate in Premature Infants?
- Medical debt found to hinder access
- 2019 February
- Risk Pays Off Under HCFA's New Medicare Scheme
- Rise of the PHR
- Should Uncle Sam Insure Us All?
- Another PBM Sold As Express Scripts Buys Diversified
- Blogs
- Regulators Take More Interest In Role of PBMs in Health Care
- Scott gottlieb confirmed FDA commissioner
- 2005
- HMOs' Delicate Balancing Act: The Art of Setting Copayments
- The Ongoing Evolution of Endpoints in Oncology
- Nurses Join the Executive Pool
- New monotherapy approved HCC patients
- Who’s Afraid of the Big, Bad Flu?
- 24 States Hope Pharmacy Plus Helps Medicaid
- HMO Incentives Not Grounds for Suit U.S. Supreme Court Rules Unanimously
- Some Plans May Prosper Despite Medicare Advantage Cuts
- Farewell, Dr. Solo
- Headlines On Deadline…
- Why I Am Optimistic
- A Modest, Not Satirical, Proposal For Assisted-Suicide Decisions
- New RFI Helps Employers Rank Plans, Push Quality
- Strengthening interviewing skills
- CMS puts positive spin on first-year results for Pioneer ACOs
- Hey, Big Spender! Why Does Your Quality Lag So Far Behind Other Countries?
- What makes a medical practice successful?
- July 2002
- Praluent Cuts Cardiac Events, Deaths in High-Risk Patients
- Opioid Use Patterns and Health Care Resource Utilization in Patients Prescribed Opioid Therapy With and Without Constipation
- Privacy Legislation Is on Track; Could It Derail DM Programs?
- Under Azar and Boehler, CMMI Gets Its Groove Back
- Supplement
- Preparing your ACO downside risk success
- A Health Care Consumer Gender Gap
- Erenumab shows promise treatment chronic migraine
- Ready use rescue pen successfully treats hypoglycemia diabetes patients
- You've Got a Friend
- HMOs Defect From Medicare, Decry Drug Rider
- State legislatures spring ahead with restrictions on drug copay accumulators
- Electronic Medical Records: If Not Now, When?
- Primary care physicians' compensation better reflects productivity
- 2008 fairly good year seen health plans
- Report: Health Care Institutions Take Financial Hit From EHR Implementations
- Doctors Struggle With Medical Marijuana Knowledge Gap
- A Conversation with Jim Astuto: This Businessman Wants Quality You Can Measure
- Briefly Noted
- Can a Moose Inspire Leadership?
- Pharmacy Management Issues Proliferate Along With the Drugs
- Few Americans Use In-Store Clinics
- Indirect Costs: Asking plans to keep employees on the job
- Avaleres bentley snf care fundamentally changing because payment changes
- Headlines on Deadline…
- Immunotherapy for Advanced Prostate Cancer: A Novel Treatment Option to Improve Survival
- Hospital profit margins grow while length of stay decreases
- Study finds estrogen signaling impacts immune response across cancer types
- April 2005
- Health care mergers and acquisitions decline in 1998
- Association Health Plans High on Bush's '03 Agenda
- Gottlieb colleagues peter bach crew biologics are not natural monopolym
- Health Plans Walk a Clinical Tightrope When Treating Adolescents for Depression
- High tech drug packaging can boost patient compliance
- California Orders Drugs Restored To 6 Formularies
- National Mental Health Parity Bill Poised To Pass This Time Around
- Study: No Improvements With Losmapimod After Heart Attack
- Karl Brown’s Hardscrabble Roots Prepared Him for His Medicaid Mission
- Workers Fixated On Retirement, Not Health Care
- Tau Vaccine for Alzheimer’s Disease Enters Mid-Stage Trial
- Vol. 6, No. 11 November 1997
- How much trouble does health care marketing cause?
- Orphan drugs to account for 19% of sales by 2020 Orphan drugs to account for 19% of sales by 2020
- Hospitals may see plans their new confidant
- A Conversation With Lee N. Newcomer, MD, MHA: Payments With Purpose
- Nonaddictive, Nonsedating Pain Medication Shows Promise in Diabetic Neuropathy
- Attention to Detail Crucial in Designing A DM Program
- KP/Calif. Must Cover Viagra
- Trumpcare doesn't have votes needed pass
- Stark II: Division of Profits Comes Under Closer Scrutiny
- Vol. 8, No. 11 November 1999
- Single and family enrollment in high-premium plans
- Meet Peter Thiel, the Billionaire Who Guides Trump on Health Care Appointments
- Insurers Slow to Adopt Social Media Practices
- More Doc Visits Good for Diabetics
- America’s Health Care Problems? The Solutions Exist. A Conversation with Mark D. Smith, MD, MBA
- New Therapy for Spinal Muscular Atrophy Offers Modest Bang for Pharmaceutical Buck
- Index of /archiveMC/9711
- Managed Care Again Seen on Capitol Hill As Ripe for Reform
- Research Articles from Managed Care
- Wellness programs: no longer just an add-on
- Money isn't everything
- “White-bagging” creates difficulties for providers and patients
- Health Plans Seem Supportive of Depression-Screening Push
- Chiropractor-Directed Care Could Boost Costs by 30%
- Will managed care mimic fee-for-service?
- Three Groups Say They'll Coordinate Accreditations
- 3 Social Determinants Strategies
- A Conversation With Emad Rizk, MD: Disease Management Beyond the Call Center
- Premiums increase only little next year besieged resilient obamacare
- First discovery us colistin resistance human e-coli infection
- AMCP Seeks an End to 20 Years of Confusion Over FDAMA Section 114
- A Conversation With Bruce Bagley, MD: Doctors, Too, Must Embrace Data Reporting and Analysis
- Second biosimilar humira receives FDA approval
- Compensation, patient-care time vary widely by practice size
- March 1998
- OIG Approves ‘Safe Harbors' For Ambulatory Surgery Centers
- Amazon, berkshire, hathaway and jp morgan chase project
- Health Care Resource Utilization and Costs Associated with Restless Legs Syndrome Among Managed Care Enrollees Treated With Dopamine Agonists
- Medical Home Is Common Ground for BCBS/NC and Provider Group
- Legislation and regulation
- FDA accepts Application als Drug edaravone
- Can Amylin Analogue Lead To Better Diabetes Control?
- Newly Hired Auto Workers Will Test ‘Try It, You'll Like It' Intro to HMOs
- Worker Wariness Stifles Telehealth’s Acceptance
- Despite the Reform Law, Don’t Write Off Single Payer
- Cover Story
- December 2012
- Health Care Utilization & Costs For Cystic Fibrosis Patients with Pulmonary Infections
- Distributors Offer New Beginning To Medication Management Therapy
- Imaging Agents That Identify Alzheimer’s Disease on the Way
- COBRA's prohibitive costs prevent access to pharmacy
- Employer health costs rise only 3% for 1997
- JCAHO Agrees To Observe CARF Accreditations
- Headlines On Deadline…
- Medicare proposes first mandatory bundled payments cardiac care
- PDP drug costs are higher than employer plans
- Research Articles from Managed Care
- What Do We Mean By ‘Patient Engagement'?
- Hospital use powerful antibiotics rise
- Contact capitation and its cousins
- US judge invalidates allergan patents restasis
- Twilight for Fee for Service?
- Telehealth Business: Boom Times, but Profits May Wait
- JAMA Study Challenges Key HEDIS Diabetes Measure
- Giving More Than a Nod To the Wave of the Future
- NCQA Delays Standards for Behavioral Care
- Generic viagra tablets now available us
- Mobile app helps patients opioid use disorder remain recovery
- Medicare Spending Dips For First Time
- ‘Population-Based,’ Meet ‘Patient-Centered’
- FDA Gives Breakthrough Therapy Status to MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy for PTSD
- New Study Suggests Older Stent Better Than New
- Persistence Key In Blues Battle Against Fraud
- Wearing Black Hats … Again
- Clinical Brief: A Single Tablet to Help Manage Patients With Hypertension and Other Cardiovascular Risk Factors
- Could a Wal-Mart PBM Succeed?
- September 2011
- Advances in HIV/AIDS Care Require Hard Choices
- Research Articles from Managed Care
- Where physician executives can expect the best pay
- Hospitalists Make It Look Easy
- Assessing clinical outcomes and cost transforming dyslipidemia management
- Zika linked birth defects more extensive than previously thought – UCLA-led research finds
- Will therapeutic interchange be put limits states?
- Health Reform Debate Overlooks Physician-Patient Dynamic
- A Conversation with Lee N. Newcomer, M.D.: Out of the Frying Pan Onto the Cutting Edge
- Headlines On Deadline…
- Potential zika virus risk estimated 50 US cities
- The Amazon / Berkshire / JPMorgan heath care company: Why this is a big deal—and why it’s not.
- New Agents Regulating Tyrosine Kinase Can Be Used Against Several Cancers
- Is There a Doctor in the House?
- With More Enthusiasm Than Money, Brailer Pushes Nationwide EMR System
- Pharmacist care idea whose time still coming
- Medicaid fees rise, but still below Medicare
- Could QALYs Help in Assessing High-Priced Cancer Treatments?
- SDOH Spenders Spawn SDOH Vendors
- Physician Financial Incentives: Another UM Tool Bites the Dust
- Cost Differences Between Open and Minimally Invasive Surgery
- ‘New’ Health Care Organizations Will Truly Manage Care
- Is Home Infusion Ready for Prime Time?
- Hospitals give payers low marks on image, reputation
- Texas Case Tests Whether HMOs Can Be Sued
- Making Pharmacoeconomics In Formulary Development a Reality
- Kaiser permanente goes all out provide access wellness
- Medicaid HMO enrollment up
- PBM Industry Today: Who's Managing Drug Costs?
- Funding Up for Grabs in Medicare Advantage
- Vol. 9, No. 6 June 2000
- Specialized support programs increase treatment adherence, reducing relapses for multiple sclerosis patients
- Supreme court hears ACA risk corridor case
- Tilt of Senate to Democrats Speeded Debate on Patients' Rights
- Massive Databases Under Construction
- Doc Execs Give Consumer Ratings Sites an ‘F’
- The Big Contradiction At Managed Care's Heart
- Four one pill cuts heart and stroke risks
- Cancer Immunotherapies–and Their Cost–Take Center Stage at ASCO's 2015 Annual Meeting
- Experts Launch Antibiotic Stewardship Playbook
- 1 Carrot Replaces Another, And So It Shall Always Be
- Three Principles for Improving Health Care Delivery
- Consumer-Oriented Health Plan Measures Drag in Congress, Get Push from Clinton
- 3 ACA taxes slated repeal spending bill
- Mixed Results Reported for Venetoclax (Venclexta) in AML Patients
- Genetic Testing: Major Opportunity, Major Problems
- Managed Care Trends in Statin Usage
- Advance of Technology Still Seen as System's Savior
- Oncologists: FDA needs to speed up approval of cancer-fighting drugs
- The 2016 election season: Democrats to play D while GOP devises a game plan
- High Administrative Costs and Low Enrollment Led To the Demise of Startup Insurer Crystal Run
- Old Saying Appropriate For Current Environment
- Why Market Competition Will Not Mend Our Health Care System
- How Managed Care Affects the Malpractice Liability Problem
- Making Accountability Key in Health Care
- Patients’ and physicians’ satisfaction with a pharmacist managed anticoagulation clinic
- A Conversation with Lucian Leape, M.D.: Moving Beyond A Punitive Mind-Set
- Rise in employer-based coverage spurs drop in ranks of uninsured
- Do You Always Make Sure Patients Get Test Results?
- Diabetes Disease Management in a Community-Based Setting
- Recently-Approved Sapropterin Reduces Phenylalanine Levels
- Commercial insurers saying ‘no' to hospitals more often
- Avoid Drug-Marketing Traps
- Purchasers to Insurers: Standardize Your ACO Measures
- Engaged Consumers’ Decisions Help Aetna’s CDHP Program Save
- Consensus Eludes Medicare Commission As Deadline for Recommendations Nears
- Who Is For and Against the Latest PPACA Repeal Bill
- Half of Americans could be obese by 2030
- If congress won't salvage reinsurance state waivers may offer workaround
- May 2011
- Anti-infection Push Seems Not to Work
- Demystifying Pathways in Oncology
- Embattled Theranos Voids Two Years of Blood Test Results
- Doctors claim have effective new treatment deadly sepsis
- Providers lag in ICD-10 readiness
- Gaucher’s Disease Treatment Option Rides on Carrot Cells’ Biologic Power
- FDA advisors recommend approval oxycodone naltrexone extended release capsules
- How to Dramatically Decrease Your MCO’s Rx Coverage Costs
- Patients Slammed With Huge Ambulance Costs Because Insurers, Ambulance Companies Can’t Negotiate Contracts
- CDC eyes zika link guillain barre syndrome puerto rico
- Research Articles from Managed Care
- Incretin hormones poised better control diabetes
- Insurers Expand Usefulness of Oncology Pathway Efforts
- More Will Be Expected of Pharmacists
- Amazon making moves disrupt health care industry
- October 2006
- Keytruda Crosses First-Line Finish Line First
- Sticker shock waves: Players to respond to drug priciness
- Nucific Bio X4 ➤ Test, rating, side effects【2024】
- Blood Clots Dent Hopes for Hemophilia Drug Emicizumab
- FDA won't approve ataluren PTC therapeutics appeal
- A Conversation With Bruce Bagley, MD: Doctors, Too, Must Embrace Data Reporting and Analysis
- Evolution of TennCare Yields Valuable Lessons
- Reform Bill's OK Prompts Clashes, Dire Predictions
- Aimovig for Migraine Prevention: The New Kid May Have Trouble Fitting In
- U.S. Women's Health: Not So Great
- FDA Approves Hypertension Drug Byvalson (Nebivolol/Valsartan)
- Briefly Noted
- House passes drug price negotiating bill
- Index of /archiveMC/9711
- Just What Causes Health Care Inflation?
- Consumer-Directed Plans Begin Measuring Patient Satisfaction
- May 2015
- Keep Peace in Your Practice
- A Conversation with Rodney G. Hood, M.D.: Fighting Invisible Barriers To Equitable Health Care
- Federal and State Governments Pressed to Give Tax Breaks For Wellness Initiatives
- Gives Some Pause About Checkpoint Inhibitors: Possible Link to Type 1 Diabetes
- A Conversation with Rodney G. Hood, M.D.
- Some insurers ACA exchanges plan hike premiums 30
- Tennessee Gives Medicaid Program New Lease on Life
- Doc Data Oversight Crucial for Medicaid
- Small businesses use aggressive tactics to keep benefit costs down
- NCQA Launches Effort To Accredit DM Programs
- Prescription Drug Talk Cooled Off Faster Than a Texas Thunderstorm
- Some State Medicaid Programs Still Block or Limit Hep C Drugs
- Put away that carrot and stick
- New glucose monitoring system lets patients avoid fingerstick
- Hospitals dangerous workers health
- George J. Isham, MD: In Best of All Possible Worlds Health Care Acts on IOM Report
- Health care management companys experience palivizumab
- Medicare Commission Punts After It Agrees Only to Disagree
- Headlines On Deadline …
- Inpatient Rehab Facilities Benefit Post-Stroke Care
- After Viagra Fuss, Women's Groups Say ‘Help Us, Too'
- Mental Health Parity Gets Closer to Reality
- Would IRP Make Plans Chirp Over Savings?
- Beating Obesity Begins By Expanding Tort Reform
- 4 Ways Hospitals Can Use Their Pharmacies To Cut Costs, Improve Care
- SNFs Need Real-Time Data
- HMOs Have Stake in Quelling Anger at Drug Store Counters
- EMR or EHR?
- More emphasis wellness
- Go Carefully When Measuring Quality
- NCQA Rankings Give Edge to Not-For-Profit Insurers
- The Department of Managed Care
- To Cure Risk Aversion, Employers Eye Risk Adjustment
- Medical groups can receive 2% bonus from CMS
- Will Integrity of HEDIS Data Improve with '98 Version?
- Payers Struggle to Ensure High Level of Adherence to Costly Specialty Drugs
- High-Tech Imaging Used Increasingly
- Occupy the OR
- Court bans manufacturing drugs alabama company
- Value based insurance design might help medicare cut costs
- Medication Therapy Management — Not Just for Seniors Anymore
- how special are specialty drugs if they are most drug spending
- Monoclonal Antibody Now Available to Prevent Red Blood Cell Breakdown
- Does the Doctor-Patient Relationship Mean More to Doctors than Patients?
- HMOs, employers happier with their PBMs
- Mergers may stifle ma competition
- 9807
- Some Quick Facts About Seema Verma, Nominated to Head CMS
- Despite Kaiser Settlement Guidelines on Web Unlikely
- American Nurses Association
- Artificial Disc Now Available, But Is It Better Than Other Therapies?
- Employer-based coverage makes gains, while gaining confidence of Americans
- FDA Accepts Application for Extended-Release Oxycodone (Remoxy)
- Wellness
- How plans manage pharmacy costs
- An Evidence-Based Approach To Care Depends on All Parties — Physicians Included
- Long-Term Safety Data Support Use of Bronchial Thermoplasty
- HMO Incentives Not Grounds for Suit U.S. Supreme Court Rules Unanimously
- Don’t Overlook Importance of Pharm Benefits in CDHPs
- PDP drug costs are higher than employer plans
- Orphan Disease Gains Second Treatment Option
- Zetia study keeps PCSK9s on approval course
- Biologics among fastest growers
- ‘I want what I want, or I'm outta here'
- Kids’ health coverage a continuing bright spot
- Segal sees little change in plan cost trends
- Providers enlisted to curtail waste
- Molina Watches the Kids While Mom Gets Examined
- Primary care physicians absorb managed care's impact
- Vol. 7, No. 7 July 1998
- Physicians want to fit in
- Employers, HMOs weigh in on PBM satisfaction
- Health Plans Slow To Adopt Outpatient Prospective Payment
- Program Lets Patients Rate Doctors Online
- Health Care Reform Fails If Public Won’t Stay the Course
- Why Is It So Tough to Deliver On E-Prescribing’s Promise?
- How blockchain has strange bedfellows singing kumbaya
- Sagging Fortunes Cited in Departure Of Humana's CEO
- Harden Hearts
- Nivolumab (Opdivo) Flunks Lung Cancer Trial
- New Imaging Controls Strict, But May Be Easier on Doctors
- AHIP’s Karen Ignagni: Health Insurers Will Continue to Innovate
- Docs Still Prefer Volume Over Value
- Health Care Needs To Catch Up
- Which grows faster: grass or compensation?
- JCAHO Agrees To Observe CARF Accreditations
- Exploring spectrum cardiovascular care
- Readers Believe Biosimilars Will Be Effective Against Costs
- It's Time for CMS to Release Physician Medicare Claim Information
- Survey: Workers Not Guided When Choosing Care
- FDA authorizes new type test drug
- Why marijuana is headed for the mainstream
- Justice department announces largest takedown health care scammers
- Can Consolidation Work In Favor of Improved Care?
- Texas Bill Would Let Ob/Gyns Be Primary Care Physicians
- HMO profits up, but at a much slower rate
- They Wrote the Book On Fixing the System
- Boston scientific receives approval vercise deep brain stimulation system
- Primary care gains over 3 years
- Costs of biologics for inflammatory conditions vary
- Physicians' real income continues to fall
- Specialty Agents With Expedited Approval May Fuel 2015 Pharmacy Costs
- Today’s technology can facilitate collaborative network management
- Pharmaceuticals
- Humana Thinks Premium Cap Sets Plan Apart
- Healthcare IT Costs in 2015 Rose to $32,500 per Physician
- Are New Liability Caps Working?
- FDA fast tracks drug rare autoimmune lung disorder
- MD Anderson's Hahn Tapped for FDA Commissioner Post
- Pharmacist employment outlook rosy
- Viagra linked reduced heart attack risk and improved heart attack survival
- Alzheimer’s drug costs likely to rise as boomers age
- Too much variety in pay-for-performance programs?
- Too Early To Write Obituary For Patients' Bill of Rights
- Drug approved treat duchenne muscular dystrophy
- Hospitalists Are Changing Care Both in And Outside the Hospital
- Physicians Must Create Their Own HMOs
- Molina Healthcare Investigates Possible Theft of Patient Information
- Medical devices works would tackle obesity new ways
- Physician Practices Hiring Care Coordinators
- Medicare's P4P Program Under Fire Before It Has Begun
- Convenience comes Health care
- Employers Starting To Hold HMOs Accountable for Quality
- Headlines On Deadline…
- Managed Medicare's Rapid Expansion
- Vol. 9, No. 9 September 2000
- 4 Steps to Boost Your Medicare Star Ratings and Retain Your Customers
- Drug interactions plague elderly cancer patients
- Choking Off a Tumor's Blood Supply
- Semaglutide posts promising results phase 3a diabetes trial
- Statin Therapy: More Than Meets the Eye?
- What Makes Harvard Pilgrim So Good?
- How blockchain has strange bedfellows singing kumbaya
- ACP's split decision we're favor single payer or maybe public option
- The app as a remedy for health care’s inbetweenies
- HPV Vaccine Study Allays Concerns
- New hope for newborns with rare deforming disease
- Defined Contribution: Threat… or Fad?
- Health Care Resource Use and Costs Pre- and Post-Treatment Initiation With Linaclotide: Retrospective Analyses of a U.S. Insured Population
- You Will Live Healthily!
- The Right Way To Apply Noncompete Provisions
- Companies Search For Ways To Pass Costs on to Employees
- Plans Confident They Can Handle Exchanges
- Docs distrust ‘pay for performance'
- DC maryland blues plans come together
- Omidria intraocular solution receives approval use pediatric patients
- Health Care Resource Use and Costs Pre- and Post-Treatment Initiation With Linaclotide: Retrospective Analyses of a U.S. Insured Population
- February 2016
- Headlines on Deadline…
- HCFA: Medicaid Must Now Cover Growth Hormone
- Adherence to statin therapy saves $944 over 18 months
- Fix medicare it bankrupts country
- Massachusetts physicians protest trend profit driven health care
- Medicare Fraud Initiative Makes Strange Bedfellows
- Prying Eyes Push Against Boundary of Medical Privacy
- PPOs continue to make enrollment gains
- Battlefield invention stop blood loss could save lives civilian trauma cases
- McAllen Texas, Revisited: BCBS Saves More Than Medicare
- PPOs: A Better Brand of Managed Care?
- When Value Is in the Eye Of the Patient
- ‘Broken’ American Health Care: Good People, Bad System, and The Health Powers of the Disruptors
- New Drug Application Submitted for Once-Daily Baricitinib for RA Patients
- Public policy
- CMS hybrid payment system shows promise
- Employers' Stock in Wellness Rises With No End in Sight
- Most HSA/HDHPs Cover Preventive Treatment on a First-Dollar Basis
- Direct Contracting: Why It Hasn't Grown
- Headlines At Deadline…
- Index of /archives/0003
- Headlines On Deadline …
- Gum Control: Should the Medical Benefit Cover Some Dental Services?
- Insurers Find Small Gains In Weight Control With Belviq
- Can Insurer, Oncology Practice Really Work Together?
- States Defy Federal Directive Requiring Medicaid To Cover Viagra
- Plans Don’t Applaud Healthy Americans Act
- Families Often Miss Out On Free Care for Children
- ERISA Proposes Using TPAs
- Now Might Be the Right Time To Kill Hospital Value-based Purchasing Program
- More red ink black
- Employers more willing to pass benefit costs along
- Real Story in CalPERS Talks Lies Beyond the Headlines
- Neck and Neck and Neck and Neck: 4 Contenders Similar on Health Care
- Blues, AMA Offer Guide for Peace to Docs, HMOs
- Telehealth calling will health care system have answers
- Management Partnerships (‘ACO Enablers’) Are Pervasive Part of ACOs
- Will New Benefit Design Harm Some Patients?
- Following the Leaders
- Headlines on Deadline…
- Will Merger Talks Be the Next Step For Group Health and Kaiser Permanente?
- Anticholinergic drugs may increase dementia risk
- Payers: Expect to feel a double-team pinch
- NCQA: Member satisfaction and clinical quality related
- smoking
- CDC begins provide resources workplace wellness programs
- 75 nation's hospitals lack palliative care teams
- Could QALYs Help in Assessing High-Priced Cancer Treatments?
- FDA approves yescarta first car t cell therapy lymphoma
- A Conversation with Paul Fronstin, PhD: Current Crop of Consumer-Directed Plans More ‘Lite' Than ‘Heavy'
- data management
- Specialized Biomarkers Aid in Tumor Cell Imaging
- How Rebates, Copayments, and Administration Costs Affect the Cost-effectiveness of Osteoporosis Therapies
- Necessity of Payment Reform May Mother Big Data Into Being
- FDA approves symdeko treat underlying cause cystic fibrosis certain patients
- PPO Performance Hard To Gauge; Comparisons to HMOs Not Reliable
- Pay scales suggest mom was right
- Managed Care Prepares For the Worst
- Index of /archiveMC/9711
- Elderly Achieve Better Health When Reporting Vital Signs on Web
- Value based care gets chance be present creation
- 1 Carrot Replaces Another, And So It Shall Always Be
- Novel Devices for Delivering Diabetes Medications: Their Value and Some Coverage Considerations
- The Problem With Our Health Care Cost Crisis? Hint: It Has Nothing to Do With Providers
- Are Health Plans Responding To Primary Care Shortage?
- New Diabetes Medications Drive Up Costs And Stymie Formulary Design
- E-Health Gives Kaiser Role In Bioterror Fight
- Index of /archives/0005
- Employers Move Into Primary Care
- Go West, young pharmacist
- Will Biomarkers Be Next Leap Forward in RA?
- Cost-Sharing Effects on Adherence and Persistence For Second-Generation Antipsychotics In Commercially Insured Patients
- Blues Plan Helps Practices Get Up to Speed for PCMHs
- More Young Adults Using Sleep Aids
- HPV Vaccine Goes Underused
- New drug approved relapsing forms multiple sclerosis adults
- Autopsy Reveals Patient Rights Legislation May Have Been Dead for Several Months
- Headlines On Deadline …
- Some PCPs Are Worried Sick About Patients
- Health Plans by Design, Not by Default
- HMO Liability Battleground Moving to Courts, Statehouse
- Vision Plans Hope to Gain Access To State Insurance Exchanges
- Virtual vs. Actual Networks
- Who’s Tackling Rampant Overutilization? Health Plans!
- New Feature Focuses on Biotechnology Issues
- Accountable care organiszations get different look olde england
- Employers Show New Interest In Private Insurance Exchanges
- Medicare to cut physician pay — maybe
- Malarial Organisms Traced to Age of Dinosaurs
- Will Bigger Mean Better As AAHP, HIAA Merge?
- CBO Report: Nongroup market will be stable, younger, & healthier under the AHCA. The flip side: older, sicker people may be priced out.
- August 2007
- Predictive Modeling & Genomics: Marriage of Promise and Risk
- Premiums Shrink Under Reform Plan
- Headlines On Deadline…
- When Falling in Love Falls Out of Bounds
- Risk factors identified patient patient transmission resistant bacteria
- Some generics cost more brand drugs medicare beneficiaries
- Congress mulls major drug pricing proposals
- ‘Prenuptial' Planning for Your Next Managed Care Contract
- China Gears Up to Approve Its First Drug for Advanced Colon Cancer
- E-cigarette policy making should e-cigarettes use be reasonable alternative
- A Conversation With Jonathan Weiner, DrPH: Mixing Population-Based Care With Market Controls
- Study: Full Medication Adherence Reduces Costs in CVD Patients
- Mental Disorders In Children Soar
- HMO members happier than those in POS plans
- Small Hospitals Face Heavy Weather
- Eleven insurers want share their telemedicine data CBO
- Index of /archiveMC/9711
- N.H. Plan Covers Uninsured, Taps Small Businesses
- Medicare holds down physician pay
- An App a Day
- Anthem offers money educated consumers
- Briefly Noted
- Anti inflammatory drugs may help depression
- The Elusive Culture of Health
- Our Readers Pummel Managed Health Care
- HEDIS Performance: Routine reporting drives improvement
- As managed care control loosens, hospital costs outpace pharmacy
- Can Administration Find Cure For Medicare+Choice Ills?
- An Evaluation of Healing Metrics Associated With Commonly Used Advanced Wound Care Products For the Treatment of Chronic Diabetic Foot Ulcers
- Physician retention programs gain acceptance
- Index of /archiveMC/9704
- The Role of Proteomic Testing in Improving Prognosis And Care Planning Quality Measures for Lung Cancer
- Don’t Get Caught By PBMs’ MAC Mousetraps
- Tufts Offers Its Workers Short Commute to Care
- Modified HIPAA Privacy Rule Affects Research, Marketing, Security
- Health Service Vendors Should Work Together as a Team
- Headlines on Deadline …
- A Sound Proposal, But Look at the Implications
- ICD-10 Delayed For Two Years
- As Premium Hikes Slow, Some Brace for Famine
- The Uberization of American Health Care: Why We Need a Disruptive Model
- How To Combat Pharma’s Costly Coupon Programs
- Higher salaries go to clinical executives who hold business degrees (except MPH)
- Providers health care trenches use design thinking spur innovation
- Headlines On Deadline …
- Most Popular
- Trump meet vaping industry reps
- More Docs, Hospitals Get EHR Payments
- Pharmacists Can Be Crucial To Medical Home
- Reducing Therapeutic Duplication Successful at the Dispensing Level
- FDA expands invokamet label include first line treatment adults type 2 diabetes
- HHS Seems To Soften Hard Line on Kickbacks
- Free Statins Disrupt Pharmacy Benefit Plans
- What HMOs, insurers review when predicting health care costs
- Managed Care's Prospects in the Health Reform Era
- Survey obamacare changes favored 2-1 health care leaders over repeal and replace
- Ohio struggles to rescue managed Medicaid program
- Minnesota Blues To Keep Proceeds From Tobacco Suit
- Vol. 5, No. 8 August 1996
- IOM Opens Eyes On Medical Errors; Support Promised
- What's Good for the VHA Is Not So Good for Medicare
- Should physicians dispense drugs?
- Physician Practices Hiring Care Coordinators
- Segal sees little change in plan cost trends
- August 2015
- Arizona's High Court Says UR Denials Are Medical, Not Insurance, Decisions
- Managed Medicaid Business Might Be Worth the Difficulties
- Medical costs, utilization rates decline again
- Does Your Managed Medicare Plan Have Enough Geriatricians?
- Should Physician Entrepreneurs Be Held to Professional Standards?
- Bringing Guidelines Into the Real World
- FDA approves nerlynx reduce risk breast cancer returning
- Combating the coming physician shortage
- Index of /archives/0001
- A Barber, a Professor, and an Entrepreneur Walk into a Room: Health Equity and the Strength of Weak Ties
- Provider-administered drugs move to specialty pharmacy benefit
- Lynparza improves progression free survival pancreatic cancer patients
- Buy Health Insurance Like Car Insurance?
- Login
- Disease burden most common autoimmune diseases
- Which grows faster: grass or compensation?
- July 2004
- More Data in Health Care Will Enable Predictive Modeling Advances
- FDA expands use prevnar 13 pneumonia vaccine
- Victoza wins FDA indication reduce risk 3 cardiovascular events
- Matthew Holt: Internet Pundit Thrives on the Biggest Issues
- Tuning in to Telemedicine
- nutrition science
- Novartis may face criminal charges over alleged data manipulation
- June 2000
- Not-for-Profit Group of Plans Goes After Medicine's Holy Grail
- What If?
- For Narrow Networks, Fresh Scrutiny: Can They Pass the Adequacy Test?
- Keep Benefit Summaries Simple
- What Are Gut Bacteria Doing in Critically Ill Lungs?
- Insurers Can Help Advance Pediatric Cancer Research
- New service links distant hmos covering far flung employees
- Ups and Downs at ASCO 2014
- Ryan Floats Tax Credits, Other Plans as ACA Alternative
- All insurers face similar spending growth
- Managed care makes room for the elderly and the poor
- CMS Plans to Ban Theranos Founder From Blood-Testing Business
- ‘Doctors take oaths, lawyers take money'
- Ohio Medical Group Hacked, More Than 100,000 Documents Stolen
- Excess weight gain and elevated blood sugar pregnancy imprint childhood obesity
- Tracking Disparities in Care
- October 1998
- Fewer Recurrent Infections of C. difficile Seen With Fidaxomicin
- One Physician's System For Reporting Test Results
- Savvy Patients Could Drive Costs Up
- Physician-owned practices benefit from diverse mix of specialists
- Community-Based Research: Not Just for Pharmaceuticals
- Meaningful Use: Tasty Carrot or Big, Brutal Stick?
- workplace health
- AMAP in Limbo; When Will Quality Really Catch Fire?
- Do You Always Make Sure Patients Get Test Results?
- Demand's cool for primary care physicians
- Research Articles from Managed Care
- Physician incomes rise in academia
- New Wheelchair Design Improves Maneuverability
- Cut Pharmaceutical Costs, But Mind the Legal Dangers
- August 2001
- Jill R. Horwitz, JD, PhD: Workplace Wellness Programs Shift Costs to Unhealthy Workers
- Where’s Atul? Gawande Pulls Out From Giving HIMSS Keynote Address
- Are Gatekeepers Failing To Control Specialty Costs?
- Don't forget take care vet
- Preventive Care: Can We Do a Better Job?
- FDA says no new indication ezetimibe zetia and ezetimibe simvastatin vytorin
- FDA grants priority review copanlisib treatment follicular lymphoma
- ICD-10 Code Change Is Long Overdue
- Alan T. Wright, MD: He Wants AdvancePCS to Manage More Than Drugs
- How Plans Do–and Don't– Reward the ‘Best' Physicians
- On or off track? 2016 could be the year that value-based payment arrives – or maybe not
- Study: Push for CDHPs Runs Low on Information
- Vol. 5, No. 7 July 1996
- Plans continue to raise copayments
- Consumer-Directed Plans Fall Short of Expectation
- Specialist Pharmacists Make Adherence Matter
- The Formulary Files
- Gain the ‘Quality' Edge In Competing for Contracts
- Technology's Good and Ill Effects
- FDA approves first implant treat opioid addiction
- Alirocumab praluent succeeds cholesterol study
- Are Gatekeepers Failing To Control Specialty Costs?
- Headlines on Deadline…
- Take as Needed…
- Bad Tiered Formulary Designs Yield Poor Outcomes, High Cost
- Well being and next industrial revolution
- Microcircuit Devices Deliver Considerable Relief From Chronic Pain
- Down but Not Out, California Again Watched by Industry
- Backlash against copay accumulators
- Index of /archives/0005
- Why Workers Choose CDHPs: Matter of Dollars and Sense
- Following Great Britain's Lead on EMR and (Maybe) OTC Statins
- Emerging Insights About Measuring Disease Management Outcomes
- Liver cancer detection test gets breakthrough device status
- 2019 Editorial Calendar
- HMOs and Alternative Medicine
- Team makes zika drug breakthrough
- Dangerous drug interactions, pharmaceutical care are twin thrusts of National Pharmacy Week
- How's Your Office Manager Doing? Don't Let Question Just Hang There
- Health insurance premiums show smallest hike in recent history
- Plan-Physician Cooperation: A Few Small Steps on the Road
- patient empowerment
- Fixed-Dose Triple-Combination Treatments In the Management of Hypertension
- FDA panel backs diabetes combo iglarlixi
- Health management
- HCFA Predicts Health Spending To Double by 2007
- Headlines on Deadline…
- With Workplace Clinics, What’s Old Is New
- Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Monitoring Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide (FeNO) in the Management of Asthma
- Laws Governing Peer Immunity, Physician Credentialing Upheld
- What's in Store for Physicians When a Market Enters Phase III
- Shelter from the health care storm
- Cross-Border Traffic Highlights Differences in U.S., Canadian Systems
- BACE Inhibitor Receives FDA Fast-Track Designation for Early Alzheimer's Disease
- Company Prepares to Submit Cannabis-Based Epilepsy Treatment to FDA
- Geisinger's Embedded Nurses Improve Transitions
- FDA Panel Likes New Treatment for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
- Can self management programs ease chronic conditions
- Managed Care (and Everyone Else) Unprepared for the Next Killer Flu
- Fearful After Enactment of ACA, Brokers Find New Opportunities
- Where's the Beef? Despite Predictions, Premiums Advance Only 3.3 Percent
- Aetna Joins With Providers In Private-Label Health Plans
- More cost-shifting in the pharmacy benefit: Copayments at new highs, while 3-tier formularies spread
- FDA rejects Merck's application to add heart data on diabetes drug
- Building a ‘Terribly Smart’ Doc: A Conversation with David Eddy, MD, PhD
- One quarter us health care spending seen waste
- Value-Based Tools
- NCQA Delays Standards for Behavioral Care
- Comprehensive Management Of Depression Arrives Slowly
- Income expectations are rising for primary care physicians
- States Defy Federal Directive Requiring Medicaid To Cover Viagra
- Will a Gift From Congress Rebuild Public Confidence?
- Medical Homes Prepare the Way For Accountable Care Organizations
- Malpractice premiums constitute small component of expenses
- Managed Care News Archive
- Compliance With Antithrombotic Guidelines: Current Practice, Barriers, and Strategies For Improvement
- Forecast: Stormy Weather
- It’s Team Trump. But the Players Are From Think Tanks, Many With Koch Brother Roots
- Hundreds died while taking ra drug actemra nobody warned patients
- How to Save a Bundle on Hospital Readmissions
- More antibiotics prescribed over the phone
- Who Defines an Emergency? Laymen, Says Georgia Law
- Clinical Decision Support On Slow Road to Adoption
- Companies Seek Guidance As Payment Options Increase
- Theranos CEO Banned From Operating Lab for Two Years
- PhyCor-MedPartners Merger Falls Through; MedPartners CEO Resigns After Stock Crash
- Renewing calls better cost profiling providers conversation ateev mehrotra md mph
- Trump Administration Still Plans to Scrap Parts of PPACA, HHS Secretary Says
- Employers, HMOs weigh in on PBM satisfaction
- Is Home Infusion Ready for Prime Time?
- Headlines on Deadline…
- Bailing Out of Medicaid Managed Care Programs
- How to Contact Us
- John Eisenberg, AHRQ's Chief, Dies March 10
- Diabetes grows at an alarming pace
- Value-Based Health Care in Limbo
- The taming of cardiovascular disease: Less deadly but could be even more so
- Antidepressant pipeline far from depressed
- Humana Readies New Online Assessment Tool
- Device Allows Doctors to See Inside the Small Intestine
- PBMS put under microscope
- How Managed Care Affects the Malpractice Liability Problem
- Consumer-Directed Health Pains
- Major legislative reform not in store for 2004
- Medicare P4P falling short on bonuses
- Stark II Makes It Easier To Terminate Bad Contracts
- New Anticoagulant Fights for Credibility
- Administrators Could Be Liable Under Patients' Bill of Rights
- Small Employers in Louisiana Put Teeth In Health Care Purchasing
- Expanded medicaid helps mental health
- Breast Cancer Screening: Some Plans Do Better Than Others
- What's behind increases in pharmaceutical spending?
- Employers plan push wellness programs more
- Physician salaries outpace production in 2006
- Seeking Headquarters Quality In a Branch-Office Town
- Research Articles from Managed Care
- Cost Comparison of Immediate One-Stage And Tissue-Expander Breast Reconstructions After Mastectomy in Commercially Insured Patients
- Venture capital throws dough could fix health care woe
- FDA approves diabetes sensing system
- Is Home Infusion Ready for Prime Time?
- Wellness programs grow meet challenge
- Outcomes based incentives
- What Can Caregivers Do For the Self-Destructive?
- Debate Over Biologics Heats Up in Congress
- Cutting the Cost of Complex Conditions: It Pays To Be All In
- Russia Claims to Have “Effective” Ebola Vaccine
- Episode-of-Care Payment Creates Clinical Advantages
- Pfizer Quietly Raises Drug Prices
- MelaFind Improves Chances for Accurate Melanoma Diagnosis
- Parsimonious Care, in the Best Sense
- Avoid Common Problems In Risk-Sharing Contracts
- Drug prices on the rise as coverage gap looms
- Blogs
- FDA Requests Removal of Opana ER for Risks Related to Abuse
- Headlines On Deadline…
- Mortality rates drop cardiac arrest
- Disease Management Articles on This Site
- FDA Staff Says Long-Acting Oxycodone (Troxyca ER) Can Be Manipulated for Abuse
- Pharmacy cost increases below medical for the first time in four years
- Index of /archiveMC/9711
- Self-Referral Persists Despite Stark II Law
- Would Healthy People 2000 Record Have Been Worse Without HMOS?
- Fewer die from heart failure in hospitals and nursing homes
- Implementing Medicare Part D Could Get Ugly
- Subscription Options for Managed Care
- For First Time Since ’07, Fewer CDHPs Offered
- First Subject Receives Experimental Hypertension Treatment
- Nonphysician Groups Push To Expand Scope of Practice
- HMOs should prepare now get handle injectables
- Drug Shortages in EDs Have Increased More Than 400%
- So … Why Aren't Health Plans Using the Data Bank, Anyway?
- Meet the Consumer-Directed HMO
- Index of /archives/0004
- United reports strong financial results 2019
- Medicare HMO Quit Rate Tied To Drug Benefit
- Index of /archives/0001
- TennCare's Chief Says Fraud Threatens To Sink Program
- Providers warming up to mobile health devices
- Abandonment of capitation may inflate MCOs' costs
- AMA applauds claim processing improvement
- Managed Care Reform: How Texas Pulled Off What Washington Can't
- Long term study supports safety asthma drug mepolizumab nucala
- Specialty Pharmacy Management Will Become More Intense
- Looking Beyond Washington And Finding Much to Discuss
- GENETIC MEDICINE: Powerful Opportunities For Good and Greed
- FDA warns about general anesthesia and sedation young or pregnant
- Now Is the Time for Pharmacy Performance Incentives
- The Growing Appeal of On-the-job Health Care
- Doc Buy-In Needed For EHR Push
- Headlines On Deadline…
- AWP Reimbursement Ruling May Be More Than Meets Eye
- Is Sex Medically Necessary? Who Should Pay for Viagra?
- Genetic testing gone wild
- Bladder cancer drug apaziquone qapzola not effective FDA panel says
- Insurer’s Obesity Program In N.C. Reduces Medical Cost
- Index of /archives/0004
- Inpatient Rehab Facilities Benefit Post-Stroke Care
- Internet revolution not yet impressing most physicians
- Headlines on Deadline …
- Profusion of Health Care Laws Creates Compliance Problems for Health Plans
- CMS tightens oversight medicaid demonstration project costs
- Making Guidelines Effective Takes More Than a Memo
- Making the Patient Voice Matter In Value Assessment
- Underused Weapon In the War on Addiction
- FDA ftc target unproven opioid addiction treatments
- FDA panel recommends approval breast cancer drug nerlynx despite modest benefit
- Hospital Software Often Doesn’t Flag Unsafe Drug Prescriptions
- Sox Selected To Edit ACP-ASIM Journal Annals
- Headlines On Deadline…
- How Health Plans Can Catalyze The Precision Medicine Revolution
- Smart Card A Great Idea, But When?
- Spend Money on Healthy People!
- Should Benefit to Individuals Outweigh Good for Groups?
- New California Privacy Law Seen as Major Threat to DM
- How a ‘Waste-Free Formulary' Misses What's Most Important to Employers
- First Bioengineered Blood Vessels Used in Phase 3 Clinical Trial
- Briefly Noted
- Hospitals, Health Plans and Employers Unite to Reduce Cesarean Deliveries
- Mail Order Pharmacy — Savings or Added Cost?
- Why We Need to Stop Being So Clinical … and Start Being More Personal
- The Competitive New World Of Medicare Managed Care
- AAHP Members Embrace Its Patient Policies
- Positive Phase 3 Data Reported for Nivolumab (Opdivo) in Patients With Head-and-Neck Cancer
- CDC announces get smart about antibiotics week
- Transparency Called Key To Uniting Cost Control, Quality Improvement
- Despite Kaiser Settlement Guidelines on Web Unlikely
- Study emergency rooms provide nearly half medical care
- Wellpoint product makes new bid working poor
- Health Plans Deploy New Systems To Control Use of Lab Tests
- Are Consumers Really Directing Their Own Care?
- Which condition benefits most from case management?
- So Much Data, So Few IT Workers
- April 2013
- Physician Executives Need Not Fly Blind
- Medicare Advantage’s Influence Felt in Accountable Care Model
- Smoking, Slimming and Seat Belts: Is Public Health Part of Managed Care?
- High Hospital Capacity Raises Quality Concerns
- Accountable Care — But the Patient Isn’t Accountable
- Task force sees no need screen lipid disorders children and adolescents
- Education Concerns Push Back Florida's Medicaid Experiment
- Medicare P4P falling short on bonuses
- One Campaign Promise Needs Closer Scrutiny
- Health care remains a major concern
- Disease Management Gains a Degree of Respectability
- Prior Authorization Overhaul Sought
- Concierge care at a discounted price
- Blogs
- Medicare+Choice pullouts' deep, deep sting
- Customization of benefits: Will diversity continue?
- Recession? What recession?
- Alvimopan Hastens Recovery From Abdominal Surgery
- Adverse Tiering Costly for Members
- State Legislatures Move To Ban ‘Gag Rules' Imposed on Physicians
- Erleada approved more prostate cancer patients
- Index of /archives/0002
- Vaccination: Is 1 oz. of Prevention Still Worth 1 lb. of Cure?
- Health Plans Respond as Microbes Develop Resistance Techniques
- Carve in or carve out?
- September 2005
- Stressed States Open Doors to Medicaid Managed Care
- On ICD-10, the Empire Strikes Back
- HHS Could Run Half of State Exchanges, and That Could Benefit Health Plans
- Family Physicians Give Administration Mixed Reviews on Budget, Reform Plan
- Take as Needed…
- Helping Hispanics Means Improving Preventive Care
- Cigna’s Eva Borden Champions ‘The Stepchild’: Behavioral Health
- What Health Plans Should Know About the Medicaid Challenge
- Demand for primary care physicians slackens while outlook for specialists seems to brighten
- Hospital administrators see bump in pay
- 9704
- Cost of transition-related care for transgender soldiers deemed ‘negligible'
- Many more CDH plans to include pharmacy
- Code Could Be Right Prescription to Give Pharmacy More Credence
- Managed Care
- Lynparza receives additional fda approval ovarian cancer
- Northeast States Pursue Price Controls To Stop Rise in Prescription Drug Costs
- FDA expert panel approves expanded indication fish oil drug
- PPMS, HMOS: In Some Cases, A Perfect Match
- Health Care Utilization & Costs For Cystic Fibrosis Patients with Pulmonary Infections
- May 2013
- Money Pit: Is Accreditation Always Worth the Cost?
- Information underload: why claims data fall short
- 12 step program american health care
- Addressing a Nontechnical But Very Important Skill
- FDA approves new cochlear implant
- Moving On Up in the C-Suite
- Building the Right Incentives Into a Physician Payment System
- Will Fifth Circuit's Decision Spur Action on Patient Rights?
- Premiums Rise, Medical Costs Lag, Says New Survey
- Unlocking cancer's chemo resistance
- Where do new diabetes treatments fit in?
- GAO Studies E-Health Exchange
- Ustekinumab maintains remission after one year treatment patients crohn's disease
- Some Elderly Not Helped by Guidelines
- What Changes are Coming for P&T Committees as a Result of the Affordable Care Act?
- Wealthy, More Than Poor, Select Health Savings Accounts
- Clinical Bundling Pays Off, In Antisepsis Campaign
- Can doing right business thing protect physicians liability
- Inherited pancreatic cancer risk mutation identified
- Placing Faith in Technology To Improve Members' Choices
- The Communications Job That Goes With the ‘Gate'
- Study prompts new ideas cancers origins
- Anthem Offers Money to Educated Consumers
- Trends
- Report zika virus infection may cause stillbirth loss brain tissue
- I.T. and Greasy, Globby Doughnuts
- Who Gets Covered, Junior or Grandma?
- Consumers Dare You to Just Say ‘No'
- Four-Color Flow Cytometry Detects Minimal Residual Disease in Leukemia
- Headlines on Deadline
- Medical Costs Definitions Differ In Minn. Dispute
- Limiting Access to Managed Care: Is ‘No Job, No Health Benefits' Fair?
- HMOs in N.J., North Carolina, Washington Fined
- Thomas, Grassley Attack HCFA Boss For Slow Service
- Popular content
- Physician income trends vary by specialty
- Index of /archives/0002
- Headlines On Deadline…
- There's No Overestimating Importance of Prevention
- State Experiences Suggests Thompson, Bush a Tough Team
- School debt can be significant in primary care
- More State Medicaid Programs Use Preferred Drug Lists To Manage Costs
- Past Issues of Managed Care magazine
- Predictive modeling sharp lens near future
- Boston hospitals use machine learning manage most expensive illnesses
- MANAGED CARE, 1992–2019
- Health Insurers Well Positioned, But Must Plan for Cost Pressure
- Executive bonuses: Health care takes care of its own
- Massachusetts City Attempts To Import Drugs From Canada
- It's Elementary
- Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine for Young Children
- Headlines On Deadline…
- race
- Lymphoma drug brentuximab adcetris succeeds phase 3 trial
- One Thing It Won't Be: ‘Business as Usual'
- Several Health Plans Stumble Over Risk-Based Capital Test
- Can Managed Care Programs Rein in Medicaid’s Runaway Budgets?
- FDA expands use heart valves
- NIH Launches Study of Breast Cancer Genetics in Black Women
- The Clinton Plan Works– As a Rhetorical Cheap Shot
- 2018 Editorial Calendar
- Health care resource utilization and costs associated restless legs syndrome among
- HMOs Continue Losing Ground On Liability Issues at State Level
- Paul Terry PhD
- Major Managed Medicare Player Plans No Expansion in Next 5 Years
- Formulary restrictions discourage adherence to medications
- ‘All Products' Clauses Fade From Physician Contracts
- Fraud and Abuse Find A Home in Managed Care
- Steven Peskin MD's blog
- Transgenic Drug Production Heads Back to the Farm
- Shared Appointments Improve Efficiency in the Clinic
- It's Too Soon To Write Off Those Suffering PHOs
- Women increasingly fill medical director role
- FDA warns serious skin reactions olanzapine
- Number children diagnosed high blood pressure may rise unde new guidelines
- On Medicaid Money, GOP Has Win-Or-Lose Proposition For States
- Bumper Crop of New Drugs Fails to Lift Big Pharma R&D Returns
- Clinton's Regulations May Be Model For Patient-Rights Legislative Push
- Opioids
- 2017 Editorial Calendar
- For Health Insurers, Retail Space Available!
- Immune Globulin Shortage Is Wreaking Havoc
- Use a Value-Based Strategy for Biotech Medications
- CalPERS Accepts Average Rate Hike Of Nearly 10%
- It’s No Longer Just Members Who Are Suing Health Plans
- Early Results out From NIH-Sponsored CER Study
- AMA Slams Managed Care Even As Leadership Splinters
- Women increasingly fill medical director role
- Palliative Care Improves Quality of Care, Lowers Costs
- An Evidence-Based Approach To Care Depends on All Parties — Physicians Included
- Convenient Care Clinics Inconvenience the AMA
- Will Therapeutic Interchange Be Put Off Limits by States?
- Cost control
- CDC: Zika-Transmitting Mosquitoes Found in Most of U.S.
- Medical directors’ pay up 37% since ‘97 — or not
- Fraud and Abuse Find A Home in Managed Care
- It's a Small World After All: Outsourcing Makes Inroads
- Health Care Costs Associated With Treatment Modification in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients Taking Oral Anti-diabetic Drugs
- Inventive Approaches Curtail Imaging Costs
- Submitting Viewpoints
- Study finds psychiatric medications are not overprescribed for kids
- A Q&A With David B. Nash, MD, MBA
- Cloud Computing Puts Stakeholders On Same Page
- New role health insurers paying lifestyle coaches
- HMO/Physician Strain Creates Invisible Costs
- Customization of benefits: Will diversity continue?
- Minimal improvement in quality seen in P4P
- Value-based reimbursement coming on strong while the fall of FFS medicine accelerates
- Innovative Care Model to Improve Clinical Quality and Safety of Transitional Care: Early Outcomes
- December 2003
- Snapshot: Large employers warm up to online option
- States, D.C. Fight About Funding For Illegals' Care
- Should you use E-mail clinical practice
- Many Cyberattacks health care never publicly disclosed
- Rand Questions Off-label Use
- NIH scientists uncover genetic explanation frustrating syndrome
- Active Surveillance Helped Me Avoid Prostate Surgery For Now
- FDA approves narcan nasal spray opioid overdose
- The Role of Managed Care In Patient Safety & Error Reduction
- Per-Patient Visits to Behavioral Therapists Drop 63% in Just Two Years, Study Shows
- Hepatitis B Vaccine Heplisav-B Does Well in Phase III Study
- All Men Are Not Equal When Choosing a Provider
- January 2010
- Experimental zika vaccine begins human testing
- Network measuring pilot narrows
- Health plan medical directors doing well
- The Uberization of American Health Care: Why We Need a Disruptive Model
- New Drug Entresto for Heart Failure Drums Up a Lot of Enthusiasm
- Pay-or-Play Ideas Make Employers Help Uninsured
- August 1998
- Coming strong
- Do Health Plans Have a Role In Limiting Antibiotic Resistance?
- An Interview with Alan Hillman, M.D., M.B.A.
- Rude Awakening When Kaiser Retreats
- Index of /archiveMC/9808
- January 2011
- Introducing the CHR, More Like a PHR Than an EMR
- Uninsured Tracked Over 2-Year Period
- Treating Psoriasis Patients With Biologic Agents
- Do Out-of-Pocket Payments Put Preventive Care on Hold?
- FDA approves artificial intelligence based device detect certain diabetes related eye
- Destination=popular
- If We Do Say So Ourselves …
- ‘Make Gatekeepers True Integrators of Patient Care'
- Payers Begin to Make Plans For Coming Wave of Biosimilars
- February 2004
- Remuneration Arrangements Important Part of Stark II Regulations
- Colon Cancer Vaccine Shows Promise in Mid-Stage Trial
- Cancer care can we afford hope
- Preventive Care Cut In CDHP Confusion
- Per-Patient Visits to Behavioral Therapists Drop 63% in Just Two Years, Study Shows
- Is the Comeback Real — or Is It All Just an Illusion?
- For Health Insurers, Retail Space Available!
- Concierge care at a discounted price
- Does the Chronic Care Model Signal Big Changes for DM?
- Cheers–and Boos–
If ACA Required Benefits Get the Ax
- Dr. Drugstore Will See You Now
- Take as Needed….
- Diabetic Medicaid Members May Need More Than Phone Outreach
- March 2016
- 3 Steps to a Strong Pricing Strategy
- New metric works patient reported outcomes
- Index of /archives/0004
- Cross-Border Traffic Highlights Differences in U.S., Canadian Systems
- Changing medical evidence brings shift C-section stance
- Attacks Prompt Examination of Mental Health Care Funding
- A Conversation with Robert L. Weinmann, M.D.
- Managing 9/11-related stress
- Patient and Physician Satisfaction With a Pharmacist-Managed Anticoagulation Clinic: Implications for Managed Care Organizations
- From the Grass Roots, A Demand for Health Security
- Specialty Pharmacy Grows As Cost-Control Option
- Major Companies Behind Push for Quality Measures
- After Physicians Protest, An HMO Changes Its Mind
- ASCO, Others Design Tools To Measure the Worth of Drugs
- Constructing Disease Management Programs
- Proposal Would Limit Profit of Some California Plans
- Real reason hospital readmissions have fallen
- E-prescribing system increases generic usage
- A Conversation with Nancy W. Dickey, M.D.
- Tomorrow's Technology Is Saving Money Today
- Health Expenditures Ease a Bit; Drugs Lead Cost-of-Care Increase
- FDA approves remicade biosimilar pfizer won't market it
- HMOs Won't Look Twice At AMA's Model Agreement
- Just What the Devil Is Population-Based Care?
- GENETIC MEDICINE: Powerful Opportunities For Good and Greed
- Sanofi submits new data insulin glargine lixisenatide pen diabetes
- Plans, PBMs, Employers Prod Docs To E-Prescribe
- Moving Consumers to the Head of the Class
- Diabetes costs employers 20b unplanned sick days
- Cost of Coverage Forces Search For ‘Alternatives'
- Should Doctors Guarantee Results? Or, Whose Disease Is It, Anyway?
- You Will Live Healthily!
- Patients profit dialysis center have lower kidneytransplantation rates
- A Conversation with Jeff Goldsmith: He Connects Health Care's Dots Along Information Superhighway
- February 2015
- Past Issues of Managed Care magazine
- Novartis faces fines criminal charges over zolgensma data
- Roche buy spark therapeutics 48-billion
- Health care mergers and acquisitions decline in 1998
- HIV drug doravirine succeeds phase 3 trial
- Formulary Standards Key To E-Prescribing Success
- Expect Changes In Medicare HMO Inpatient Rates
- Better Patient Communications Mean Lower Liability Exposure
- Does consolidation may not be worth trouble
- PBMs get thumbs up from satisfied customers
- One reason our health care costs so much
- Zerbaxa hospital acquired ventilator associated bacterial pneumonia
- Teaching the Teachers Means Better Doc Visits?
- uspstf issues final recommendation screening depression children and adolescents
- MOR208 named breakthrough therapy some lymphoma cases
- Drug Used to Treat Diabetes May Get OK for Weight Loss
- Sense of Gravity, Humility In Catastrophe's Aftermath
- Association Health Bill Fails Despite Senators' Support
- Effective Ways To Increase Usage of Generics
- Copay accumulators deductible double dip
- Health Care Needs To Catch Up
- Popular content
- Political Landscape May Change But Systemic Problems Remain
- Buyers of physician practices becoming smarter shoppers
- Two Western States' Voters Reject Measures To Limit Managed Care
- Bayer take birth control device essure US market
- A Conversation with David Nace, MD: Primary Care Stakes a Big Tent
- Reaching for the Stars: Medical Directors Feel Pressure To Score Medicare Advantage Points
- FDA approves new hemophilia therapy
- Payment by capitation comes on strong– but so far, mostly in primary care
- Managing Medicaid Rolls Often State-by-State Affair
- Oregon Attempts To Blaze Trail With ‘Reference-Based' Formulary
- Several HMOs Stung in N.Y. Test Of Consumer Law
- California program cuts maternal deaths half
- Mental health coverage parity delaware
- P&T Committees in Position To Reduce Medication Errors
- After a decade of tumult, what's next
- Blueprint for the Future? Or Trapped in a Lockbox?
- Managed Care Industry Change Looks to Outcomes, Not Process
- Pharmacy Copayments: A Double-Edged Sword
- Medical Tourism: Once Ready for Takeoff, Now Stuck at the Gate
- Genetic testing brings fight individual cancer cell
- How We Got It Anyway: The Clinton Health Plan Never Died
- Autologous mesenchymal stem cells treating knee osteoarthritis
- Telemedicine Kiosks: The Future of Health Care?
- In Separate Cases, Aetna, HIP Partner Face Tough Battles
- Medintranet
- NCQA Toughens Standards for Measuring Plans' Quality
- Nurse managed health centers might ease pcp shortage
- Roll Over, Beethoven Your Genetic Profile's in
- February 2007
- Feed items
- Comparative effectiveness research paving way evidence based decision making
- Ombudsmen: Navigating The Managed Care Maze
- Injectable Drug May Help Avoid Eye Surgery In Patients With Vitreomacular Adhesion
- New Anticoagulant Fights for Credibility
- Capitation
- Medical Marijuana Coverage Still Lost in the Legal Weeds
- Medicare Expansion Steps Into the Political Limelight
- Never Rest
- Headlines On Deadline …
- High-Tech Imaging Used Increasingly
- Vol. 8, No. 5 May 1999
- Payer Executives Want Plans To Boost Worker Productivity
- New Fee Schedule For Medicare Helps Office Docs
- Drug Expense Hits Home; Mississippi Pays Pharmacists
- Some PCPs Are Worried Sick About Patients
- New Generation of Issues Now Coming to Forefront
- Among Medicare HMOs, Capitation's the Way
- Health Care From the Medical Director POV
- Cracks are starting show affordable care act's insurance exchanges
- Will State Legislators Keep Playing Doctor?
- Long-Term Data Support Safety and Efficacy of Genvoya for HIV Infection
- 6-State Coalition Creating Joint Drug-Buying Pool
- Take as Needed …
- Optum’s Lisa Tseng Keeps Entrepreneurial Ball Rolling
- Your Disability Insurance: More Costly, More Needed
- More cost-shifting in the pharmacy benefit: Copayments at new highs, while 3-tier formularies spread
- FDA approves sofosbuvir velpatasvir combo epclusa treatment chronic hcv infection
- Is Outsourcing a Cure For the IT Blues?
- Research sheds light mechanism leads drug resistant superbugs
- Modern Cardiovascular Programs Cut Costs, Inpatient Days, and Deaths
- Providers, Plans Misinformed About Vendor Software Capability
- Use a ‘SWAT' Team To Collect Old Receivables
- Can a Health Plan's Free EMR ‘Lite' Be Useful to Doctors & Hospitals?
- Medicaid Rates Rise in Georgia, Bucking Trend
- Managing the Cost of Diagnosis
- Salary slowdown reported for specialists
- Index of /archiveMC/9609
- Tennessee Gives Medicaid Program New Lease on Life
- Will Merger Talks Be the Next Step For Group Health and Kaiser Permanente?
- Payers consumers benefit patents expire
- A Conversation With Emad Rizk, MD: Disease Management Beyond the Call Center
- New Jersey Sues Management Co., Seeks HMO's Reins
- Doctors: FDA Threatens Strategy To Manage High-Risk Pregnancies
- Pharmacists Experiment With Pharmacogenomic Management
- don-berwick-comes-out-favor-medicare-all
- When new drugs are costly how high raise copays
- Getting Doctors To Listen to Patients
- ASCENIV Approved for Primary Humoral Immunodeficiency Disease in Adults, Adolescents
- Kaiser Permanente Wins Endorsement of AFL-CIO
- GOP conservatives and moderates split obamacare repeal
- Predictive Modeling Holds Promise of Earlier Identification, Treatment
- Life may be better without a white coat
- Nurse Practitioners Inch onto the Field
- Family physicians paid less per RVU than internists
- Computer-aided Multispectral Digital Analysis (MelaFind) for Assessing Atypical Skin Lesions
- Too Much Health Care Can Be Hazardous to Your Health
- Cigna turns toward east
- The Pap Test: 20th Century Success Story, 21st Century Has-Been
- Specialist Pharmacists Make Adherence Matter
- Biosimilars Charge the Market But Still Face Many Hurdles
- Costly biologics have plan sponsors looking at benefit designs
- Expanded approval cf treatment children aged 6
- ACA Decreased Racial Disparities
- Biggest increases in specialty drug costs seen in rheumatologic, cancer, and hemophilia agents
- Effort Puts Medication Adherence On Geisinger Health Plan’s Radar
- External Review of Disputes Gains Steam on Capitol Hill
- New Type of Pill Prolongs Drug Release
- Headlines On Deadline …
- Despite What You Hear, State Privacy Statutes No Threat to DM
- Headlines On Deadline …
- Congress Asked To Take Action As HMOs Flee Managed Medicare
- Sept. 11's Lessons in Disaster Care
- Using Option-Based Contracts to Improve Health Outcomes
- Index of /archives/0002
- CVS Caremark Wants To Make Drug Rebates a Thing of the Past
- Kennedy-Kassebaum Law Means Greater Fraud Scrutiny
- Doctors: FDA Threatens Strategy To Manage High-Risk Pregnancies
- Aetna humana consider appealing court decision blocking their merger
- More young adults prescribed ADHD drugs
- Game drones
- Copay coupons improve cv drug adherence not much
- What We Talk About When We Talk About Value-Based Care
- Managing Drugs for Rare Genetic Diseases: Trends and Insights
- perjeta old adjuvant treatment certain breast cancer cases
- Stroke-related costs to double by 2030
- November 2010
- Four-color flow cytometry detects minimal residual disease in leukemia
- Dual-Treatment Approach To Parkinson's Disease
- Who Will Pay for High-Cost Biologics?
- Kaiser Permanente Wins Endorsement of AFL-CIO
- Physicians uncertain about how ACOs might affect pay
- Population Care Coordinators: A Key to Improved Care at Lower Cost?
- Regional Spending Variations Tied to Doctor Care Methods
- More demand for oncologists as boomers age
- States' transparency rules fall short of members' needs
- Step therapy comeback continues
- 5 companies maintain market ‘Advantage’
- The ACA as a Survivor
- December 1996
- Molecular Diagnostic Testing Presents $5 Billion Conundrum
- An age-old question: Would universal access result in higher costs from those less in need?
- Approach and Avoidance: Order of the Day With Medicare
- Headlines on Deadline …
- Medicare Reform Dead for Now On Capitol Hill
- For Mega-Mergers, ACA Giveth and Taketh
- Cancer costs to reach at least $173B in 2020
- AI for all that ails American health care. But how smart is that?
- Trials Wrap on Interferon-Free Hepatitis C Regimen
- Taking back the power? They made the right choice when the money ran low
- MelaFind Improves Chances for Accurate Melanoma Diagnosis
- Rare Pediatric Disease Priority Review Voucher Sells for $130 Million
- States trim what they can to restrain Medicaid costs
- What’s ahead? Private spending growth slows
- Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ohio, Selling to Columbia/HCA, Loses Name
- Senate Republicans Consider Keeping Obamacare Taxes to Pay for Repeal
- Managed Care Has No Place For Unscientific ‘Therapies'
- League of Their Own: What Makes a Winning IPA?
- Buzzwords collide positive results
- Electronic Medical Records: If Not Now, When?
- New Organization Will Calculate Out-of-Network Physician Charges
- Health Information Network Costs More
- You Have To Follow the Patient…
- Navigators cancer terrain help patients and may cut costs
- Renewing calls for better cost profiling of providers
- Bush launches 10 year effort create national EMR system
- Is Paying Physicians By Capitation Wrong?
- Disease Management, Medicaid Mix Like Oil and Water in Florida
- Novel approach allows expansion indication cystic fibrosis drug
- Is Paying Physicians By Capitation Wrong?
- Listening to St. John's Wort
- Aetna Rewrites Doctor Contracts; AMA Not Swayed
- Wellness Debate Irrelevant For Insurers Eyeing the Market
- Drug Wholesalers, Teva reach opioid settlement in Ohio
- The Commonwealth Fund antes up a universal health plan
- FDA approves noctiva nasal spray for nocturnal polyuria
- ‘Contact Capitation' and its Cousins
- Flat Tax? Single Payer? Find Those Easy Answers
- Index of /archives/0005
- Docs Ill-Equipped to Evaluate Genetic Variant Data
- Pain Management: Health Plans Need to Take Control
- Survey one quarter americans skip health care because cost concerns
- The ACO Contract: Four Parts of the Basic Chassis
- How to Get TB Patients to Take Their Pills?
- Ombudsmen: Navigating The Managed Care Maze
- A Conversation With David B. Nash, MD, MBA: Game Changers for Population Health
- September 2006
- Hospitalists Make It Look Easy
- RU-486 Coverage Decisions Lack Debate Seen With Some Drugs
- Managing 911 related stress
- Electronic Medical Records: High Hopes Meet Harsh Reality
- US Family Health Plan Satisfies Members in Many Ways
- Inovalon announces agreement boehringer ingelheim support outcome based contracting
- CDC Concludes Zika Virus Causes Microcephaly and Other Birth Defects
- It’s Not Perfect, But It’s Hot: Quick Triage from Dr. Bot
- Health Care Costs Associated With Treatment Modification in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients Taking Oral Anti-diabetic Drugs
- Joint Venture Health Plans May Give ACOs a Run for Their Money
- Some Builders’ Remorse: The Rise and Fall of the Oncology Medical Home
- E-Health's Greener Pastures
- What if They Threw a Revolution And No Health Plans Showed Up?
- Over counter pain pills work well opioids emergency department patients
- Variance in Medicare pharmacy benefits is wide
- Headlines On Deadline…
- Employers plan to push wellness programs more
- Salaries Within MCOs: Up, Except for Primary Care
- 440000 deaths preventable
- Global Payment System No Massachusetts Miracle
- Turning Back the Clock — Or Pushing the Envelope?
- Reformed UCR Calculations Not Without Problems
- Trouble for Hospitals & Health Plans In States That Nix Medicaid Expansion
- A Conversation with William Rowley, MD: What's Past is Prologue? Don't Bet on It
- ‘Freeze the pay on specialists’
- New Governors in Georgia, California Push Reform, But Their Styles Contrast
- User account
- Staff-Model HMOs: Don't Blink or You'll Miss Them!
- For oncologists, it is bye to buy-and-bill and hello to value-based care
- Two Agencies: Don't Change Antitrust Laws
- In Trump, HIV/AIDS Groups Find an Ally Who's Tough To Love
- Parity could use some fixing least it won't be dismantled
- Comparative Effectiveness: An Idea Whose Time Has Finally Come
- Family Physicians Give Payers Middling Grades
- Progress Seen In Hospital Safety
- Identification of Resource Use And Associated Costs for Viral Meningitis
- Is There a Doctor in the House?
- Five Sepsis Deaths Reported in Parkinson’s Disease Drug Trial
- Dangling Dollars
- Getting closer treatment parkinson's disease
- The New Team in Town: Primary Care
- UnitedHealth Stakes Claims On New Drug Safety Program
- A Canary in the Coal Mine for Co-Ops?
- Headlines on Deadline…
- New Prescribing Patterns Behind Rx Cost Hikes?
- Plans Give Docs Seed Money for Meaningful-Use Systems
- A Conversation With Regina E. Herzlinger, PhD: A New Individual Market on the Horizon
- Defined Contribution Health Care Could Really Shake Up the System
- PhyCor-MedPartners Merger Falls Through; MedPartners CEO Resigns After Stock Crash
- Payments medicare advantage plans nearly doubled between 2007 and 2017
- Label provisions spread
- Risky Business When Public Plays Doctor With Open-Access MRI
- Study: Half of Elderly Colorectal Cancer Patients Receive Valueless Treatment
- Headlines On Deadline …
- Telehealth Overview: The Reality Check, Please
- The Enduring Problem of Rising Costs
- Vol. 9, No. 7 July 2000
- PDPs see increases in cost-sharing amounts
- Magnetic sphincter augmentation treating GERD
- Headlines On Deadline …
- Overall drug spending increases 2.7 percent
- AUGUST 2018
- Better ways pay providers
- Modern Cardiovascular Programs Cut Costs, Inpatient Days, and Deaths
- New Protections In California Not Helping Docs
- Elisabeth Rosenthal, Top Editor at Kaiser Health News
- Most docs see benefit price transparency
- What Is Prescription Drug Step Therapy?
- P&T Committees in Position To Reduce Medication Errors
- Retail Medical Clinics Draw Patients & Payers
- August 2013
- They're Coaching Your Patients On What To Demand From You
- Scientists Develop Breathalyzer Device to Detect Lung Cancer
- New FDA drug approvals reach 21 year high 2017
- A Patient's Perspective: Is There No Better Way?
- Plans wait for payoff from IT investment
- Managed Medicaid Braces for Influx of Ex-Inmates
- When They Want Your Network But Don't Want All Its Members
- CDC launches educational campaign about dangers sepsis
- Participants asthma study have fewer inpatient days higher functional status
- Managed Care's Prospects in the Health Reform Era
- Index of /archiveMC/9711
- Lowering Copayments Can Improve Quality of Chronic Disease Care
- Walgreens wants half rite aid stores
- Joint Venture Health Plans May Give ACOs a Run for Their Money
- Potential for Profit, Potential for Real Change
- Virtual Primary Care ‘Visits’? That Future Is Already Here
- Blogs
- Learning from Brazil
- Managed Care Industry Welcomes Provisions in Budget-Balancing Deal
- Risk Adjustment: Immature System Heads for Big Time
- Consumer groups wellchoice funds improperly used
- Marginal increase in chief medical officer pay
- Why Managed Care Is Getting A Bad Rap
- September 2001
- PBMs’ Rebate Income Threatened By Lawsuits and Move to Generics
- CE research often ignores payers’ concerns
- Aducanumab flops alzheimer's study
- Predicting risk five deadly diseases
- Utilization of Generics: A Managed Care Failure?
- Many States Preparing Laws Rejecting Individual Mandate
- December 2009
- Don't Let One Bad Apple Spoil Your Medical Bunch
- Capitation: an update
- Health plan foundations how well are they spending money
- Why blockchain health care may be finally turning corner
- Family practice base salary continues to improve
- Can We Design a Fair Benefit For Bariatric Surgery?
- Hospital at Home: Compelling Findings, But Replicable in Other Systems?
- Mail Order Pharmacy Saves Money, Says PCMA, but at What Cost?
- How to Save a Bundle on Hospital Readmissions
- 3 Health Care Startups Refuse To Be Boxed In
- Terms & Conditions of Use Agreement
- How insurers can bear the burden of proof for new treatments
- Help Your Patients EAT Their Way To Health
- Medicare Helps PCPs at Specialists’ Expense
- Staff-Model HMOs: Don't Blink or You'll Miss Them!
- Are We Unmanaging Care?
- New Test Gauges Danger of Rejection When Children Need Organ Transplants
- Health savings accounts keeping costs down
- Health insurance premiums show smallest hike recent history
- U.S. Infant and Maternal Mortality Rates: Shamefully (and Unnecessarily) Bad and Getting Worse
- Look Ahead, Not Back
- Headlines On Deadline…
- Transcription factor keeps breast cells healthy advancing dna damage repair
- Harvard Pilgrim To Pay for 2 Autoimmune Drugs Based on Outcomes, Value
- Emicizumab cuts bleed rate 87 patients hemophilia
- Program Takes on Diabetes Before and After Diagnosis
- FDA panel vote whether empagliflozin jardiance cuts risk cardiac death
- Politics and policy
- Aetna's latest move called intrusive
- September 2008
- 9 things health plans must do to meet the ACA challenge
- Subsidies for Insurers in ACA Exchanges Should Continue, Says House Speaker Ryan
- Year Later, Aetna's Cut-Rate Product Has Few Takers
- Hospital profit margins grow while length of stay decreases
- Aptamers slowing progression amd
- Wellpoint Health Networks Turns East for an Acquisition
- PBM industry stabilizing amid mergers and spinoffs
- Parsimonious Care, in the Best Sense
- California May Stop Giving Physicians New HMO Licenses
- Prescriptions for generic drugs rise sharply
- Blue Days For Blues In Pennsylvania
- Texas Blues Won't Get Harris As Sale Collapses
- Health care falls fourth among hot presidential topics
- Doj and dea propose lowering opioid production quotas
- Less-is-More Approach Now Under Heavy Fire
- FDA Staff Says Suicide Risk With Psoriasis Drug Brodalumab Is Difficult to Assess
- Important role guidelines appropriate management disease states and their treatment options
- Is Home Infusion Ready for Prime Time?
- New health care plan unlikely year republican senator says
- Why drug approval takes so long pipeline has been clogged 20 years
- Atezolizumab (Tecentriq) Wins FDA Nod for Treatment of Metastatic Lung Cancer
- Payers Benefit When Hospitals Issue Improved Discharge Orders
- Medicare Formulary Model Seen by Many as Too Inclusive
- The New Era of Mega-Plans
- Aiming at a Moving Target In Rheumatoid Arthritis
- HMO drug formulary access increases for COX-2sHMO drug formulary access increases for COX-2s
- The Final ACA Wellness Provisions and the Reticence of the EEOC
- More cost-shifting in the pharmacy benefit: Copayments at new highs, while 3-tier formularies spread
- Biosimilars in Oncology: Reality Could Bite the Copycats, Dog Potential Major Savings
- Managed medicaid ups sdoh game
- Starving cancer the key to new treatments
- CVS caremark formulary removes jardiance favor invokana
- Suicide Prompts First Challenge of HMO Liability Law in Texas
- Individual Wariness Needed To Spot Biased Drug Research
- Is New Medicare Package A Cure for Medicare HMOs' Ills?
- AMA votes require drug makers disclose prescription costs ads
- Destination Contents
- Medicare+Choice = Slow Start; Cost, Questionable Return Cited
- HHS Contractors To Ratchet Up Antifraud Activity
- This Isn't the First Attempt To Shift Cost to Employees
- With HMO Gone, Texas Health Will Wed Baylor Health
- ‘You Talking to Me?’ Docs and Feedback
- Disenfranchised Doctors Need New Skills To Compete
- Off-label provisions spread
- Managed Care (and Everyone Else) Unprepared for the Next Killer Flu
- Diabetes Drug Pioglitazone Linked to Bladder Cancer Risk
- More Office Hours, Lower Expenditures
- Metabolic Agents Lead In Total Dollars Spent
- Rush to Robotic Surgery Outpaces Medical Evidence, Critics Say
- Second DMAA Report Issued
- A Conversation with David Lansky, Ph.D.
- All health care is local, but its financing is universal
- Financial Woes Doom a Merger, Dog an HMO, Dampen Investor Spirit
- Whatever Happened to Insurance? More Small Companies Retain Risk
- Do We Really Have Best Health Care in the World?
- Savings Seen With Evidence-Based Care
- Electronic health records bolster diabetes outcomes
- Medical Tourism Takes Off, But Not Without Debate
- FDA Expands Revlimid Label
- Advances in HIV/AIDS Care Require Hard Choices
- Some Medical Groups Prefer To Grow Their Own DM Programs
- COPD costs to approach $50B per year in 2020
- Not So Much of a Reach: Let Sick Pay Less for Drugs
- P4P Programs Offer Catnip That May Distract Doctors
- Original Research
- Why blockchain for health care may be finally turning the corner
- Kaiser seen as biggest earner as HMO profits soared in 2003
- Patient Liquidity at Time of Service Big New Problem for Providers, Insurers
- Large Plans Do Well Under Part D, But Premium Hikes Cloud Future
- AMA joins trend hires first health equity officer
- Paul Ellwood, MD: Only Government Has the Clout To Fix Broken Health Care System
- This IPA's Slide Toward Ruin Could Have Been Prevented
- Lowering Copayments Can Improve Quality of Chronic Disease Care
- Biometrics now part wellness mix
- Poor in Part D plans face more premiums in 2010
- Dual treatment approach parkinson's disease
- National managed care companies increase share of HMO enrollment
- Staying True to Roots While Branching Out
- Health Plans Will Use New Tools To Help Physicians Practice Better
- Health Care Reform in the U.K.: Managed Care by Another Name?
- If You Think It’s Bad Now, Plans Could See Worse
- Reaping What Mergers Sow: How To Prepare for Bankruptcy
- Spitzer just getting started on health care
- Medical groups can receive 2% bonus from CMS
- Short FDA Review Time Seen as Bad Sign for Breast Cancer Drug Neratinib
- Popular content
- Value = (Quality + Outcomes) / Cost
- Want to Change Patients’ Behavior? Look to the Internet
- Managed Care's Makeover: Can PPOs Handle the Task?
- Community Pharmacy Struggles To Remain Relevant
- October 1999
- 2008 cost hike should be less than 2007
- States Balk at Premium Hikes; Health Plans May Face a Squeeze
- Should Specialty Drugs Be Shifted From Medical to Pharmacy Benefit?
- Selling Supplements in the Office Means Grappling With Tough Issues
- FDA Rejects Drisapersen (Kyndrisa) for Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy
- States Balk at Premium Hikes; Health Plans May Face a Squeeze
- Targeting a Cystic Fibrosis Mutation Opens Door for Personalized Treatment
- Health care's forth and back while medical progress marches forward prescriptions
- Determine a Comfortable Capitation To Effectively Negotiate Contracts
- Teleconsultations: HCFA Issues New Payment Rules
- Nations Rated On Health Care
- ‘Put All Your Drugs Into a Bag and Take It to Your Pharmacist'
- ASCO's Model for Cancer Payment Reform
- Countdown Nears for Launch of ICD-10
- Medicare's big changes
- A Conversation with Jeff Goldsmith, PhD: Reform Opens the Door For Consumer-Oriented Market
- For first time ever, HMO enrollment drops in 1999
- mixed results medicare's bundled payment program
- HIT Decisions Lie on the Horizon, But Savings Remain Elusive
- A Conversation with Steffie J. Woolhandler, MD, MPH: Despite the Reform Law, Don’t Write Off Single Payer
- If You Think It’s Bad Now, Plans Could See Worse
- Two For The Price Of One: Beauty of Pill-Splitting Catches On
- Key PBM Functional Areas Require Radical Transformation
- Beware of the CAR-T Hitches
- Cast Your Bread Upon the Waters?: The Debate Over Enforced Charity
- Gene identified cause and early indicator breast cancer
- A Modest, Not Satirical, Proposal For Assisted-Suicide Decisions
- Democrats demand probe trump health nominee
- Cut pharmaceutical costs mind legal dangers
- Retail and mail copayments on the rise
- How's Your Office Manager Doing? Don't Let Question Just Hang There
- Its time cms release physician medicare claim information
- Beating Obesity Begins By Expanding Tort Reform
- Health Care Reform: Payors, Providers, and Patients
- E-Prescribing Gets More Enticing
- Second DMAA Report Issued
- Managed Care Prepares For the Worst
- The Weight of the Nation: How Many Rounds Ahead for This Public Policy Fight?
- There Once Was a Man Who Could Not Feel Disgust
- Potential for Profit, Potential for Real Change
- PBM leaders fight back say they're-not blame high drug prices
- Federally Negotiated Drug Prices Anticipated for Medicare Part D
- The Role of Physicians In Disease Management
- A Conversation With Uwe E. Reinhardt, PhD: Health Care Deserves More Respect
- Medicaid expansion improved infant mortality black babies buckeye state
- New Treatment Approaches To Diabetes
- Insulin Pumps Buy Time Until Transplant Therapy Arrives
- Pennsylvania's individual market seems be slowly stabilizing
- Great Taste or Less Filling? Guidelines Have Their Uses
- Clinical Decision Support On Slow Road to Adoption
- With California Task Force Report Done, Reform Focus Moves Back to Legislature
- Extenders' pay gains exceed physicians'
- A Conversation With F. Randy Vogenberg, PhD, RPh: Changing Market for Pharmacy Benefits
- The Epilepsy Battle in the War Between Brands and Generics
- Coming clean can save lives
- Middle class faces steeply rising premiums
- Index of /archiveMC/9706
- Helping hispanics means improving preventive care
- Electronic prescribing has no effect on formulary compliance
- Plans Go Directly to Patients, Describing Treatment Options
- Headlines on Deadline…
- Staff-Model HMOs: Don't Blink or You'll Miss Them!
- FDA approves ayvakit gastrointestinal stromal tumors
- October 2008
- Women Are Ten Times More Likely to Get Tested for BRCA1 and BRCA2
- West Virginia Hopes DM Program Will Control Medicaid Drug Costs
- Prior Authorization for Safety, Not Just for Economy
- Bitter harvest deaths drug scourge puts more organs transplant play
- Does Mail-Order Pharmacy Really Deliver the Goods?
- Accountable Care Organizations Hold Promise, But Will They Achieve Cost and Quality Targets?
- How Many More Quarters of Profits on the Way?
- Specialty anti-inflammatories see huge increase in utilization
- Interoperable PHRs Offer Best Value for Insurers
- Most provider-owned health plans weather economic downturn
- Plans and Physicians in Hawaii Experiment With Online ‘Visits’
- 4 Payer Trends To Control Specialty Pharmacy Costs
- Workers fail exploit health savings accounts
- Adherence to Biologics Requires Patient Buy-In
- TennCare Gets Higher Marks for Care Than for Administration and Funding
- Pfizer R&D Spending Increases To Accelerate Blockbuster Drug Approvals
- Medicare Payment Formula Triggers Specialists' Suit
- Wave of the Future? Illinois Docs To Be Paid for E-mail With Patients
- States and plans adjust to ACA’s reality
- Electronic Health Records Bolster Diabetes Outcomes
- No easy passage to integrated care because vested interests are at stake
- More Trouble for Theranos: Company Halts Zika Test After FDA Inspection
- For Patients Who Inherit Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia, 2 New Treatments Available
- Wellness Programs: No Longer Just an Add-On
- A Conversation With David M. Cutler, PhD: Efficiencies, Jobs, and Staying the Course
- Will the Employer-Based System Collapse?
- May 2017
- Endobarrier device fails safety assessment obese diabetic patients
- Afstyla wins FDA nod hemophilia
- May 2002
- Evolution of TennCare Yields Valuable Lessons
- How Do Employers Cut Rx Costs? Let Us Count the Ways
- Specialists warming to pay for performance
- Tougher Penalties Arrive For Upcoding, ‘Unnecessary' Care
- Reader questions HMO s call home tracheostomy care
- Can ICER bring cost-effectiveness to drug prices?
- A Conversation with Richard ‘Buz’ Cooper, MD: Questioning the Reform Agenda
- A Case Study in Keeping Plan Members ‘Satisfied'
- Switching Doctors, Switching Plans: The ‘Revolving Door' Problem
- Silent PPOs Spur Doctor Push-Back
- Drug Adherence Focus of Meta Study
- Protect Against Outliers That Destroy Your Profitability Under a Contract
- Researchers use light launch drugs red blood cells
- Check Out Our New Electronic Edition
- Ocrevus: How a Dying Young Woman’s Wedding Led to Revolutionary Drug To Treat Multiple Sclerosis
- Countdown Begins for Compliance With HIPAA Electronic Standards
- Reframing the Pharmaceutical Manufacturer/Health Plan Relationship in Managed Care
- How Broadening DM's Focus Helped Shrink One Plan's Costs
- Health Care Reform in England – Commercial Opportunity Or Another False Dawn?
- Medical Costs Rise For Family of Four
- What's Unthinkable Today Might Be Ordinary Tomorrow
- Younger Women Too Often Ignore Signs of Heart Attack
- California Puts Doctor Scores On Report Cards
- Vol. 8, No. 7 July 1999
- Vitamin D could extend life cancer patients
- Health care spending to grow at current rate through 2015
- CT Head Scans Done Too Often
- ICUs Cut Costs by Hiring Intensivists
- Back Up Your Data!
- Florida Blue Tells Folks To Step Right In, Feel at Home
- Past Issues of Managed Care magazine
- Reform Forces Health Insurers to Reinvent Themselves
- Limiting Access to SSRIs Does More Harm Than Good
- Laws Governing Peer Immunity, Physician Credentialing Upheld
- Pennsylvania Takes an Important Step in Fight Against Opioid Abuse
- ‘Alternative' Medical Treatments Raise Ethical Questions for Managed Care
- Some states harder hit by problem of uninsured
- Employers Roll Up Their Sleeves
- HHS Seems To Soften Hard Line on Kickbacks
- Medical directors’ pay up 37% since ‘97 — or not
- The Show-me State Shows the Way On ‘Health Homes’ for Mental Health
- HMOs Would Be Wise To Investigate Alternative Ways To Improve Health
- Pharmacogenetic, Pharmacogenomic Testing Rapidly Gaining Acceptance
- Shortage of IT Workers Coming, But There Is a Glimmer of Hope
- FDA Approves Hemophilia B Therapy Idelvion
- Peter Wehrwein's blog
- November 2008
- Minnesota Plans, Providers Using Same Guidelines
- Link between cost-sharing, noncompliance cited
- Managed care: An ever-growing part of physician income
- October 1997
- Headlines On Deadline …
- International consortium selects icon help advance value based health care
- Treating Depression With a Pulsating Magnetic Field
- Medicaid Plans Too Successful For Own Good?
- Tumor Treating Fields Therapy For Recurrent Glioblastoma
- HMOs Continue Losing Ground On Liability Issues at State Level
- Medicare PPOs Face Challenge to Funding
- Cost, outcomes mixed for tele-ICU
- Don't Rely on Hospitals To Report Test Results
- The Slow Reveal
- Hospital returns pen and paper after virus shuts down it systems
- Remarkable Work Went Into Designing the New HPV Vaccine
- 90 Million Left In Dark About Medical Info
- Largest Domestic Health Plans Building Overseas Operations
- GAO Report on Medicare Pullout Outrages Many in HMO Industry
- Reinsurers Offer Services To Keep Client Costs Down
- Urgent Care Finds Its Place In the Age of ACOs
- FDA Panel Reschedules Review of Troubled Muscular Dystrophy Drug Eteplirsen
- Time To Lift the Curtain On PBM Wheeling and Dealing
- Friday, October 13, 2000
- Competing HMOs Discover When It's Better To Cooperate
- Headlines On Deadline…
- No I told you so howard dean yet
- Individual Premiums Rise 20 Percent
- Briefly Noted
- Hospitals urged create chief primary care medical officer position
- PBMs: Maligned as Middlemen, They’re Hearing Wedding Bells
- September 2003
- Going for Brokers: Spitzer Rides Again
- Provider Prices Drive Cost Hikes
- ‘E-dentities' Will Reduce Internet Security Problem
- Health Plans Seek Leverage When Physicians Submit Extremely High Bills
- Medical Director to the Rescue!
- Complaint Rates On Indiana's HMOs Available Online
- MAY 2019
- Advancing Drug Trend Management in the Medical Benefit
- Oncology Medical Home Study Examines Physician Payment Models
- Health Plans Cautiously Optimistic as ACOs Enter Prime Time
- Use therapeutic interchange biologic therapies
- Predicting avoidable 30 day readmissions
- And oscar health goes cleveland clinic
- The C-Suite is Still Mostly a He-Suite
- Emicizumab succeeds phase 3 study children hemophilia
- ACO gamble
- Hospital Board Members Trained on Blues’ Dime
- Diabetes Rates Soar In 15-Year Span
- Value-Based Insurance Design: Spend a Little More On Selected Patients For Payoff Down the Line
- For First Time Since ’07, Fewer CDHPs Offered
- Many practices’ EHRs might not pass muster
- Statins Continue to Be Ubiquitous, But Increasingly Controversial
- Scientists may have found second superbug gene new york patient
- Vol. 8, No. 10 October 1999
- Vol. 14, No. 1 January 2005
- Task force issues guidelines screening colorectal cancer
- Wish List: 10 Things You Want From Your PBM
- Teaching Tomorrow's Doctors To Choose Cost-Effective Care
- U.S. Docs Outspend Ontario Physicians
- Internet on Center Stage At Technology Conference
- Don't Read Too Much Into Oregon Single-Payer Vote
- Disruptive Innovation Could Up-End an Innovative Industry
- King v. Burwell, by the numbers
- Plan Design Helps Poor Get Coverage
- Say Goodbye to Ulcers, Say Hello to Savings
- Coronavirus outbreak news 17 dead 500 infected 3 chinese cities lockdown
- Similarity seen in prescription cost-sharing
- Despite downturn, pharmacy jobs abound
- Specialty Pharmacy Presents Unique Set of Challenges
- Beating Obesity Begins By Expanding Tort Reform
- These vendors offer clinical decision support software
- Liraglutide (Victoza) Lowers Heart Risks in Diabetes Patients
- What Can Be Done to Counteract Growing Power of Providers?
- Specialty Societies Tell Members, ‘Think Twice About Those Tests’
- Antidepressant pipeline far from depressed
- He Puts Patient Safety First By Bucking Conventional Wisdom
- Health Insurers Need Social Media Presence
- Hospital profit margins grow while length of stay decreases
- Private practice physicians find dual role challenging
- Popular content
- Slavitt on the ACA: It’s a Fixer-Upper, Not a Teardown
- ‘What Can You Do To Help Control Costs?'
- May 2014
- Aetna Opens Gate With Several New No-Referral Plans
- Preventive Care Cut In CDHP Confusion
- New model, more money for family docs
- Hospitals Asked To Account For Errors on Their Watch
- Call it repurposing, repositioning, or recycling, it’s a fast-growing strategy
- Fraud and Abuse Find A Home in Managed Care
- Gene Therapy Fast-Tracked for Huntington’s Disease Treatment
- Peace of Mind Comes With a Price: The Battle Over Full-Body Scans
- Popular content
- April 1998
- Patients like condensed drug information
- February 1998
- Downstream Without a Paddle
- What’s the ROI on Wellness?
- health care becoming commodity leading corporate executives suggest
- A Conversation with Robert A. Berenson, M.D.
- NCQA-AMA Plan Would Reduce Paper Duplication
- Diabetes Database Offers Perspective
- September 1998
- Common Cold Virus Completely Eliminates Tumor In Patient With Bladder Cancer
- Researchers Question Accuracy of Remote Dermatology Care
- Can medical ‘facebook’ help your plan thrive
- Extricating Yourself From the Hospital System
- Headlines on Deadline …
- Biotech Med Ixekizumab (Taltz) Wins FDA Nod for Treatment of Plaque Psoriasis
- FDA approves vitrakvi NTRK fusion cancers
- Goals 2000: For HMOs: Administrative Retooling; For MDs: Managerial Competency
- Human factors inhibit medication adherence
- Racial disparity breast cancer mortality shrinks
- Asthma Programs Show Progress, Not Just Promise
- Headlines On Deadline…
- Headlines On Deadline …
- Virta health wants make insurers offer they can't refuse
- A Better Office Visit For Doctor and Patient
- Health plans won't sit out while docs, hospitals dance
- Onerous Regulations Put ACOs on Ropes
- The future holds too few docs
- Don’t Forget Productivity Gains When Rating Health Programs
- 193 Vaping related lung illnesses under investigation
- California fines anthem 96 million
- Looking for Bold Ideas? Sit Out the Off-Year Election
- Pay for Performance in Pharmacy Is More Theory Than Reality
- Death rate older black americans continues declining century
- Health plans respond as microbes develop resistance techniques
- Do diabetes wellness programs work?
- Employers, DM Vendors Edging Just a Bit Closer
- Four Views of Managed Care Ethics
- Low dose chlorthalidone beats hctz ambulatory blood pressure control
- Medicare for All Should Not Be One Size Fits All
- Prepaid care third world style uganda health cooperative
- 7 Things You Should Know About the AHCA
- For Autoimmune Ills, Biologics Bring Promise—and Problems
- Should Capitation's Financial Incentives Be Part of Informed Consent to Treatment?
- New model, more money for family docs
- Master the ‘ABCs' of Activity-Based Costing
- Team Care and EHRs Are Key to Preventive Medicine
- New Generation of Issues Now Coming to Forefront
- November 2006
- Price not greatest concern in medical travel
- Let Comparative Effectiveness Help Docs to Select Right Tools
- 9801
- Low-performing docs benefit most from P4P
- Plans and Purchasers Team Up To Manage Kidney Disease
- What makes a medical practice successful?
- Hospitals brace obamacare repeal
- After viagra fuss womens groups say help us too
- Study most ambulatory care nurses don't comply precautions blood borne pathogens
- Humana’s Multi-Year Pacts Could Be Attractive to Customers
- Vol. 7, No. 8 August 1998
- The Smart Way To Take ‘The Capitation Plunge'
- Increased Attention Given Growing Rolls of Uninsured
- Mylan NV CEO Taken to Task by House Committee
- Kansas City Focuses on Depression
- Carbon fiber is more flexible than metal, so it may help fractured bones heal faster
- Proceduralists Seem Up To the Task
- About Us
- FDA joins foreign regulators review cancer drugs
- Hospitals May See Plans as Their New Confidant
- When it comes repeal and replace americans are divided and still making their
- Drew altman medicare all would end states role health care
- DM Standards Off and Crawling
- Care Coordination Strikes Right Chord
- FDA approves label update ceftazidime avibactam avycaz
- Data Support Potential Benefit of Ataluren in Preserving Lung Function in Muscular Dystrophy Patients
- ‘The Badger State’ pays FPs and GPs the most
- Diabetes Rates Soar In 15-Year Span
- HSA Rolls Continue to Grow, Up 14% From Last Year
- How to Address Skyrocketing Prices of Cancer Drugs
- Headlines on Deadline …
- Outlook for the ACA in 2015 Could be Death by 1,000 Cuts
- For ED, the Doctor Is in But the Men Are Staying Away
- Ustekinumab Demonstrates Clinical Response, Remission in Crohn’s Disease
- AHCPR's Online Guidelines Tool Open for Business
- Majority of docs contract with managed care
- Fewer employers sponsor retiree health benefits
- Vagus Nerve Stimulation For Treating Chronic Heart Failure
- HIPAA Modifications Ease Burdens, But Don't Take Anything for Granted
- Unitedhealth provides housing hefty dose sdoh
- Power to the People: Newt's Battle Cry
- Positive Results Reported for Ixmyelocel-T in Heart Failure Trial
- Gene therapy optimism combines fear cost
- Congress Works To Permit ‘Biosimilar’ Drugs Very Soon
- How To Run Managed Care –If You Want To Destroy It
- When the Cost of Medications Keeps Patients from Taking Them
- Helping Marginally Covered May Take Public-Private Effort
- Health care executives predict no winners under trump administration
- Nearly 11 million Americans had individual health insurance policies, but some for only a short time
- It's Hard To Not Take Diabetes Personally
- Orkambi's Slick Unveiling Puts Insurers in a Bind
- A Model Approach to Biologics
- Certificate of Need: ’70s Remnant Shows Its Age
- Medicaid value based programs have yet prove themselves
- Traceability key if biosimilars are to compete, cut costs
- Move to Mandatory Coverage Wouldn’t Ensure Universality
- School debt can be significant in primary care
- More Eye Exams In Stand-Alone Plans
- Sunny for Florida Blue, but It's Partly Cloudy in Sunshine State
- Homeopathic Medicine Should Have a Role in Managed Care
- Cost Differences Between Open and Minimally Invasive Surgery
- Medicaid Fosters Innovations In Treatment of Mental Illness
- North Carolina PCMH’s Data Offer Promise, Spur Debate
- Dupilumab Shows Promise for Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis
- Call for Manuscripts
- 500 Patients in San Diego Might Revolutionize Care
- Congressional Anti-Kickback Battle Hinges on HCFA's Regulatory Stance
- Apply Integrated Care To Our Opioid Crisis
- Telehealth Dials Up Discussion About Payment to Providers
- ‘Business to Business' Is Where Real Action Is in Internet Health Care
- ‘Have I Got a Magic Lamp for You!'
- Lawmakers Take Interest in Hep C Drug Pricing
- Doctors: FDA Threatens Strategy To Manage High-Risk Pregnancies
- Does Your Managed Medicare Plan Have Enough Geriatricians?
- Genomics: Brave New Twists In ‘Nature vs. Nurture' Debate
- qmas offers how when it comes measuring care quality indicators
- New SARS-Like Virus Is Poised to Infect Humans
- Shining Light Or Shipwreck?
- Transitions nurses
- Retail Medical Clinics Draw Patients & Payers
- Medical Homes Prepare the Way For Accountable Care Organizations
- No Change in Mission, But a Changing of the Guard
- Using Virtual Assistant Technology to Improve Outcomes, Adherence
- Health Reform
- Cultural Sensitivity Is Vital In Medication Management
- States seeing more revenue
- Biologics Debate Heats Up Between FDA, NCCN
- Get Help Fighting Fraud Investigation, But Don't Shoot Yourself in the Foot
- Population Care Coordinators: A Key to Improved Care at Lower Cost?
- Financial Woes Doom a Merger, Dog an HMO, Dampen Investor Spirit
- Nonopioid drug helps migraines more opioids study shows
- Narrow Path Offered for Specialty Care
- March 2002
- Indication-Specific Drug Pricing – Simple in Theory, Complex in Reality
- Yes, DTC Presents Problems, But Pluses Can Surprise You
- One Health System's Approach To Disease Management
- The Closed Formulary Makes a Comeback
- Preventive Services Not Being Utilized
- Giving Some Ground to Physicians Helped Turn Health System Around
- Veterans More Likely to Delay Seeking Health Care
- It aint easy being patient
- Health plan medical directors doing well
- Doctors say they're busy but underpaid
- States expand ACA's reach
- Dapagliflozin Is Effective in Treating Heart Failure, Study Finds
- Americans concerned about drug costs tolerant expensive gene therapies
- Physicians oppose public disclosure of quality
- Payers Struggle to Ensure High Level of Adherence to Costly Specialty Drugs
- Coverage of Obesity Problematic for Most Health Plans
- What Do We Mean By ‘Patient Engagement'?
- Higher salaries go clinical executives who hold business degrees except mph
- Everybody Wants to Close The Doughnut Hole
- A Conversation With Lee N. Newcomer, MD, MHA: Payments With Purpose
- King v. Burwell: What did Congress mean by “an Exchange established by a State.”
- How Smart Use of Data Can Help To Manage Complex Medicaid Patients
- A Conversation With Michael L. Millenson: Health Care Reform Movement Has Only Scratched Surface
- Insurers Blew the Whistle on What They’re Calling a Hospital Scam
- Hemoglobin a1c outcomes and health care resource use type 2 diabetes mellitus
- Is the degree of restriction on choice of care overstated?
- Higher Copayments and Deductibles Delay Medical Care, A Common Problem for Americans
- Finding Common Ground: Where Foundations, MC Meet
- Helping hispanics means improving preventive care
- April 2015
- Digitally, the VA Leads the Way
- Smart Approach to Testing Needed For Fragile X Syndrome
- AHCPR: Employers Should Use Power To Boost Quality
- Trying sidestep label dance around
- Making Water Run Downhill
- By the Numbers
- Trisomy 21 DNA Test (MaterniT21) for Detecting Down Syndrome in the First Trimester
- Stable enrollment over last 5 years, except for high-deductible plans
- NCQA's New Online Survey Tries To Tame the Paper Tiger
- Making the case for account-based health plans
- Prior Authorization Process Needs Overhaul, Say Major Health Care Organizations
- More young adults prescribed ADHD drugs
- New Privacy Rules May Provide Boost For IT Companies
- In Narrow Heart Vessels, Catheter Device Prevails
- Extremely Premature Infants Benefit From Technology
- Medicare Advantage to remain robust this year
- Intensivist Program Pays Off Big for Provider Group
- HMOs and Doctors Agree To Disagree — But Just Why?
- 340B Program Fails to Meet Its Promise, Study Finds
- New Cholesterol Guidelines Could Mean Higher Premiums
- Meet George C. Halvorson
- Wrist worn heart rate monitors show variable accuracy
- First Oral Medication OK'd To Fight Psoriatic Arthritis
- Staff doctors' pay up 2.9% in '96 but 1 out of 4 received no raise
- FDA Accepts Application for Remicade Biosimilar
- Self-Funded HMOs on the Rise
- Popular content
- Ten Ways To Save Money On Your Office Dictation
- Oxford
- Drug Pricing Regulation Pushed From Many Sides
- A Conversation with Ted Eytan, MD: Social Media Are Your Friends
- obesity drugs
- Pay Incentives to Physicians For Filing Electronic Claims
- 1/3 adults mixes supplements drugs
- Anthembids
- Cancer Agents Taken Orally Pose Adherence Problems Despite Ease of Administration
- Treatment Persistence & Health Care Costs of Adult MDD Patients Treated With Escitalopram Vs. Citalopram in a Medicaid Population
- Life may be better without a white coat
- Legislators, CMS Pull In Reins On Medicare Advantage Plans
- ‘Real Age' in Managed Care Means Making Prevention Treatment of Choice
- Interim Federal High Risk Groups May Far Exceed 5b Allocation
- September 2007
- What Works Best for Patients? PCORI Hopes to Provide Answers
- Retinal Implant Brings Some Sight To Profound Retinitis Pigmentosa Patients
- Popular content
- Diabetes Intervention: Achieving Tight Glycemic Control Through Combination Therapy
- One Network Makes Comeback While Another Is Just Beginning
- Insurers Ready for Exchanges; States — Not So Much
- Study: Copayments do affect compliance
- Index of /archiveMC/9808
- Steven Peskin MD's blog
- AMA president calls physicians stop opioid epidemic
- How Health Plans Can Keep Their Approach to New Markets Nimble, Collaborative, and Effective
- Medication Nonadherence: $290 Billion Problem
- Selling The Electronic Patient Chart: A Conversation With Mark Leavitt, M.D., Ph.D.
- Drug dealing doctors office or whos criminal whos victim
- A Little More Respect, Please, For Our Primary Care Doctors
- Hospital system creates 10 epikit compete epipen
- California Physicians Struggling — Problems Ahead for Other States?
- Capitation: How well is your back covered?
- Explosive Numbers
- Nearly 11 million Americans had individual health insurance policies, but some for only a short time
- Medication Therapy Management Program in N.C. Saves $13 Million
- Indiana Senate Passes Physician Choice Legislation
- Ten Years Ago, Measuring Patient Satisfaction Was the Next Big Thing
- Plans and oncologists don't see eye to eye on prior authorization
- Stakes Raised for Reform
- Hospital administrators see bump in pay
- The Role of Physicians In Disease Management
- Third antidepressant tier requires careful design
- Marginally frightening
- It’s Time to Ask More of Utilization Management
- Personalized Medicine Complicates Medical Decision-Making
- AHCPR Encourages Physicians To Help Smokers Kick the Habit
- So Much Data, So Few IT Workers
- GAO: Consultants Point Docs Toward Federal Law Violations
- Accountable Care Organizations Hold Promise, But Will They Achieve Cost and Quality Targets?
- Feeding Items
- Prospective Value-Based Assessment Of New Health Care Technologies and Practices
- Ray E. Drasga, MD: It's About Time to Enact A National Single-Payer Program
- Generics of the Authorized Kind
- Narrow Networks' Broader Vision
- Report: Health Care Institutions Take Financial Hit From EHR Implementations
- More Plans Discover Value of Health Risk Assessments
- Anthem Provides Platform for Young Physician Leaders
- Medicare to cut physician pay — maybe
- Psoriasis Patients' Options Include Effective Oral and Injectible Drugs
- Leadership
- Index of /archiveMC/9808
- A Conversation with E. Andrew Balas, M.D.
- Terms of California Reform Debate Clearer as Sides Develop Want Lists
- Blood Sugar Control Limbo: How Low To Go?
- Spending drops on behavioral health benefits, but the decline in share of total coverage halts
- Pa. Pharmacies Sue for Better Medicaid Money
- Does Supreme Court's Tilt Portend Problems for HMOs?
- Hospital at Home Saves 19% In Real-World Study
- Why Antibiotics Fail
- Innovation + Incentives + HEDIS = High Immunization Rates
- Abandonment of capitation may inflate MCOs' costs
- Small Businesses Look at Health Care Changes and Say ‘Duh!’
- Many Guidelines Skirt Cost Issue
- Mortality Rates Drop For Cardiac Arrest
- Bariatric Surgery Called Cure for Some Diabetes Patients
- World orphan drug congress europe 2014
- Would IRP Make Plans Chirp Over Savings?
- June 2013
- Obamacare collapse iowa blues withdrawing ACA exchange
- Tobacco Companies' ‘Punishment' Contains Seeds of Their Prosperity
- FDA approves trikafta cystic fibrosis
- Medicare Advantage beneficiaries enroll in only a few plans
- Drain on the System: How To Manage the Worried Well
- Pay Docs More For Better Services
- Digital Health Technology Adoption Depends On Tech Comfort Level, Willingness to Pay
- Would Steve Jobs Have Agreed With an ACO Movement?
- TennCare Gets Higher Marks for Care Than for Administration and Funding
- Value-Based Contracts May Lower Patients’ Out-of-Pocket Costs by 28 Percent
- MA Less Costly Than Traditional Medicare, But Is That Because of an Unfair Advantage?
- Employers take lead drug benefit design
- Specializing in specialty drugs: A new middleman steps in
- Philadelphia's Fox Chase In Pursuit of Fewer Readmissions
- Don't Be Decredentialed Without Putting Up a Fight
- Rx trend moderates while PPO costs increase
- The First and Last Resort
- Taking the hospital out of hospital care
- Specializing in specialty drugs: A new middleman steps in
- Major Managed Medicare Player Plans No Expansion in Next 5 Years
- Emergency department visits on the rise
- Compliance With Antithrombotic Guidelines: Current Practice, Barriers, and Strategies For Improvement
- Health Plans' Financial Instability Presents New Regulatory Challenges
- Elbasvirgrazoprevir combo zepatier wins FDA nod treatment chronic hepatitis c-infection
- Employers predict liability expansion bad coverage
- Capitation
- Prime Therapeutics’ Clients See Only 2.5% Drug Spend Increase in 2016
- Payers
- Genetic test costs medicare billions delivers little
- FDA Proposes Ban on Electrical Stimulation Devices Intended to Treat Self-Injurious or Aggressive Behavior
- Trump Expected To Ease Rules on Association Health Plans Today
- Is ‘Mobile Health’ Revolution Made for Managed Care?
- Byte by Byte, Harvard Pilgrim Choked on Unhealthy IT Systems
- PCPs report little knowledge of CDHPs
- The Uberization of American Health Care: Why We Need a Disruptive Model
- Opioid use patterns and health care resource utilization patients prescribed opioid
- Report: Metastatic Prostate Cancer Cases Up Sharply in U.S.
- Differin Gel (Adapalene Gel 0.1%) Wins FDA Approval for OTC Acne Use
- How Health Plans Can Keep Their Approach to New Markets Nimble, Collaborative, and Effective
- In a Rare Head-to-Head Matchup, New Psoriasis Drug Seems a Winner
- African-Americans Die Younger Due to Heart Disease, Stroke
- Emerging role new niche specialists
- Second ‘Quality Plus' Standards Released
- FDA Approves Generic Tamiflu
- Meaningful-Use Measures Fall Short on Medication Safety
- Cigna Colorado Ends Capitation For Most Primary Care Physicians
- You've Got to Believe: The Evidence on Positive Thinking in Cancer Outcomes
- King v. Burwell: What did Congress mean by “an Exchange established by a State.”
- Gottlieb proposes split decision vaping regulation
- Specialty drugs to spark next round of cost increases
- When HMOs contract with organized delivery systems
- Rand Questions Off-label Use
- Another Alzheimer’s Drug Bites the Dust
- FDA approves rinvoq moderate severe rheumatoid arthritis
- E-Prescribing Tools Touted
- Personal Freedom Called Key to Coverage
- SDOH Spenders Spawn SDOH Vendors
- Web Site Helps Californians Become Informed Purchasers of Health Care
- Molina Program Addresses Racial Disparity in Detroit
- FDA advisors recommend approval adalimumab humira biosimilar
- What the Medicaid Expansion Under the ACA Means for All MCOs
- PBMs: New Power and Influence
- Medicine by Legislation: Can Physicians Learn Techniques Patients and HMOs Already Know?
- Index of /archives
- As AMA Picks Its '99 President, '98 Leader Picks Up Benefits Whip
- Headlines On Deadline…
- At long last … pay for outcomes starts to replace pay for performance
- Three Benefit Models Improve Specialty Drug Adherence
- How physicians will fare under macra
- International research collaboration creates powerful new tools combat zika
- Meaningful Use Program Finished, CMS Head Says
- Beware the Hidden Consequences of the Malpractice Crisis
- Medicare PDP premiums will increase slightly
- Thomas, DeParle Bickering About Computer Glitch
- McAllen Texas, Revisited: BCBS Saves More Than Medicare
- The Business Case for Process Improvement
- The Role of Managed Care In Patient Safety & Error Reduction
- Preparing for NCQA: What Not To Do
- Information: Its better when you share
- Prevent Crime From Paying: Fight Managed Care Fraud
- Tiers Reach New Heights Under Part D
- Get Ready! Electronic Prescriptions Are Coming
- Gknorman's blog
- June 2012
- Keeping ED Costs Down an Exercise in Frustration
- Pending Affiliation Could Make Blues Group Biggest Not-for-Profit
- Recently introduced generics helped PBM control its costs
- Successful Treatment of Insomnia Starts With Formulary Design
- Narrow Networks Found To Yield Substantial Savings
- Insurers skeptical of usefulness of companion diagnostics
- Specialty meds will put pressure on overall costs
- COPD inhalers – hold your breath
- Bringing Humira (Its Price) Down a Peg
- Headlines On Deadline …
- Liability Concern Balances Medical Tourism’s Cost Appeal
- Fate of Health Insurance Reform Left to House-Senate Conferees
- To get or to skip care? Coverage makes the difference
- Kansas City Focuses on Depression
- Neck and Neck and Neck and Neck: 4 Contenders Similar on Health Care
- It's Elementary
- Think tank clinton era roots proposes milder dose health care reform
- Medicine's Cease-fire: Is It the Real Deal?
- Aetna Opens Gate With Several New No-Referral Plans
- Headlines On Deadline…
- Evaluating the Tools Used to Assess the Medical Home
- Electronic Health Records Bolster Diabetes Outcomes
- Scientists Develop Remote-Controlled “Microrobots” for Medical Procedures
- Scheme Capitates Specialist But Not Primary Doctor
- Health spending expected to slow
- HMO premium rate hikes slow a bit
- Economic Outcomes of a Precision Medicine Blood Test To Assess Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease: Results from the PRESET Registry
- Trying to measure interest in HSAs
- Worriedwell
- Oregon Attempts To Blaze Trail With ‘Reference-Based' Formulary
- Physicians Seen As Next in Line For NCQA Review
- Biosimilar trastuzumab shows promise phase 3 trial
- Vol. 6, No. 7 July 1997
- Getting in Some Practice With Private Insurance Exchanges
- Pompe Disease Therapy Presents Coverage Challenge
- Massachusetts Battle Goes To Heart of Tax-Exempt Question
- Ease of navigating system varies by condition
- Stakes Raised for Reform
- Consumer-Directed Coverage Makes Market Inroads
- Managed care's influence felt on brand-name drugs
- Headlines on Deadline …
- Medical school costs deter qualified candidates
- GAO Report on Medicare Pullout Outrages Many in HMO Industry
- Researchers identify multidrug resistant e-coli bacteria new jersey patient
- The Evolving Health Plan
- Employers Roll Up Their Sleeves
- Copayment coupons undermine formularies
- Women's health: Not enough strides
- Defined Contributions Will Point Employees Toward ‘Health Marts'
- FDA committee votes against accelerated approval lung cancer drug rociletinib
- Effort Puts Medication Adherence On Geisinger Health Plan’s Radar
- Cost, Outcomes Mixed for Tele-ICU
- Costs to Bring a Drug to Market Remain in Dispute
- Health Plans: Disrupt and Prosper
- Tough Road Ahead for the AMA's Physician Accreditation Program
- Staff-Model HMOs: Don't Blink or You'll Miss Them!
- TennCare's Chief Says Fraud Threatens To Sink Program
- Health Care Fraud Resistant to Reform
- Decision Support’s New Advocates
- Strict Regulatory Environment Dogs Cancer Pain Management
- Blood Test Can Replace Invasive Heart Biopsy
- The Enduring Temptation of Physician Self-Referral
- Terms of Coverage for Elderly Top Priority for Drug Industry
- Has Medicare Gone Too Far To Control Imaging Costs?
- First non controlled substance treatment narcolepsy
- What the For-Profit Trend In Health Care Really Means
- For 2010, most PDPs do not offer gap coverage
- Al Lewis's blog
- FDA advisors narrowly back approval empagliflozin jardiance cardiovascular indication
- Jay Sultan: Poor Utilization Management Will Doom Many ACOs
- Why It Pays To Go ‘Online'
- Aptamers: Slowing Progression of AMD
- Four Ways To Avoid Being Deselected
- A Conversation With Steven Pearson, MD, President of the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER)
- DM's Cost-Effectiveness Doubted in CBO Report
- Grow Your Own Medical Management Software?
- Headlines On Deadline…
- How manage specialty pharmacy when its not so special anymore
- Study indicates heart improves diabetes drug
- Home hospital halves costs
- The impact of molecular diagnostics on treatment pathways, outcomes, and cost
- Should You Use E-mail in Clinical Practice?
- Gop considers four obamacare replacement measures
- Cannabis Drug Succeeds in Epilepsy Trial
- The Health Care Consumer's Unlikely Ally: Managed Care
- Cost-Effective Psoriasis Treatment May Demand Creative Coverage Rules
- Managed Care Has Useful Role In Promoting ‘Meaningful Use’
- Headlines On Deadline…
- Younger Women Too Often Ignore Signs of Heart Attack
- A Conversation with Thomas H. Lee, MD
- Progress based incentives
- Should medical ethics be part public relations
- AHIP Proposal Called Promising Starting Point
- A Conversation with Lucian Leape, M.D.: Moving Beyond A Punitive Mind-Set Printer-friendly version
- January 2002
- System Tries to Boost Productivity by Looking at Total Health Care Picture
- Biotech Hall Shame
- Consumer-Directed Health Plans: Built to Last Or Designed to Fail?
- Letters to the Editor
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Makes Two-Sided Risk, Value-Based Care Work
- Blogs
- Putting Greater Emphasis On Getting Back to Work
- Shortage of IT Workers Coming, But There Is a Glimmer of Hope
- Wellness Debate Irrelevant For Insurers Eyeing the Market
- Will Politics Change Managed Care's Rules?
- FDA approves duaklir treatment COPD
- Lawsuit Claims Sexual Dysfunction Drug Cialis Tied to Skin Cancer
- Retail pharmacies miss out on specialty drugs
- PBM Industry Today: Who's Managing Drug Costs?
- Could Japan Leapfrog America in Employee Well-Being?
- Large Employers Now Use DM To Cut Their Costs
- Financial incentives encourage pregnant women quit smoking
- Providing Medical Management In Consumer-Directed Plans
- Avoiding ‘Bad Faith' Denials of Medical Claims
- Improving Processes Easier Said Than Done
- Vote unlikely drug price bill
- Employers Starting To Hold HMOs Accountable for Quality
- Privacy Concerns Delay Health Information Network
- Stroke Survivors Often Forsake Preventive Drugs
- DM's Motivation Factor Can Skew Study Results
- New Drugs, and New Prices on Old Drugs, Fuel Steep Rise in Prescription Costs
- Health care spending to grow at current rate through 2015
- Do You Always Make Sure Patients Get Test Results?
- Physician incomes rise in academia
- Can Your HMO's Documents Pass the Readability Test?
- A few specialty drug prices fall — all generics
- Holistic care management requires IT integration
- The Comeback Isn't Complete: HMOs Still Shaky
- Evaporation of Retiree Benefits May Be Health Plan Opportunity
- Search form
- Four republican senators reject gop health care bill
- CDHP Enrollment Grows More Slowly
- A Conversation With François de Brantes: Bundled Payment’s Many Challenges
- Push To Reform System Makes Strange Bedfellows
- Takeda dumps obesity drug contrave naltrexone bupropion
- Europe us cooperate drug regulation
- Is There an Advocate in the House?
- Interest in capitation backs off
- Making the Case for a ‘Health Care Fed': Should Uncle Sam Decide What Works?
- Insurers still not doing customer service well
- PBM rebate arrangements
- Privacy Regulations Revert to HHS While Congress Works on Other Issues
- Will Palm-Size Computers Make Electronic Prescribing Happen?
- 46% jump in number of physicians working part-time
- CDC contaminated devices putting open heart surgery patients risk
- Study many patients stop taking life saving statins after heart attack
- Payers, providers weigh value of some costly biologics
- August 1996
- Chief medical officer position crucial to bottom line
- States Trim What They Can to Restrain Medicaid Costs
- May 2007
- Some Plans Ignore Nay-Sayers When It Comes to Telemedicine
- Despite What You Hear, State Privacy Statutes No Threat to DM
- Working Too Hard, Doctor? Poor Work Flow Could Be To Blame
- Insurers: Trump trumps all expectations
- New drug works other drugs attack pancreatic cancer
- Here's zolgensma ll be 2 million
- Outcomes derail study educated consumers
- Shrinking the Psychiatrist Shortage
- Just What the Devil Is Population-Based Care?
- Buckeye Bullseye on the Backs of PBMs
- Medical cost trend for 2012 to hit 8.5 percent
- New Fee Schedule For Medicare Helps Office Docs
- Evidence based medicine
- An Evaluation of Healing Metrics Associated With Commonly Used Advanced Wound Care Products For the Treatment of Chronic Diabetic Foot Ulcers
- March 2013
- Industry profits seen rising again in 2004
- August 2014
- Good Hospital Care Benefits Insurers
- New england midwest states score high ncqa rankings
- Navigating the Personnel Rapids: What They Never Taught You in Med School
- February 2013
- Plans Put Greater Emphasis On Cancer Management
- Europe Offers Example For Approving Biosimilars
- Headlines On Deadline…
- How Medicare Advantage Plans Are Paid: The Devils–and the Insights–Are in the Details
- Insurers should promote expansion of residencies
- Paucity of PCPs may hurt children the most
- Bring ‘Young Invincibles’ Into the System
- Wendell Potter insurers use choice messaging protect status quo
- Headlines On Deadline…
- Contact Us
- July 1998
- Expanded Role for Pharmacists Tested
- Push Is On for Improved Treatment of Women's Psychological Maladies
- PSA Fails the Test, but Does It Matter?
- Letters to the Editor
- Why Looking for Victims of Domestic Violence Makes Sense
- FDA to Act on Benlysta, Rare New Drug for Lupus
- A Conversation with Allan M. Korn, MD: It’s Time to Get Aggressive On Patient Safety
- 1999
- Will the New Fat-Fighter Drugs Be More Worthy of Coverage?
- Psychologist Prescribing: Not Such a Crazy Idea
- Medication Payment Proposal Lets Consumers Pay Annually
- Plans Slow to Cover At-Home BP Monitoring
- Projecting a Leaner Managed Medicare
- Liver neglected and deadly cancer
- Stroke Rehabilitation Requires Knowing What Level a Patient Needs
- FDA panel gives high marks remicade biosimilar
- Mylan hikes epipen price 400
- Johnson & johnson must pay half billion landmark opioid trial
- Headlines On Deadline…
- Task force issues recommendation statement skin cancer screening
- When It Comes to Viagra, State Medicaid Programs Vary
- Pioneer Not-for-Profit Plans Struggle to Remain Leaders
- RA Drug Baricitinib Succeeds in Late-Stage Trial
- December 2006
- Decreasing Medical Costs: How Insurers Are Taking the Easy Way Out
- E-prescribing system increases generic usage
- It's good to be a pharmacist in California
- Molina Program Addresses Racial Disparity in Detroit
- Residencies sale
- FDA called lax curbing use powerful class opioids
- Tightly Organized Doctors Seen as Best Bet for Quality
- A Conversation With Jonathan Weiner, DrPH: Mixing Population-Based Care With Market Controls
- What Caused Painkiller Trial Tragedy in France?
- Repeal and replace story
- Disease Management Gains a Degree of Respectability
- Harvard Pilgrim To Pay for 2 Autoimmune Drugs Based on Outcomes, Value
- Headlines on Deadline …
- September 2000
- GAO Says ACA Needs More TLC
- Florida's Medicaid Waiver Will Be Scrutinized Closely
- Should pharmacists be allowed vaccinate their patients
- Identification resource use and associated costs viral meningitis
- Financial incentives play a subordinate role in drawing doctors to a practice opportunity
- Much hope placed big data artificial intelligence improve health care delivery
- FDA staff backs etanercept enbrel biosimilar
- CMA Balks as Calif. Eyes Mexico To Recruit Docs To Serve Latinos
- Paying More Than You Should For Outpatient Procedures?
- Cap on, Premiums up
- Prime Therapeutics Says ‘Super Spender' Numbers Are Growing
- Accrediting Agencies Turn Attention To Consumer-Directed Health Plans
- National drug bill to continue rising by 14%–18%
- Chief medical officer position crucial to bottom line
- Lenalidomide revlimid fails improve overall survival lymphoma study
- Few Seem To Use POS Option To Go Out of Network
- For Both Parties, Drug Costs Are a Hard Pill To Swallow
- A Conversation With David B. Nash, MD, MBA: Game Changers for Population Health
- Headlines On Deadline …
- Health Plans, Patients Struggle To Pay for High-Cost Drugs
- 2017 Closing Dates for Managed Care
- Index of /archiveMC/9711
- Use a Value-Based Strategy for Biotech Medications
- New organization will calculate out network physician charges
- INRatio Devices to Leave U.S. Market
- Seven design features that could improve P4P
- Clinical Decision Support On Slow Road to Adoption
- AHCPR, Kaiser Studying Help For Depressed
- Cms opens window bpci advanced target prices are still behind curtains
- Physicians Seen As Next in Line For NCQA Review
- Workers more concerned about layoffs and health insurance
- New guidelines back reduced antibiotic use hospital acquired pneumonia
- FDA Approves Once-Monthly Dosing Option for Praluent Injection
- Contract Talks Are Like Dating: Ask Those Important Questions
- 2016 marked payer provider collaborations
- Smoking Programs Succeed for Plans and Patients
- Ivoral antibiotic delafloxacin effective against skin and skin structure infections
- Oral/Infusion Cancer Drug Parity Begins to Raise Health Plan Costs
- Changing Payment Methodologies Force Physicians Into Larger Groups
- Former Pharma sales reps enlisted fight drug costs
- Respiratory virus vaccine flunks phase 3 study
- Consumer Power Will Put HMOs, Physicians on Spot
- Calling something ACO does not really make it so
- We Better Not Blow It
- The Next Frontier: Patient Engagement
- And they go can drug prices be brought down earth 2019
- Tough Formulary Decisions Need to be Made
- Is 1 the Answer?: More Calling for Single-Payer System
- HMO–PPO performance gap narrows
- A Multidimensional Framework For Specialty Drug Management
- Health insurers often foot bill whendrug coupons are used
- Rdaily
- CEO Contends That Eliminating Financial Risk Allows Medicaid Plans To Focus On Management
- Prolonged loss after heart transplant more common children congenital disease
- Pediatricians first responders opioid battle
- FDA Advisors Question Study Findings for Diabetes Drug IDegLira
- Health Plans Seek Leverage When Physicians Submit Extremely High Bills
- Keep Politics Out of Examining Room
- ‘All Products' Clauses Fade From Physician Contracts
- Leading With Its Heart Program
- HHS Regulations Identify MLR Provisions for Direct Care
- For All the HEDIS Hoopla, Employers Shrug Shoulders
- Direct Primary Care Is About To Take Off–or Maybe Not
- From Theory to Practice: Identifying Authentic Opinion Leaders to Improve Care
- Targeted therapy treatment macular degeneration
- The Next Frontier: Patient Engagement
- Out-of-Pocket Costs Hamper Utilization
- Pay for Performance: As Much About Costs as About Quality
- A Conversation With Paul H. Keckley, PhD: Clinical Perspective Critical to Health Care Reform
- Nurses as Primary Care Providers Get New Backing, Old Opposition
- FDA oks adakveo reduce painful sickle cell disease crises
- Mayo Clinic’s Telemedicine NICU Study Shows Some Success, But Also Tech Glitches
- Here and There, Work Is Under Way to Reform Med School Curriculum
- N.J. Orders HMOs To Accept HIP's 144,000 Members
- Senate fails pass zika funding bill again
- Steven Peskin MD
- PBM Effort Takes Cue From Reform, Market
- Headlines on Deadline…
- Managed Medicare Revitalized: Feel-Good Plan of the Decade
- How Rebates, Copayments, and Administration Costs Affect the Cost-effectiveness of Osteoporosis Therapies
- In 5 years, >50% of top-selling drugs will be biologics
- Drug combo brings chronic lymphocytic leukemia treatment new era
- Ncqas quality compass points plan differences
- New Bone Kit Uses Platelet Growth Factor
- FDA approves label update ceftazidimeavibactam avycaz
- Don't Be Caught Off Guard If Government Comes Calling
- 2 Federal Courts Differ Concerning External Appeals
- Employers identify strategies to reduce pharmacy costs
- Smoking-Cessation Efforts Set Cost-Effectiveness Bar
- May 2009
- Consumer-Directed Health Care Won't Fly
- Herzlinger Predicts ACOs, PCMHs Will Fail
- Management of Moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis With Biologic Therapy
- The Next Frontier: Patient Engagement
- Ark Drops ➤ Test, intake, side effects, evaluation【2024】
- NIH report nonmedical prescription opioid use doubled 10 years
- Hospital emergency departments starting be used opioid war
- HIEs Are Slow Going But Critical Part of HIT
- Index of /archiveMC/9711
- Cut Pharmaceutical Costs, But Mind the Legal Dangers
- Webadmin
- 4 Republican Senators Reject GOP’s Repeal, Replace Efforts Due to Medicaid Concerns
- 9 Ways To Reduce Unwarranted Variation
- Rules for Evaluating Biosimilars Put Applicants Through Hoops
- Everybody Wants to Close The Doughnut Hole
- Gallup Survey: Zika Virus Not a Worry to Americans
- HSAs: Early Returns Are In
- Index of /archiveMC/9711
- Medicaid Rates Rise in Georgia, Bucking Trend
- discrimination
- EDTUs: Last Line of Defense Against Costly Inpatient Stays
- Pursuing a Bang for the Buck In the Battle of the Bulge
- Fixing utilization management fit value based world
- Finally, Attention Switches To Progressive Multiple Sclerosis
- Medical Costs Rise For Family of Four
- A Conversation with Donald R. Fischer, MD, MBA: Taking Charge in an Era of Change
- Tracking Trends in Plan Design: A Conversation With Blaine J. Bos
- Bush Takes Sides On Patient Rights: Limited Liability
- Will Plans Follow the New Diabetes Screening Guidelines?
- Pa. Pharmacies Sue for Better Medicaid Money
- Through the Looking Glass
- FDA Warns of Burns and Scarring With Zecuity Migraine Patch
- March 2001
- Wal-Mart Announces Better Insurance Package For Part-Time Workers
- FDA approves bevespi aerosphere patients copd
- Excessive Use of Screening Tests Costs System Millions Each Year
- Immune Globulin Shortage Is Wreaking Havoc
- Headlines On Deadline …
- An Evidence-Based Evaluation of Percutaneous Vertebroplasty
- Cheaper Dressings Just as Effective
- Health Status, Health Maintenance, and Health Care In the 21st Century
- AI for all that ails American health care. But how smart is that?
- Genetic Testing: Handle With Caution
- How Plans Can Improve Outcomes And Cut Costs for Preterm Infant Care
- Electronic Medical Records: High Hopes Meet Harsh Reality
- An In-Office Diagnostic Procedure To Detect Dermatophytes In a Nationwide Study of Onychomycosis Patients
- MSAs Fall Short Of Expectations, Says GAO Report
- October 2005
- Now Is the Time for Pharmacy Performance Incentives
- Get Ready! Electronic Prescriptions Are Coming
- Reviewing the Evidence for Using Continuous Subcutaneous Metoclopramide and Ondansetron To Treat Nausea & Vomiting During Pregnancy
- A Conversation with Barbara Starfield, MD, MPH: An Evidence Base For Primary Care
- As Medicare Overhaul Stalls, Reformers Eye Managed Care
- Popular content
- Physicians Fudge Insurance Forms To Help Patients
- September 2014
- Disruptive innovation wait until you're ready
- Pharmaceutical management of depression lags
- Health Plans Stream Out of Medicare While Medicare+Choice Starts Slowly
- Herzlinger Predicts ACOs, PCMHs Will Fail
- Trump Vows To Quickly Overhaul the FDA Approval Process, Slash Drug Prices
- IOM: Workforce Diversity Lacking In Health Care
- Headlines On Deadline…
- Steroids Lower Lung-Cancer Risk in Patients with COPD
- Insurers Expand Usefulness of Oncology Pathway Efforts
- Plans Look Askance at Me-Too Medications
- 2007
- Headlines On Deadline…
- Tiered formularies: Giving employees more responsibility
- Headlines On Deadline …
- Interoperability of Electronic Health Records: A Physician-Driven Redesign
- Culture of health
- Health Plans Will Use New Tools To Help Physicians Practice Better
- Medica Splits With Physicians; Aetna Drops ‘Em
- Headlines On Deadline…
- HHS inspector general flags ma risk adjustment
- Members Confused By Coverage Details
- Missouri Blues Agree To Transfer Millions to Charity
- Index of /archives/0002
- Oral steroids elevate infection risk patients inflammatory disease
- FDA Expands Afatinib (Gilotrif) Label to Include Previously Treated Squamous Cell Lung Cancer
- The growth of capitation continues
- Health Plans That Decredential Docs Must Do It Correctly and Expect a Fight
- Democratic Agenda Places Medicare Advantage at Risk
- Unknown Consequences May Ride On Affordable Care Act’s Roll-Out
- Money Pit: Is Accreditation Always Worth the Cost?
- A Review of the Utility and Cost Effectiveness of Monitoring Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide (FeNO) in Asthma Management
- Headlines On Deadline …
- The Incremental Value of Medical Nutrition Therapy in Weight Management
- States Increasingly Mandate Special Autism Services
- Forever Young
- A News Reporter Explains His ‘HMO Horror Stories'
- February 2006
- Headlines On Deadline…
- Byte by Byte, Harvard Pilgrim Choked on Unhealthy IT Systems
- Union Carbide Uses Education To Improve Patient Compliance
- Conversation regina e-herzlinger phd new individual market horizon
- Statins too often not taken directed prevent second heart attack
- Mass. Medicare Plans Will Limit Drug Benefits
- Any way you cut it, employers appear to save if Medicare adopts drug benefit
- Wharton’s Mark Pauly on health insurer mergers: worry not vs. worst of both worlds
- Once-a-day HIV Treatment: Pricey But Perhaps Worth It
- Billing for Alternative Services: Who Gets Paid for What, and How?
- Meeting the Challenges and Burdens Associated With Hereditary Angioedema
- Taking Back the Power? Will Physicians Reclaim Control of Medical Care?
- Third antidepressant tier requires careful design
- Soaring Price of Cancer Drugs Leads Plans To New Approaches
- Statin Spending Up 156 Percent
- Could Japan Leapfrog America in Employee Well-Being?
- Biotechnology's Reach Extends Author's Grasp
- Report trump's promise rein drug prices could prompt consumer drug importation
- Countdown Nears for Launch of ICD-10
- Feds Extend Deadline To Use FSA Benefit
- Index of /archives/0005
- The Long Road to Level 1
- February 2011
- Prescription coverage adds to satisfaction with Medicare
- Three ways telemedicine changing health care
- Does the Chronic Care Model Signal Big Changes for DM?
- Restrictions health navigators may be easing some states
- Value = (Quality + Outcomes) / Cost
- Dr. thomas G reddy wins major general bill b lefler federal services award american college
- NCQA Standards Focus on PPO Performance
- Potential blockbuster alirocumab praluent scores late stage trial
- CMS Takes the Lead In Oncology Payment Reform
- A Conversation with Peter I. Juhn, M.D.
- Employers take stock illness clock
- Medication therapy management program in N.C. saves $13 million
- Adhd linked young maternal age
- What the Medicaid Expansion Under the ACA Means for All MCOs
- Care Management Strikes Out in Study
- Quality is important, but productivity rules
- Demand's cool for primary care physicians
- Young Docs: The New Blood That Health Care Needs
- For Hospitals, Treating Violence Beyond the ER Is Good Medicine––and Good Business
- Accountable Care Organizations Hold Promise, But Will They Achieve Cost and Quality Targets?
- FDA To Regulate Drug Company-Owned PBMs
- HIV Transmission Penalties Outdated and Too Harsh, Say Some California Officials
- Oxide (FeNO) in asthma management
- Replace all those sample closets high tech dispensing machines
- December 2001
- New York’s UCR Controversy Likely to Spread Nationwide
- Health Care Resource Utilization and Costs Associated with Restless Legs Syndrome Among Managed Care Enrollees Treated With Dopamine Agonists
- Deep Brain Stimulation Presents Radical Fix to Dire Opioid Crisis
- In Economics, Managed Care Marches to a Different Drummer
- Study Pinpoints Ketamine Metabolite, Opening Doors to New Treatments
- 9604
- Research topics underpin comparative effectiveness
- Four-Tier Approach Injects Consumerism Into Drug Benefit
- Obesity's link certain cancers puts wellness programs trial
- Number of prescriptions grows faster than population
- Growing ma membership requires more providernetwork oversight
- State Exchanges to Offer ‘CO-OPs’
- Phase 3 Clinical Trials Support STELARA® (ustekinumab) for the Treatment of Moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis
- Cost-effectiveness analysis of monitoring fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO)
- Key Texas Lawsuit Against HMO Now Off Court Docket
- HealthPartners Sets Ambitious Member Goals
- MSAs Fall Short Of Expectations, Says GAO Report
- Insurers Find Small Gains In Weight Control With Belviq
- Theranos Says It Will Share Blood-Test Information in August
- Why Medication Adherence Matters To Patients, Payers, Providers
- New options treatment rheumatoid arthritis
- In N.J., Officials Begin Liquidating HIP Health Plan
- HMO–PPO performance gap narrows
- Single-source drugs get formulary preference
- Expanding the Boundaries Of Migraine Management: A Focus on Menstrual Migraine
- 10 Notables From Behind the Scenes of the Health Care Reform Debate
- Health plans, employers seek common goals
- AHIP’s Karen Ignagni: Health Insurers Will Continue to Innovate
- Ibx offering no membership fee fitness app
- Public wants keep aca coverage pre existing conditions
- greg-adams-succeed-bernard-tyson-kaiser-permanente
- Citing Losses, Florida Closes Troubled Plan
- Briefly Noted
- Chronic disease treatments contribute significantly to spending growth
- Encouraging Patient Choice Involves Drawing a Line
- Headlines On Deadline …
- Managed care's influence felt on brand-name drugs
- The Enduring Problem of Rising Costs
- Insurers paying heavy price opioid abuse
- Hospital Mergers May Go on Whoever Wins in November
- Linkout
- Vol. 5, No. 3 March 1996
- Physician retention programs gain acceptance
- Kaiser, Aetna Keep Eyes On Health Care Consumer
- Tougher Penalties Arrive For Upcoding, ‘Unnecessary' Care
- Study patients do well generic antiplatelet drugs costly brand
- Aetna Rewrites Doctor Contracts; AMA Not Swayed
- Managing Cancer Treatment Begins Before Diagnosis
- New Solutions for Curbing Runaway Drug Costs
- Inter-Rater Reliability Testing For Utilization Management Staff
- NCQA to look more closely at issues small employers care about
- Employers Want Plans & PBMs To Push Hard for Generics
- What Makes Harvard Pilgrim So Good?
- Transdermal Patches Are More Than Skin Deep
- Manipulating Deductibles To Foster Healthful Behavior
- Call for Manuscripts
- Hemoglobin A1c Outcomes and Health Care Resource Use In Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients Treated With Combination Oral Antidiabetic Drugs Through Step Therapy And Loose-Dose and Fixed-Dose Combinations
- How Should We Evaluate The New Insurance Models?
- Drug-discount program's effectiveness hindered by lack of use
- Hammurabi
- Deal patient complaints arrival subpoenas
- New Injectable Medication Effective Against Wet AMD
- Headlines On Deadline…
- New possible candidates listeria infection
- Headlines On Deadline…
- MANAGED CARE June 2017
- Headlines On Deadline …
- Chicago Employers' Study Reveals Wide Variation in Health Costs
- Clinical decision support systems seem fast track acceptance
- Drug spending could double by 2004
- ‘E-dentities' Will Reduce Internet Security Problem
- Latinos more likely to be uninsured, says study
- Meaningful Use in 2014: Are We Seeing the Forest Through the Trees?
- For most states, medical error reporting is uncertain science
- Two New Drugs for Tardive Dyskinesia Hit the Market
- Who Is at Risk for Influenza? Using Criteria Other Than Age
- Do P&T Committees Have Enough Power?
- Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans Continue Growth Via Mergers
- Repatha Demonstrates Reduced Need For Apheresis In Patients With High LDL Cholesterol In Phase 3 Study
- Media Kit
- High-Utilizing Patients: Where Are the Savings?
- Women increasingly fill medical director role
- New Study Demonstrates Safety of Belbuca (Buprenorphine) Buccal Film for Chronic Pain
- Hospital-owned health plans grow
- Three New Kinds of Liability Stalk Managed Care
- Precision Medicine in Primary Care: Bespoke. Genetic and Genomic. And Maybe Not Ready.
- Plans Give Docs Seed Money for Meaningful-Use Systems
- New Hepatitis C Regimen Stimulates Changes in Therapy Management
- Hospital Cuts Sepsis Deaths With Surveillance, Extra Training
- CVS selling generic epinephrine autoinjector treat allergic reactions
- Cigna Offers Quick Care At Retail Outlets
- Goals 2000: For HMOs: Administrative Retooling; For MDs: Managerial Competency
- Competition Wins Over Centralization
- HHS on 2 Tracks to Persuade Plans To Moderate Rate Hikes
- Survey: Health System Changes Should Not Be Made Too Quickly
- AWP Leaves, AAC Arrives; Can It Really Do the Job?
- Key PBM Functional Areas Require Radical Transformation
- Do Out-of-Pocket Payments Put Preventive Care on Hold?
- Putting More Health Into Health Reform
- Standing Ovation!
- First Business, Now Health Care: Signing Away One's Right To Sue
- Conversation mary d naylor phd rn managing transition hospital
- With More Enthusiasm Than Money, Brailer Pushes Nationwide EMR System
- Could a Wal-Mart PBM Succeed?
- Sharp Premium Hikes on Way As HMOs Dig Out From Deep Hole
- RA Gets First Oral Agent To Compete with Biologics
- Dole Makes One Last Run At Health Insurance Reform
- Former Governor Attacks Overhaul of Ky. Coverage
- Amisulpride baremsis shows promise treatment postoperative nausea and vomiting
- Keys to Diabetes Control? Patience, Persistence, and Perseverance
- A Conversation with Robert L. Weinmann, M.D.
- Diary of the Birth Of an HMO
- Most docs break bread with pharma
- Smoking's Out, Drugs Passé, So Why Are We Overweight?
- Can we design a fair benefit for bariatric surgery?
- Storm brewing over virtual colonoscopy
- Malpractice protection efforts seem to come up short
- Medical ethics
- A Conversation with Thomas H. Lee, MD
- Index of /archiveMC/9604
- Traditional Behavioral Health Treatment Falls by the Wayside
- High Hospital Capacity Raises Quality Concerns
- How To Combat Pharma’s Costly Coupon Programs
- Fee for Service Is Dead. Long Live Fee for Service?
- Patients, Payers, and Plans Vexed by Formulary Problems
- New York plan emerges as pattern for rating physicians
- Should Physician Entrepreneurs Be Held to Professional Standards?
- Cost of Imaging
- Index of /archiveMC/9711
- Large Employers Join To Create Mini-Med Benefits
- Seventy Percent Surge In Diabetes Spending
- FDA Panel Backs Approval of Abuse-Deterrent Painkiller Arymo ER
- Executive bonuses health care takes care its own
- Long acting factor viii hemophilia creates hope less taxing treatment
- Physicians Urged To Tell Patients: ‘Change Behavior'
- Employers offer financial incentives healthy behavior
- Report delayed obamacare replacement could jeopardize safety net hospitals
- Sublingual sufentanil improves pain scores er patients
- How Doctors Are Paid Now, And Why It Has to Change
- Congressional Anti-Kickback Battle Hinges on HCFA's Regulatory Stance
- Poor Transitions of Care Can Be Corrected Now
- Stem Cell Therapy Shows Promise in Spinal Cord Paralysis
- Bush officials seek bounce from Medicare reform law
- The CVS Effect on American Health Insurance
- Romneycare
- Plans Balk While Patients Clamor for Robotic Surgery
- PBMs: Will the Amazon cometh?
- Another Group Hopes To Measure Quality of Care
- Costs slow down, but not enough to assuage employers' concern
- Even mild head impact breaches blood brain barrier
- Prescription Plan For Medicare Faces Lawsuit
- Primary care salaries hold steady
- Heart Failure Treatment Gaps Costs Lives, Hikes Expenses
- First US patient treated study lithotripsy peripheral artery disease
- Advance Directives in Managed Care: Are They Inspired by Love or Money?
- A Health Care Management Company's Experience With Palivizumab – 1 Year Later
- Don’t Get Caught By PBMs’ MAC Mousetraps
- Handful of PPOs Agree To Take Part In NCQA Review
- Maryland HMOs Sue State Commission Over Charges Levied by Hospitals
- Generic Drug Price War Begins To Benefit Insurers
- Keep Peace in Your Practice
- Looking back to understand future trends
- Serious Birth Defects Reach 8% for Women Infected With Zika in First Trimester of Pregnancy
- FDA to Consider Expanded Label for Nivolumab (Opdivo) for Treatment of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Patients
- At Long Last… Pay for Outcomes Starts to Replace Pay for Performance
- Huge Challenges Cannot Be Avoided
- When Patients Repay Docs By Putting Them in Their Wills
- Reader questions hmos call home tracheostomy care
- Big Companies Holding Fast To Employer-Sponsored System
- September 2010
- Influenza vaccination trends recommendations and best practices
- Analysts Foresee Substantial Growth in Glioblastoma Treatment Market
- Depression Programs Might Provide an Edge
- Not Getting It the First Time
- Headlines On Deadline…
- Administrative Costs: Trying To Find the Balance
- Government's EMR Project Yet To Net Seed Money
- N.J. Regulators Take Hard Look At Diet-Pill Mills
- Plan Uses AAA-Type Tracking to Reduce ER Overutilization
- New York Plan Emerges As Pattern for Rating Physicians
- Index of /archiveMC/9711
- Less is More
- Where physician executives can expect the best pay
- Is PSO Paucity Instance of ‘Put Up or Shut Up?'
- Medical Directors’ Role Crucial in Making Provider Purchase WorkIf United
- ICU Stays Greatly Reduced By Use of Telemedicine
- Repeal and replace triple aim needed more ever
- Taking Back the Power? Greater Freedom Through Winning HMOs' Trust
- Air Ambulance Turbulence: Consolidation, Cost Shifting, and Surprise Billing
- Gastroenterologists willing but wary of biosimilars
- Post-Election Spotlight Focuses On Medicare's Nuts and Bolts
- Good News on Preterm Births Creates Financial Challenges
- Predictive Modeling Holds Promise of Earlier Identification, Treatment
- Kaiser, Aetna Keep Eyes On Health Care Consumer
- Acute Drug Shortages Forcing Workarounds in Hospitals
- Thinking Globally, Acting Locally
- Enter Mepolizumab, Better Late Than Never
- Headlines On Deadline…
- Some Plans Take Advantage of Managed Medicare Redux
- August 2011
- Identifying Characteristics of Patients With Low Urgency Emergency Department Visits In a Managed Care Setting
- States' transparency rules fall short of members' needs
- Test Prospective PBM Before Signing Contract
- Wharton’s Mark Pauly on health insurer mergers: worry not vs. worst of both worlds
- Inpatient Rehab Facilities Benefit Post-Stroke Care
- Test Prospective PBM Before Signing Contract
- Computer Game Simulates Coverage and Outcomes
- Blues Build on CMS Program To Boost Hospital Quality
- August 2005
- CDC we're losing fight against stds
- E-mailing Doctors Desirable for Those with Comorbidities
- Are Purchasers Now The Ones With the Vision?
- Budget ‘Deal' Wings Medicare But Keeps It Flying Till 2008
- The Age of Mergers Is Here: Decide Now How To Decide
- Expect Close Encounters With Pharmacy's Third Tier
- Purchasers Still Not Focused On Quality, Says Business Group
- More Questions Than Answers For Tax Reform Proposals
- 2000
- PPM Industry Shaky After Fall Of MedPartners
- Two Tonsillectomy Studies Reach Opposite Conclusions
- Biosimilars Ready, At Last, To Make Their Entrance: Stars Are Born or Do They Fizzle?
- Government's EMR Project Yet To Net Seed Money
- probable-ncqa-standard-addresses-minorities’-needs
- Fewer new therapies expected for GI disorders by 2010
- Making sense antisense and interference
- Deciding factor how much health care discretionary
- HMO players continue earnings roll: How long will employers put up with it?
- Reviewing the Evidence for Using Continuous Subcutaneous Metoclopramide and Ondansetron To Treat Nausea & Vomiting During Pregnancy
- Unitedhealth group might buy half advisory board
- 2019
- ‘Have I Got a Magic Lamp for You!'
- New Drugs, Greater Utilization Drive Rx Costs
- Research shows transition from volume to value
- FDA approves shingles vaccine more 90 efficacy
- FDA approves rebinyn adults and children hemophilia b
- Herzlinger's ACO pcmh comments create storm
- Strict Regulatory Environment Dogs Cancer Pain Management
- Examining Costs of Chronic Conditions In a Medicaid Population
- Disputes Between Physicians and Plans Can Be Settled Without Costly Litigation
- Who’s Tackling Rampant Overutilization? Health Plans!
- Guide to Critical Care Ethics Not Ready for Prime Time
- Is GOP Idea Déjà vu All Over Again?
- Psychology
- State Insurance Commissioners Weigh PBM Regulations This Month
- Many More Medicaid Members — If the States Choose to Cooperate
- Medicare Spending Dips For First Time
- Big meets even bigger: More consolidation in the offing
- The 30-Minute Practice Checkup
- It’s Team Trump. But the Players Are From Think Tanks, Many With Koch Brother Roots
- Valeant hit crl key dermatology drug
- ‘Phantom' Provider Panels Get Attention of States, NCQA
- Probable NCQA Standard Addresses Minorities’ Needs
- PPOs: A Better Brand of Managed Care?
- Index of /archiveMC/9808
- Fragmenting Services Leads to Suboptimum Data Analysis
- Managed Care Reform: How Texas Pulled Off What Washington Can't
- Researchers identify molecule needed sperm activation
- Enrollment still rising — and now, HMO count is, too
- Many consumers feel quality plays second fiddle to stock price
- Quality improves at nation's health plans
- HealthPartners Sets Ambitious Member Goals
- HMOs Continue Losing Ground On Liability Issues at State Level
- Vol. 7, No. 5 May 1998
- The Most Profound Change We Will See in Health Care
- Study shows lynparza effective prostate cancer
- Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis Patients Can Look to Second Oral Agent
- April 2011
- Efforts To Kill Coverage Mandates Run Up Against Powerful Forces
- Making the case for account-based health plans
- Atezolizumab (Tecentriq) Wins FDA Nod for Bladder Cancer
- Vol. 6, No. 9 September 1997
- High-Cost Drugs: Where's the ROI?
- For ED, the Doctor Is in But the Men Are Staying Away
- For Most States, Medical Error Reporting Is Uncertain Science
- FDA Lifts Partial Clinical Hold on Pidilizumab
- Index of /archiveMC/9711
- A Conversation With Uwe E. Reinhardt, PhD: Health Care Deserves More Respect
- Pathway parkinsons takes surpristing twist
- Genetic, Other Lab Tests Run Amok
- Tofacitinib (Xeljanz) Succeeds in Late-Stage Psoriatic Arthritis Trial
- ‘Real Age' in Managed Care Means Making Prevention Treatment of Choice
- January 2008
- Patent Law Rulings Work in Favor of Generics
- You Can Drag Physicians To Guidelines… But You Can't Make Them Comply (Mostly)
- Prostate cancer plummets: Incidence and mortality rates in free fall
- Two Accrediting Organizations Prepare To Issue DM Standards
- Americans want uncle sam keep drug prices down
- Metabolic Agents Lead In Total Dollars Spent
- CDC report diabetes rise among children teens
- February 2011
- FDA rejects latanoprostene eye drops glaucoma destination
- Everyone Uses E-mail Now (Except Doctors and Patients)
- FDA issues recommendations to reduce the risk of Zika virus transmission
- Delivering RomneyCare
- Should You Use E-mail in Clinical Practice?
- Bankrupt Hospitals in England Turn to Private Sector
- 9611
- U.S. Health Insurers Find Opportunities Overseas
- Calif. Businesses Vow To Fight Coverage Law
- Medicaid fees rise, but still below Medicare
- It’s a Jungle Out There: The New Health Insurance Ecosystem
- Wave of the Future? Illinois Docs To Be Paid for E-mail With Patients
- Retail pharmacies miss out on specialty drugs
- Like Stock Brokers, Are Health Care's Middlemen Losing Influence?
- Companies Brace For Record Hikes In Health Costs
- Vol. 9, No. 2 February 2000
- Cancer Agents Taken Orally Pose Adherence Problems Despite Ease of Administration
- New Test Gauges Danger of Rejection When Children Need Organ Transplants
- Medicaid ACOs: Innovation Follows the Brave
- It’s in Insurers’ Interest To Help Cut Readmissions
- ACA’s effect on employer-sponsored insurance
- And the Last Shall Be First, Specialists and Nurses Find
- Thanks to CMS Rule Change, MA Takes SDOH to a Whole New Level
- A Conversation With Michael Kanter, MD: Casting a Wider Net
- Recovering From The PPM Debacle
- Health Plans Undaunted By Medicare Part D
- Back dead ACA exchange market looking healthy hale and competitive
- How primary care doctors are paid affects quality in Medicaid MCOs
- Health spending expected to slow
- September 1997
- Prison accused of killing inmates slowly
- Today’s Technology Can Facilitate Collaborative Network Management
- Gain the ‘Quality' Edge in Competing for Contracts
- Headlines On Deadline …
- Evidence-Based Medicine Gets Push from Businesses
- P&T Digest: Pain Management
- 9 Ways To Reduce Unwarranted Variation
- How RWE Is Becoming the Real Deal
- Electronic Enrollment Can Save Expense and Grief
- HMOs Need To Share Gains of DM Programs
- Tuning in to Telemedicine
- Headlines On Deadline…
- High blood pressure redefined for first time in 14 years
- ACA Co-Ops Continue To Falter and Drop Out
- Physician assistants in demand
- Laws Governing Peer Immunity
- Study: Loosening of Managed Care Hurts the Poor
- A High-Stakes Match Game To Keep Patient Identities Straight
- Economically, country mouse does better
- Direct-To- Consumer Advertising: Can Everyone's Interests Be Balanced?
- N.J. Orders HMOs To Accept HIP's 144,000 Members
- Congress Fails to Preserve Right of Insurers to Be Reimbursed
- Where Will Health Plans Find The Next Generation of Savings?
- 2011
- HHS Regulations Identify MLR Provisions for Direct Care
- Device Allows Doctors to See Inside the Small Intestine
- Little change in overall rate of medical and pharmacy cost increases
- Study antibiotics not dirty hospitals main cause c-difficile epidemic
- HMO Complaints Posted Online @ Texas Web Site
- August 1997
- Selling The Electronic Patient Chart: A Conversation With Mark Leavitt, M.D., Ph.D.
- FDA step regulation stem cell therapies regenerative medicine
- Military Brings Order To Formulary System
- Ten Practical Pointers For Tracking HEDIS Data
- Jeffords's QUEST Would Establish National Health Quality Council
- January 1999
- Label use often presents conundrum health plans
- Headlines On Deadline …
- Do P&T Committees Have Enough Power?
- Uninsured Don’t Jam Up the ED
- Iron replacement therapy works on kids too
- Doctors Seek to Limit Health Plan Profitability
- FTC Antitrust Rules Offer Hope of Limiting ACO Market Power
- D.C., Maryland Blues Plans Come Together
- HEIPs On Way For Care Variation
- Four or more tiers common among PDPs and MA-PD plans
- Is There a Doctor in the House?
- UnitedHealthGroup’s Hemsley highest paid health insurance CEO in the ACA era
- Managed Medicare Revitalized: Feel-Good Plan of the Decade
- Aetna and Hannaford Make a Singapore Connection
- Evidence Based Medicine
- Patient’s Death in Trial Raises Questions about Safety of Hemophilia Treatment Emicizumab
- A Conversation with Paul Fronstin, PhD: Current Crop of Consumer-Directed Plans More ‘Lite' Than ‘Heavy'
- Wellness Debate Irrelevant For Insurers Eyeing the Market
- Fallout from the “new economy”: claims payment slower than ever
- Popular content
- Worker's Comp — Can Managed Care Fix It?
- Events of Sept. 11 Add Pressure To Boost Health Plan Premiums
- It's Not the Road You Take – It's Getting There That Counts
- Use a ‘SWAT' Team To Collect Old Receivables
- Don’t pay too much generic fills
- MSA Compromise Helps To Enact Decade's First Health Insurance Law
- A Conversation with Leonard Fleck, PhD: Public Deserves Honest Debate On Rationing
- Two For The Price Of One: Beauty of Pill-Splitting Catches On
- Small Changes or Big Ones? The Case of Limits on Prescription Drug Copayments in California
- February 1997
- Next Generation ACOs Must Defy FFS Gravity
- Micro hospitals growing popularity
- Employers, Others Not Sold On New Anti-Obesity Drugs
- Privacy Legislation Is on Track; Could It Derail DM Programs?
- CAR-T Therapies Approved on a Case-by-Case
- Poor in Part D plans face more premiums in 2010
- Improving Oral Pharmacologic Treatment And Management of Type 2 Diabetes
- Iowa Obamacare Close to Extinction—Would be First State Without Any ACA Plans
- Hospitals Try to Deal With ICU Delirium
- FDA Approves Radicava for ALS
- A Conversation With François de Brantes: Bundled Payment’s Many Challenges
- We Don't Serve Your Kind!
- Team Care and EHRs Are Key to Preventive Medicine
- What Attracts Workers to Consumer-Directed Plans?
- Mass. Medicare Plans Will Limit Drug Benefits
- DM's Motivation Factor Can Skew Study Results
- HCFA Approves Expansion Of Los Angeles Medicaid Program
- Case Studies That Flunk Every Plausibility Test Known to Mankind
- King v. Burwell Majority Opinion Shows Savvy About Insurance, Adverse Selection
- Advances in Catheter-Based Renal Denervation Can Help the Uncontrolled Hypertensive Patient
- Changing the Public's Image of Managed Care
- Health Plans Stream Out of Medicare While Medicare+Choice Starts Slowly
- Trump's pick CMS chief comes medicaid experience
- Weiss Ratings: 10 HMOs Weak, Nearing Failure
- As HMOs Recover, Signs Emerge That 1999 Could Be a Good Year
- Lessons From a Highflyer
- Popular content
- Waiting Room Crowded? Put a Few People In the Examining Room at Once
- Hospitals may see plans their new confidant
- How and How Much Should Physicians Be Paid?
- Limiting Access to SSRIs Does More Harm Than Good
- Mushroom extract may eradicate human papillomavirus women
- Where health expenditures have been, and where they are likely to go
- hemlibra-approved-hemophilia-inhibitors
- Trying To Get Control of Drug Costs, Florida Earns Kudos — and a Lawsuit
- Providers
- Union Carbide Uses Education To Improve Patient Compliance
- A Conversation with Mai Pham, MD: Payment Innovation at Anthem: Downside Risk Will Be Rewarded
- A Conversation With Robert Wachter, MD: Medicine's Bumpy Ride Into the Digital Age
- Best and worst Cities for Doctors
- Anthem's Geoffrey B. Crawford Wants To Fix Wellness Programs
- September 1996
- Health Plans Won’t Sit Out While Docs, Hospitals Dance
- Patients who inherit homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia 2 new treatments
- Has Medicare Gone Too Far To Control Imaging Costs?
- Efforts To Kill Coverage Mandates Run Up Against Powerful Forces
- Handful of PPOs Agree To Take Part In NCQA Review
- First PI3K inhibitor for breast cancer
- July 2007
- Bundled Payment for Bundles of Joy
- House Call Revival, Digital-Style
- Cancer Drug Keytruda Continues To Get Rave Reviews
- CIGNA colorado ends capitation most primary care physicians
- Single tablet dolutegravir rilpivirine regimen submitted FDA
- Community-Based Research: Not Just for Pharmaceuticals
- One dose pembrolizumab melanoma surgery can put patients remission
- Another Common Mosquito May Carry Zika Virus, Scientists Say
- Providers warming up to mobile health devices
- Health plans begin address chronic care management
- Care Coordination: More Keystone Kops Than Coordinated
- Legal Privilege Cannot Shield Routine Business Discussions
- 911 Doesn’t Need To Mean a Trip to the ED
- transparency
- Index of /archiveMC/9711
- The Use of Therapeutic Interchange for Biologic Therapies
- Tomorrows Medicine
- Characteristics and health care resource use of subjects with COPD in the year before initiating LAMA
- Quality improvement studies don't learn from their mistakes
- March 2006
- Risky Business When Public Plays Doctor With Open-Access MRI
- ‘New PARCA' Doesn't Placate Critics; Passage Prospects Going Down Tube
- The Compliance Challenge in Treating Helicobacter Pylori
- MA Offers Post-Acute Discharge Care
- CalPERS Takes Tough Stand In Giving 38 Hospitals the Boot
- Prior Authorization for Safety, Not Just for Economy
- Pitavastatin livalo tops pravastatin HIV study
- The Death of Disease Management (Finally)
- Primary care salaries hold steady
- Joint commission issues report new and revised pain assessment and management standards
- Biopharma companies mix medications and cannabis
- Former valeant and philidor executives charged fraud and kickback scheme
- Capitation payments shrinking
- Briefly Noted
- Preventive Care: Can We Do a Better Job?
- Hospital at Home Saves 19% In Real-World Study
- A Better Office Visit For Doctor and Patient
- Stimulus bill spurs plans rapid it progress
- Obama Rescinds MA Letter
- Enzalutamide improves survival men metastatic prostate cancer
- Medicare Advantage Hits Jackpot with Private Fee-for-Service Plans
- March 2000
- FACCT's president talks about the need for patients to take charge of their health care and the challenges of developing a set of quality measures for children.
- Too Many Books: How To Tell the Best Cooks?
- Managing care in the 21st century
- Antitrust Investigators Target Mylan’s EpiPen
- Consumer-Directed Health Plans Continue to Gain Adherents
- Worker's Comp – Can Managed Care Fix It?
- Index of /archiveMC/9711
- CDHPs aren’t catching on
- PBMs’ Rebate Income Threatened By Lawsuits and Move to Generics
- Liability's Jaws Closing on HMOs
- Price Teva's Generic Drug Wilson's Disease Sparks Outrage
- Academic detailing effectively reduces Rx costs
- New Method Could Fast-Track Existing Drugs as Novel Treatments for Depression
- In Early Diagnosis, Too, We Find That Less Is More
- Lax Coding by Physicians Hurts Medicare Advantage Plans
- AMA, Federal Government Fret More About Online Prescribing and Pharmacy
- Better outcomes less cost will follow engaged patients
- Gastric cancer incidence rate rise
- Terms & Conditions of Use Agreement
- ‘B’ Isn’t Always for Biologics
- Transparency Catches Eye In Coalition's Deal With Medco
- Changing medical evidence brings shift C section stance
- Eribulin mesylate halaven succeeds late stage liposarcoma trial
- What the For-Profit Trend In Health Care Really Means
- What do physicians want health plans?
- Prior Authorization for Safety, Not Just for Economy
- Pa. Internists Fight To Block Blues' Merger
- Study: HMOs Beat FFS In Diagnosing Breast Cancer
- Physician pay remains flat, but bonuses rise
- Doc Buy-In Needed For EHR Push
- CDC reports rising flu hospitalizations 16 more pediatric deaths
- More U.S. kids overdosing on ADHD drugs
- Supreme Court Ruling Will Speed Biosimilars to Market
- A Conversation With Reed Tuckson, MD: Championing Change from the Inside
- Projecting a Leaner Managed Medicare
- We Have the Tools for Safer Prescribing and Dispensing
- Why Blogs?
- Patrick Kennedy Sees More Talk Than Action in Mental Health Coverage and Parity
- Less Carrot, More Stick? How Some HMOs Go Too Far
- Ranks of Uninsured Grow In Southwest's Arid Climate
- Whatever Happened to Exclusive Contracting?
- Clinical and Economic Outcomes of the Cincinnati Pharmacy Coaching Program for Diabetes and Hypertension
- Truce!
- Health plan foundations how well are they spending money
- Physician-Owned HMOs Turn Up the Heat in Florida
- Plans & employers step up controls on specialty pharmacy
- Outpatient Treatment of Deep Venous Thrombosis In Managed Care
- Imbruvica wins FDA approval treat chronic graft versus host disease
- Wellness programs proliferate employers buy big time
- A Conversation with John Abramson, MD: Is It Time To Create a ‘Fed Board' To Oversee Clinical Research?
- Concierge Care by Any Name Raises Ethical Concerns
- Praluent Cuts Cardiac Events, Deaths in High-Risk Patients
- Physicians oppose public disclosure of quality
- More Attention Paid To Physicians, Patients
- EHR gets f for physicians
- April 2001
- Dr. Drugstore Will See You Now
- Nations rated health care
- 16 FDA-approved Biosimilars
- Employers Want More Cooperation From Plans: A Conversation with Larry S. Boress
- Health plans pay less when PBM owns mail-order pharmacy
- Frustrated With Managed Care ‘Lite,' Radicals See Virtue of Competition
- Written Tests Can Help You Hire the Best Employees
- Better Analysis of Risk Means Less Risk for All
- Organ trail matching supply demand
- With Cost Study, Group Argues For OTC Benefit
- No one here gets out alive preparing patients end
- Adam Fein: Drug spend is NOT skyrocketing
- Asking plans keep employees job
- Gordon Chairs Group That Will Examine Quality
- Real world analysis dispensed international units coagulation factor viii and
- January 2000
- NCQA Takes Initial Steps To Examine Quality of PPOs
- Headlines on Deadline …
- Assessing Provider Partnerships For Accountable Care Organizations
- Employer retention big motivator for HMOs' workers' comp activities
- Index of /archiveMC/9711
- Index of /archiveMC/9711
- Study: Consumers benefited most during '90s conversion to managed care
- AAHP's Analysis Of Election Day: We Told You So
- Genetic Variant Burden and Outcomes in Pediatric Cardiomyopathy
- Stress May Affect Physician Retention
- Genentech Asthma Drug Less Than Stellar in Late-Stage Studies
- Report: Physicians storm Web sites to get information on formularies
- Two-Pronged Approach Holds Promise Against Peripheral Arterial Disease
- Untangling the HIE Mess
- Outcomes Derail Study on Educated Consumers
- July 2015
- 2009 costs will continue to outpace inflation
- NIH Endorses Some Uses for Acupuncture; Whether HMOs Will Too Is Less Certain
- A New Approach for MS
- A Conversation with Regina E. Herzlinger
- Free Statins Disrupt Pharmacy Benefit Plans
- Mips we just don't know yet
- Study bodes well biosimilars
- Off-label provisions spread
- More Children Get Coverage
- Physician income trends vary by specialty
- August 2004
- Management of Moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis With Biologic Therapy
- Infliximab Biosimilar Is Noninferior to Remicade in Phase 3 Crohn’s Disease Study
- ‘New’ health care organizations will truly manage care
- New Stark II Rules on Referrals Will Further Restrict Medical Practices
- United HealthCare And Humana Plan $5.5 Billion Merger
- Free Database Encourages Wide Sharing of Information on Programs' Outcomes
- As Restrictions on Abortion Increase, Interest in Access Via Telemedicine Increases
- Every Insurer Is Capable of Delivering High Quality
- Florida's MCO Medicaid path may be taken by other states
- Senate Republicans unveil Obamacare replacement bill
- Don't Bet That Problems With Part D Are Over
- AHRQ's national guideline clearinghouse has gone dark
- Immunotherapies Can't Keep Market Forces at Arm's Length
- King’s Attorney Tells Managed Care How It Would Have Been If He’d Won
- ‘Dr. Jeeves' Gives Rich Medical Star Treatment
- Plan Lets Ombudsman Go To Bat for Members
- Say Goodbye to Ulcers, Say Hello to Savings
- N.Y. Life's Sale To Aetna Triggers Physician Worries
- Coverage expansion means more regulations
- Evaluating Quality of ‘Medical Tourism’ For Heart Surgery: Measures That Matter
- Index of /archiveMC/9808
- NIH Reviews Status of TB Diagnosis and Treatment
- Index of /archiveMC/9711
- AHIP’s Karen Ignagni: Health Insurers Will Continue to Innovate
- Genes tell story young doctors age too quickly
- Boom Times for Brain Injuries
- Can Doing the Right Business Thing Protect Physicians From Liability?
- Index of /archiveMC/9711
- Plans Feel Pressure to Vaccinate More Adults
- Everyone Uses E-mail Now (Except Doctors and Patients)
- Accountability in Managed Care: What Should We Expect From Patients?
- Competing HMOs Discover When It's Better To Cooperate
- Plans and Physicians in Hawaii Experiment With Online ‘Visits’
- Spend Money on Healthy People!
- There Are Good Reasons to Follow U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendations
- Genetic Testing: Handle With Caution
- October 2004
- Take as Needed…
- Swim at your own risk
- Smoking Cessation Coverage May Be Worth Plans’ Effort
- PBMs report increase in drug margins
- Survey finds more prior authorization, cost shifting by large employers in 2016
- Viagra Takes Market by Storm; Who Pays is Another Matter
- What women's health wants your market
- ACOs called key to doc payment reform
- HIV/AIDS treatment drastically reduces mortality and helps to limit transmission
- Bad tiered formulary designs yield poor outcomes, high cost
- Transparency Catches Eye In Coalition's Deal With Medco
- Skeptics Say Trump’s Efforts To Lower Drug Prices Don’t Go Far Enough
- In Managed Care as in Life, Small Advances Add Up
- New Diabetes Medications Drive Up Costs And Stymie Formulary Design
- 5 Product Engineering Methods To Use in Health Care Management
- ‘New PARCA' Doesn't Placate Critics; Passage Prospects Going Down Tube
- Prescription Omega-3 Fatty Acid Products and Dietary Supplements Are Not Interchangeable
- Specialty Societies Tell Members, ‘Think Twice About Those Tests’
- RA Gets First Oral Agent To Compete with Biologics
- Don’t Get Caught By PBMs’ MAC Mousetraps
- Q&A with Scott Gottlieb, MD
- An Interview with David Nash, M.D., M.B.A.
- Most People Happy With Their Coverage
- Primary Care
- Docs unconvinced about P4P effectiveness
- Study questions efficacy formularies cutting costs
- Barrett's Esophagus Seen In New Photodynamic Light
- Measuring Outpatient Outcomes of Emesis and Nausea Management in Pregnant Women
- Implementing the New HEDIS Hypertension Performance Measure
- A Conversation with William R. Gold, MD: ‘Random Gifts of Information' Should Never be Ignored
- Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine for Young Children
- More Families Rely On State Insurance
- December 2007
- ACOs Sit Like Gibraltar In Rough Seas of Change
- The Cost Benefit to Health Plans of Pharmacotherapy for Alzheimer's Disease
- 2014
- 2016 Editorial Calendar
- The C-Suite is Still Mostly a He-Suite
- Will Health Plans Keep Their Erisa Shield?
- Taxpayers Reject Idea of Losing Deduction for Health Insurance
- Manufacturers Square Off Over Naming of Biosimilars
- December 2014
- IPA models predominate among newer HMOs
- Modest Investment in ‘Coaching' Seems To Lead To Lowered Costs
- Why Is It So Tough to Deliver On E-Prescribing’s Promise?
- Illinois's Medicare Drug Program Called 1st Stab at National Reform
- Primary care in the consumer-centric era
- Insurers and Oncologists Forge a Better Cancer Drug Policy
- Snail Venom key better diabetes treatments
- More Retirees Face Life Without Health Benefits
- Extenders' pay gains exceed physicians'
- Health Reform Law Makes Us Relevant
- Coupon Programs Curb Antihistamine Utilization
- Primary Care Salaries ‘Go South'
- Getting Members more Engaged
- CMS hybrid payment system shows promise
- Physician Payment Reform Will Need Insurer Assistance
- Privacy Legislation Is on Track; Could It Derail DM Programs?
- First, Do No Harm– To the English Tongue
- Too much of a good thing: Overdiagnosis to get its due
- Opioid Deaths Among Women Not Getting the Attention They Warrant
- NQF Unveils New Surgery Measures
- Index of /archiveMC/9711
- Abbreviated Approval Process In the Works for ‘Biosimilar' Drugs
- It's To Plans' Benefit To Spell Out Authority
- Confronting The Medicare Cost Shift
- Less Invasive, More Informative Monitoring Breakthroughs on Way
- Missed rebate opportunities dog medical benefit
- Venclexta obstructs diabetes mice targeting beta cell senescence
- 13% of workers pay separate drug deductibles
- Mental Health Parity: A Year Later, Are We There?
- Health Reform Trying To Get Its Act Together
- Medicare advantage step therapy proposal seen step backward patients
- Targeting a Cystic Fibrosis Mutation Opens Door for Personalized Treatment
- Continuity of Care When Coverage Changes Draws Attention of Regulators, Legislatures
- Q&A with Scott Gottlieb, MD
- Disease Management
- What's New Is Old For Home-Health Agencies in U.S.
- Some HMOs See Dividends In Charging Deductibles
- Clinical and Economic Outcomes of the Cincinnati Pharmacy Coaching Program for Diabetes and Hypertension
- How We Got It Anyway: The Clinton Health Plan Never Died
- Closed formulary keeps student-run clinic afloat
- Todays medical directors line be tomorrows health tech chiefs
- ICUs Cut Costs by Hiring Intensivists
- AAHP's Analysis Of Election Day: We Told You So
- Screen patients quickly workers comp fraud
- The Comeback Kid: Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
- User
- July 2014
- Headlines on Deadline…
- Can Health Plans Change Unhealthy Behavior?
- 12 DM Trends You Should Know About
- Molecular Diagnostic Testing Presents $5 Billion Conundrum
- Privacy Up, Liability Down In State Houses This Year
- Unmet Needs in the Management of Plaque Psoriasis
- 12 Million Misdiagnoses a Year Due to Gaps in Outpatient Care
- The Inevitability of E-commerce
- For physician executives, that M.B.A. really pays off
- 11 Slices of Expert Advice For Today’s Medical Directors
- Left behind by the boom?
- Plugging chronic pain money drain
- Pay-or-Play Ideas Make Employers Help Uninsured
- Clinton Wants HMO-Medicaid Match To Stick
- Diabetes Could Be Managed Care’s Big Chance
- Quality-Measurement Organizations Look Beyond HMO and POS Plans
- Coverage for Uninsured Children Emerges as Major Legislative Goal
- Lobbyists That the Founders Just Never Dreamed of
- Vol. 9, No. 2 February 2000
- AHCPR employers should use power boost quality
- April 1998
- Telemedicine program aims keep nursing home residents put
- Bipartisan Bill Gains Momentum, Worries Industry
- An Editor's Problem: How To Stay Humble
- Bundled payments may have unintended consequences
- Aetna's profits soar second quarter
- Bipartisan agreement reached surprise billing legislation
- An Initiative Aimed at Influencing Cell Physiology and Psychology
- Survey: Enrollees View Docs, HMOs As One and Same
- Two Major studies focus Mental Health
- NCCN Updates Genetic Screening Guidelines
- Norwood and Gingrich Butt On Reform Pace
- So How Much Would Medicare for All Really Cost? Good Question.
- Medication Therapy Management Faces Tighter Requirements in 2010
- Any International Health Plan Has To Be Cheap
- Three components missing many population management strategies
- “Artificial Pancreas” Makes U.S. Debut
- Medicare+Choice Reform: Hope, but No Quick Action Expected
- Got problem you can't solve hire health care consultant
- Avastin
- Extricating Yourself From the Hospital System
- Feeling financial squeeze hospitals slash jobs across country
- Budget impact
- Florida’s MCO Medicaid Path May Be Taken by Other States
- Discussion Groups
- Next Generation Anticoagulants May Push Warfarin to the Wayside
- An Interview With Paul Ellwood Jr., M.D.
- Calif. Blues Plan Says No Tiers For Hospitals
- ACOs Will Depend on HIEs, With an Assist From Plans
- Physician Executives Don't Have To Go It Alone
- Same-Day Appointments Promise Increased Productivity
- Fall Prevention Hits Stumbling Blocks
- Mental Health Parity Leaves a Lot Out
- Though more ex inmates are covered gaps still remain
- End Is Coming For Managed Care (Or Is It?)
- With Weight Management, One Thing Leads to Another
- Nation's largest nursing home pharmacy pay more 28-million settle kickback allegations
- Report: Pediatric Asthma Costs Vary Widely Across Hospitals
- Making the Medicare/Managed Care Marriage Work
- Prime Sees Dip in Opioids, Triptans as CGRP Inhibitor Scripts Take Off
- HMOs, Physicians Discover They Really Need Each Other
- E-Health Gives Kaiser Role In Bioterror Fight
- Some Builders’ Remorse: The Rise and Fall of the Oncology Medical Home
- Orphan Drugs: Way Too Many, Way Too Expensive
- Better Patient Communications Mean Lower Liability Exposure
- Suit Aftermath: What Are HMOs' Softest Spots?
- CVS and 100000 qaly
- AI designs drug 21 days
- Letters to the Editor
- With a Favorable Side Effect Profile, Tecfidera Gains the FDA’s Approval
- Irresistible Force Called DM Facing Some Immovable Objects
- April 1999
- Why bundled payments are poised to take off
- First Encounters of the QALY Kind
- Health care plans & providers to invest heavily in IT services
- Radiologists, anesthesiologists in demand
- Newsletter
- Prepaid Care, Third-World Style: The Uganda Health Cooperative
- Headlines On Deadline…
- 400 Million Dollar
- Countdown Begins for Compliance With HIPAA Electronic Standards
- Sizing Up the Mega-Mergers Through Prisms and Microscopes
- FDA panel backs nocturia treatment
- Great hopes, great obstacles in preparing and ending the Hivaiden we know
- 7 Managed Care Reform Measures Vetoed by California's Gov. Wilson
- Human-Derived Clotting Agent Avoids Immunogenicity
- Copayment, coinsurance rates change little
- price-transparency-could-backfire
- Medicare enrollees oppose cuts to MA to fix physician pay
- Health Care Reform in the U.K.: Managed Care by Another Name?
- They're Coaching Your Patients On What To Demand From You
- Antibiotics Versus Surgery for Appendicitis
- Study: “One-Stop Shopping” Cuts Hospital Costs by Double Digits in Older Patients
- Fallout from HMOs' Medicare pullout
- A Conversation with James C. Robinson, PhD, MPH: Waiting for Economic Pressure to Force Our Hand
- Physician payment may hinge quality not quantity 2010
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Poses Management Challenge
- Pioneer Not-for-Profit Plans Struggle To Remain Leaders
- FDA Says “No” to Hyperkalemia Drug
- Capitation Is for Specialists, Not for Primary Care Physicians
- Cascade costs could push gene therapy over 1 million patient
- Index of /archiveMC/9712
- NIH Endorses Some Uses for Acupuncture; Whether HMOs Will Too Is Less Certain
- Antiviral drugs have made hepatitis C-eminently treatable
- Global market for biosimilars expected to explode
- Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis Patients Can Look to Second Oral Agent
- Many Not Eligible For Benefits Get Them Anyway
- Defined Contribution: Threat… or Fad?
- Small drop in measles vaccinations would have outsized effect
- Male sexual dysfunction drug gets ax after disappointing trial results
- Follow the Shrinking Managed Care Savings
- Opinions on DM Outcomes Can Be Swayed
- FDA Panel Recommends Approval of C. difficile Drug Bezlotoxumab
- How blockchain has strange bedfellows singing kumbaya
- Treating Diseases and Managing Costs
- Colon Surgery Study Sees Decrease in Pain Medication Use
- Explosive Numbers
- Health Plans Are Ill-Prepared for Looming Diabetes Epidemic
- Diabetes costs rise, but so does adherence
- Cancer moonshot 2020 may offer more hype hope
- Hospitalists No Longer Novel
- Primary care physicians worked harder and were rewarded, if not commensurately
- Unfairly Targeting 340B Hospitals
- Biologics trend leads pharmaceuticals
- How Much Trouble Does Health Care Marketing Cause?
- Though Still a Priority, Reform May Take Back Seat as Privacy Issues Heat Up
- The memo that launched 1,000 (well, not quite that many) think tanks
- Competing HMOs Discover When It's Better To Cooperate
- Monoclonal antibody now available prevent red blood cell breakdown
- October 2015
- NCQA Adds Performance To Accreditation Reviews
- Atrial fibrillation largely ignored by plans, states
- July 1999
- Gain the ‘Quality' Edge in Competing for Contracts
- Increased Abandonment of Prescriptions Means Less Control of Chronic Conditions
- Case Study of a Failed Merger of Hospital Systems
- A Strategy for Identifying and Disseminating Best Practice Innovations in the Care of Patients with Multiple Chronic Conditions or End-of-Life Care Needs
- Another Cancer Vaccine, Another Retreat
- Public Policy Largely Ignores Adult Immunization Needs
- Esteban l pez blue cross and blue shield texas
- Are we undermanaging hospital care?
- Doctors Bypassed As More Medicine Purchased Online
- Kidney Disease Drug Wins Breakthrough Therapy Designation
- Access to Notes Boosts Adherence
- What do you do about ER costs?
- Episode-of-Care Payment Creates Clinical Advantages
- A Conversation with Donald M. Berwick, M.D., M.P.P.
- FDA Approves Obalon Balloon System
- A Conversation with David B. Nash, MD, MBA: Steadily, We Move Toward the Primacy of Outcomes
- FDA thwarts drug companies abuse citizen petitions
- Index of /archives/0003
- Legislation Would Allow Association Health Plans
- Doctors in the House
- Medstat Promises Satisfaction Reports That Are Free of Suspicion of Bias
- Morning Complete ➤ Test, intake, side effects, rating【2024】
- April 2014
- Waiting for the Unicorn: Another Study Questions Whether ACOs Will Appear
- Caregivers Fill Crucial Role But Don’t Get Much Help
- Tougher Penalties Arrive For Upcoding, ‘Unnecessary' Care
- December 2016
- Medically, Race Means Nothing
- Base salaries paid by HMOs to family physicians and internists
- Tiering Hospitals Pays Off For Calif. Blues Plan
- New Stark II Rules on Referrals Will Further Restrict Medical Practices
- More than half of the nation's HMOs use pay-for-performance programs
- An Interview with Dennis O'Leary, M.D.
- AHRQ’s Free Research Can Help Plans Anticipate Coverage Issues
- Pregnancy+Birth=$$$v
- Financial Picture Looking Better For Part D
- 3 off the scrap heap
- Revolution in Massachusetts May Spread to Other States
- Specialist compensation outpaces primary care
- Gilead, Abbvie Ready Hep C Combinations for FDA
- Meet George C. Halvorson
- Fall Prevention Hits Stumbling Blocks
- Cdc death rate blacks continues decline
- Adherence to biologics demands greater attention
- Part D Model Guidelines Updated Far Too Infrequently
- Six therapeutic categories account for most drug costs
- Cover Dietary Supplements? Some Plans Say Yes
- Herzlinger’s ACO, PCMH Comments Create a Storm
- Take a Bow, Pharma, for the Hepatitis C Drugs
- Pushback on Zaltrap’s Price Highlights Sensitive End-of-Life Issue
- Conversation michael kanter md casting wider net
- March 2007
- Flu season: Most HMO formularies cover Tamiflu, Relenza
- Rules Laid Down for ‘Navigators’
- Medicaid Overhaul Includes an MLR Rule
- Hospitals must cut administrative tasks red tape aha says
- Retail Gets Some Respect
- Universal Care Making Rounds In State Houses and on Ballots
- Medicare Payment Formula Triggers Specialists' Suit
- Milestones & Musings: As Managed Care Turns 10, Where We Goofed, Where We Called It
- Managed Care (and Everyone Else) Unprepared for the Next Killer Flu
- The Private Sector Can, Should, and Will Help Solve the Problem of the Uninsured
- Transforming Dyslipidemia Management: Assessing Clinical Outcomes and Cost Transforming Dyslipidemia Management: Assessing Clinical Outcomes and Cost
- Employers, DM Vendors Edging Just a Bit Closer
- Drug Cost-Sharing Amounts Stable 2010 to 2011
- Index of /archiveMC/9711
- In the World of Tomorrow’s Medicine, A Single Physician Makes a Difference
- California Doctors Fear That NCQA Would Be Too Lenient With Plans
- Vol. 6, No. 2 February 1997
- Report social and economic factors disrupting health care are here stay
- Is the Comeback Real — or Is It All Just an Illusion?
- To Be Continued:The Search for a Cure for HIV
- New Era of Health Care Spending Could Roll Into the Good Times
- First Time in U.S.: Mount Sinai Treats Liver Cancer With Radiopaque Beads
- 52,000 More PCPs Needed by 2025
- Pharma APMs: Can the Industry Learn To Play Well With Others?
- Reform expected to add 1.1% to plan costs
- New Prescribing Patterns Behind Rx Cost Hikes?
- Specialists' salaries on rise
- Few ‘likes' for managed care companies
- Chart: Medicare vs. private insurance: Which is more tight-fisted?
- Headlines On Deadline …
- Laronidase Opens Door To Treat Other Rare Disorders
- Finding Opportunity Where Business Models Meet
- Getting Serious About Generics
- Impact of 17P Usage on NICU Admissions In a Managed Medicaid Population — A Five-Year Review
- With Direct Contracting Boeing Cuts Out the Middleman
- What the Medicaid Expansion Under the ACA Means for All MCOs
- Service-line Delivery Transformation: Some Pain but Big Gains
- Achieving quality measures yields high bonuses for U.K. physicians
- Managing Rapid Change In the Health Care Environment
- Clinical and Economic Effects of Coronary Restenosis After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in a Managed Care Population
- Facing the Opioid Crisis: Scientists Search for Less-Addictive Alternatives
- Pilot telehealth program reduces costs hospitalizations and readmissions complex chronically
- A Conversation with Regina E. Herzlinger: ‘Focused Factories' Will Provide Care
- Employers gear up for more employee health management
- Use of Generics On the Rise
- Cost of transition-related care for transgender soldiers deemed ‘negligible'
- New method offers promise dna based vaccines pill form
- January 2003
- Death of a Clinic
- Nurses and Kaiser Reach Agreement; HMO Boosts Rates
- AMA Lobbies To Give Docs Union Rights
- Getting Serious About Generics
- Not the Best of Times For Managed Care Plans
- Does Charity Care Suffer When Docs Earn Less Money?
- Sanders wants pay americans past due medical bills
- Gender gap continues: Women health care execs earn 19 percent less than their male counterparts
- Progress Stalls in U.S. Stroke Death Rates After Decades of Decline
- Medicare holds down physician pay
- Biosimilars in Oncology: Reality Could Bite the Copycats, Dog Potential Major Savings
- Disruptive Innovations That Will Change Your Life in Health Care
- Has capitation weathered storm
- Plans Should Harness PBMs To Help Educate Customers
- Medicare raises payments car T therapies
- DNA-Based Stool-Sample Test Might Improve Colorectal Cancer Screening
- Productivity continues to outpace compensation
- Health Care Report Cards Who's Paying Attention?
- Direct-to-Consumer Ads Garner Mixed Outcomes
- Bed days higher in smaller markets? Not with commercial plans
- September 2016
- Off-Label Use Often Presents Conundrum for Health Plans
- ‘I want what I want, or I'm outta here'
- Following the money
- PBMs’ Rebate Income Threatened By Lawsuits and Move to Generics
- It’s Time to Ask More of Utilization Management
- Wellness Program Gets On-the-Job Training
- IRS Issues New HSA Limits
- A conversation with Margaret T. Stanley
- Three Drugstore Giants Expand Their Health System Partnerships
- A Conversation with Thomas S. Bodenheimer, M.D., M.P.H.: Emphasizing the ‘Care' In Managed Care
- Headlines on Deadline …
- ICUs Cut Costs by Hiring Intensivists
- FDA authorizes new type test find drug resistant hiv
- FDA Approves Hypertension Drug Byvalson (Nebivolol/Valsartan)
- Signs life ACA market
- Stop Fooling Around Re: Population Health
- November 2014
- Survey finds EHR usage remains subpar
- FDA Handling of Avastin Discourages Innovation
- Insurers and Oncologists Forge a Better Cancer Drug Policy
- Readmission
- What Health Plans Should Know About the Medicaid Challenge
- One Network Makes Comeback While Another Is Just Beginning
- A Conversation With Michael Kanter, MD: Casting a Wider Net
- History
- At a Crossroads? Which Reimbursement Pathway is Best Suited to Your Practice?
- Diagnosis of sleep apnea moves from lab to home
- Legislation and regulation
- Index of /archiveMC/9701
- Anthem cigna prove breaking really hard do
- HMOs: Watch Out For Internet-Based Benefit Managers
- Clinical, Financial Woes Seen For Those Who Switch Plans
- Verma tops-modern healthcares 100 most influential list
- ‘Quick Fix' Not The Answer: Drug-Development Process Already Subject to Oversight
- Excessive Use of Screening Tests Costs System Millions Each Year
- Developmental disabilities children and teens rise
- PCPs, Health Plan Executives Differ About Value’s Chances
- Informal Physician Ties Forge Stealth ‘Networks’
- Knee Replacement Procedure Means Less Stress, Bone Loss
- Index of /archiveMC/9711
- Employers offer incentives to better health
- Care Coordination Strikes Right Chord
- What If?
- Retail Medical Clinics Draw Patients & Payers
- PPO Deductible Jumps 100%
- Adherence to biologics demands greater attention
- Easier use formulation bydureon wins FDA's blessing
- And the Winner Is …
- ‘Doctors take oaths, lawyers take money'
- Survey: Most Patients Clueless About Risks of X-Rays for Cancer Diagnosis
- Headlines on Deadline…
- Compliance and Persistence With Medication Therapy
- Federal and State Governments Pressed to Give Tax Breaks For Wellness Initiatives
- A Conversation with Margaret T. Stanley
- Genetic Testing: Major Opportunity, Major Problems
- Gazyva designated breakthrough therapy lupus
- In Early Diagnosis, Too, We Find That Less Is More
- Health Care Reform in England – Commercial Opportunity Or Another False Dawn?
- Bound or Gagged? Privacy, Confidentiality and CPR
- A Conversation With F. Randy Vogenberg, PhD, RPh: Changing Market for Pharmacy Benefits
- Higher Copayments and Deductibles Delay Medical Care, A Common Problem for Americans
- Could aspirin alter breast cancer outcomes
- Medical errors
- Human cost not offering medicare all
- Convenient Care Clinics Inconvenience the AMA
- Like Stock Brokers, Are Health Care's Middlemen Losing Influence?
- Medicaid, Prescription Drug Assistance Common Threads in Tobacco Settlement
- November 2009
- How nice to be the chief medical officer — of a large commercial HMO in or near Minnesota
- EHRs Turning Out To Be Not as Wonderful as Expected
- Persister bacteria may pass along resistance genes
- Paul Terry PhD
- Specialty, traditional drug cost divide to widen
- Study: Treatment of UT Infection Just Phone Call Away
- Discrimination and Health Status
- Viagra Takes Market by Storm; Who Pays is Another Matter
- Payers: Expect to feel a double-team pinch
- What Does the Future Hold For Disease Management?
- Fannie Mae's Osteoporosis Program Blazes Trail in Women's Health
- Physician-owned practices benefit from diverse mix of specialists
- Quality-Measurement Organizations Look Beyond HMO and POS Plans
- Key PBM Functional Areas Require Radical Transformation
- June 2012
- What Happened to EBM?
- NCQA puts external appeals on accreditation to-do list
- Medicare's Drug Coverage Seeks To Strike Compromise
- Microsoft Launches Health Record System
- Debating RICO Suits vs. Health Plans
- Logic Flies When EMRs Debated
- HMO's survey confirms regional practice differences
- Blogs
- FDA approves zulresso postpartum depression
- November 2004
- Another State Court Expands HMO Liability for Providers' Actions
- Medicare to cut physician pay — maybe
- 2001
- Advances in Catheter-Based Renal Denervation Can Help the Uncontrolled Hypertensive Patient
- Premiums Rise, Medical Costs Lag, Says New Survey
- Consumers Don't Know What They Don't Know
- The Medicare Advantage Advantage–For Insurers, It’s a Sweet Deal, Indeed!
- Index of /archiveMC/9709
- Who will fund tomorrows breakthroughs medical research
- Milliman, VBID Health Unleash Tool To Sniff Out Waste
- Plans not mining data that could prevent falls
- Administrative Costs: Trying To Find the Balance
- Aptamers: Slowing Progression of AMD
- HCFA Proposes Medicare Plan Report Cards
- CDC updates guidelines sexual transmission zika virus
- Skeptics Abound as Demand Grows For Obesity Treatments
- April 2015
- Plans Scramble to Defend Their Medical Loss Ratios
- PCSK9 Inhibitors May Show Benefits of Ultra-Low LDL Levels
- Headlines on Deadline…
- Combo tumor inhibitor immune system modulator makes nsclc resistant
- Index of /archives/0001
- 9610 ncqa
- Take our Innovations Survey
- Transgenic Goats Are Key To Antithrombin Production
- Wendell Potter: Insurers Will Be Radically Different
- Hospital Cuts Sepsis Deaths With Surveillance, Extra Training
- Index of /archiveMC/9702
- Retrospective Cohort Study of Medication Adherence and Risk for 30-day Hospital Readmission in a Medicare Cost Plan
- Maybe It’s Old News. But Has Anything Been Done About the High-Need, High-Cost 5%?
- Plans & employers step up controls on specialty pharmacy
- Memo Clarifies CMS Guidelines on Injectables
- About Us
- HRT Has an Uncertainty Problem. Does Compounding Make It Worse?
- Your whole life's work judged in a mouse click
- Plans' pharmacy costs to rise as much this year as in 1999
- Plans Don’t Applaud Healthy Americans Act
- Would Steve Jobs Have Agreed With an ACO Movement?
- Can Transparency Save Health Care?
- Prescription Drug Talk Cooled Off Faster Than a Texas Thunderstorm
- Surgeons Now Have Glue to Keep Skin Grafts in Place
- July 2000
- Scientists Discover Nonopioid Pain Pathway in the Brain
- The Final ACA Wellness Provisions and the Reticence of the EEOC
- Employers Will Expect More From Specialty Pharmacy
- P&T Digest: Pain Management
- Bring the Cancer Moonshot in for a Landing
- Physician compensation trend differs depending on whom you ask
- Focus on the patent cliff to maximize generic savings
- Sharp Premium Hikes on Way As HMOs Dig Out From Deep Hole
- Potential for Profit, Potential for Real Change
- Accountable Care — But the Patient Isn’t Accountable
- Same-Day Appointments Promise Increased Productivity
- ‘Model HMO' Contract Lets St. Louis Employers Compare
- Taming the Gene Genie
- MedPAC Proposals Echo Private Payers’ Own Concerns
- 8 years after ACA passage fewer uninsured more underinsured
- FDA panel recommends approval etanercept enbrel biosimilar
- Real World Evidence An Important—and Controversial—Piece of the Cures Act
- Transdermal patch tailors antinausea treatment
- Striving for Optimum Transitions of Care
- Inpatient beds? We don’t need no stinkin’ inpatient beds.
- Telescope Placed in Eye Improves Central Vision
- Orphan designation non infectious uveitis drug candidate
- Keep Health Plan Foundations on Their Original Mission
- How NQF Measures Could Affect Plans
- Plans Ready To Go All Out For Part D
- Big Companies Push For Better Online Tools
- Violence Against Nurses: Casualties of Caring
- What Can Be Done to Counteract Growing Power of Providers?
- Headlines On Deadline …
- PBMs: Higher profile puts them in the crosshairs
- Employer Coalition Leaps at Challenge of Grappling With Misaligned Incentives
- 3 conditions linked heart problems
- June 2015
- Psychologist Prescribing: Not Such a Crazy Idea
- Keys to Diabetes Control? Patience, Persistence, and Perseverance
- Programs for High-Need Patients: What Makes the Good Ones Good?
- In Five Key Clinical Areas – What Falls Through The Cracks When Quality Is Measured?
- Incremental Hospital Costs Associated With Comorbidities of Prematurity
- Stroke Rehabilitation Requires Knowing What Level a Patient Needs
- Anal cancer rates are soaring
- Aetna, AMA Row Over Florida Contracts; HMO Faces Legal Trouble in Rhode Island
- Health Plans Embrace Retail Clinics
- United HealthCare And Humana Plan $5.5 Billion Merger
- Adherence to Biologics Demands Greater Attention
- New Immunotherapies for Cancer Yield Exciting Results but High Cost
- Highmark
- Medical management
- Plans and Oncologists Don’t See Eye to Eye on Prior Authorization
- Traceability key if biosimilars are compete cut costs
- Lung Cancer Drug Seribantumab Wins Fast Track Designation
- Pediatric groups' revenue increase falls behind boost in practice costs
- ‘New' Aetna and Kaiser Face Future
- Gilead wins reversal 254 billion hepatitis c drug patent verdict
- Prior authorization do insurers pay bonuses denying new drug requests
- They Wrote the Book On Fixing the System
- Companies maintain market ‘advantage’
- American Academy of Pain Management Changes Name
- PBMS will amazon cometh
- Index of /archives/0001
- Outpatient treatment deep venous thrombosis managed care
- Geisinger all and thumbs electronic payment providers
- HEDIS Performance: Routine reporting drives improvement